Afghanistan: Taliban ‘spring offensive’ dampens optimism

The full assault — a combined attack on Kabul and three other major cities
without parallel in the 11 years since the Nato invasion —began at about
1.30pm local time, when the sound of automatic gunfire and explosions rang
out across the capital.

The initial target came as no surprise: the central and diplomatic triangle
district of Wazir Akbar Khan, home to major embassies, including those of
Britain and the US, the local United Nations headquarters, and a Nato base.

Insurgents stormed a half-finished tower block and made it their base for an
aggressive operation that used rocket-propelled grenades and bombs to attack
the symbols of Afghanistan’s backing in the West.

Within minutes, smoke was rising from the German embassy, while the streets
were raked with gunfire, causing passers-by to dive for cover.

A house used as a residence for British embassy officials was the next target,
hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, though the Foreign Office later said all
British diplomats “had been accounted for”.

Then the US embassy and the Japanese embassy compound — which was hit by three
rockets — came under fire. Smoke billowed from the windows of the nearby
newly opened Kabul Star hotel as it was targeted.

Camp Eggers, headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF), the Nato-led coalition army backing the Afghan government, came
under rocket attack.

As the terror unfolded in Kabul’s most exclusive district, about a mile to the
south west, the Afghan president Hamid Karzai had been holding a routine
meeting to discuss the government budget with a group of MPs inside his
presidential palace. Upon hearing the gunfire, his bodyguards put the palace
into lockdown, moving him into what was described as a “secure area”.

Among the meetings he had to cancel was one with a delegation from the
Hezb-i-Islami, the militant insurgents led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of
Afghanistan’s most feared warlords, which is discussing peace terms with the

Twenty years ago, in a previous round of Afghanistan’s long civil war, Mr
Hekmatyar’s artillery pounded Kabul.

Meanwhile, security forces near the home of one of Mr Karzai’s two deputies,
Mohammad Karim Khalili, managed to stop three would-be attackers who were
heading there armed with suicide vests, guns and other explosives, a
spokesman for the main intelligence agency, the National Directorate of
Security (NDS), said. On the western side of town, rockets were fired at the
Russian embassy and the parliament, prior to a full-blown assault.

In a development that gave some comfort to Mr Karzai’s Western allies,
parliament’s guards, helped by some MPs who took to the rooftops with their
own weaponry, managed to beat the attackers off, forcing them to take refuge
in a building, where they came under sustained assault. “I shot up to 400 or
500 bullets from my Kalashnikov at the attackers,” Mohammad Nahim Lalai
Hamidzai, an MP for Kandahar, told reporters. “They fired two
rocket-propelled grenades at the parliament.”

Then on the Jalalabad Road, to the south east, another ISAF base, Camp
Warehouse, came under mortar attack.

By this time, the Taliban was already crowing about its responsibility for the
onslaught. Zabiullah Mujahid sent a text message to reporters saying “a lot
of suicide bombers” were involved.

While Kabul has come under sustained and multi-pronged attack before, most
recently last September, on Sunday the Taliban were able to launch raids on
major targets elsewhere in the country.

In Pul-e-Alam, in Logar province, south of Kabul, suicide attacks and gun
battles hit the provincial governor’s office, the police headquarters, and a
US military base.

In Jalalabad, a major city in the east, three suicide bombers were shot dead
at the gates of the military airport, and two more at the nearby Nato base.
Others managed to cause an explosion inside the base. In Gardez, south of
Kabul, bombers hit a police training facility, while last night a number of
suspected suicide bombers were being surrounded in a building near the

In the northern city of Kundoz, 15 suspected militants were arrested over an
alleged plot to launch attacks.

By last night, fighting was continuing in parts of Kabul, with militants still
occupying the half-built tower block that had served as a base.

“They’re still resisting in two areas, one near parliament and the other close
to the Kabul Star hotel,” Kabul police chief Gen Ayoub Salangi told Reuters.

The attacks come just a month before a Nato summit at which the US and its
allies are supposed to put finishing touches on plans for transition to
Afghan security control.

Western leaders will now have to consider whether the withdrawal of all
international forces can realistically go ahead in 2014, as planned,
without leaving the country at the mercy of Sunday’s attackers.

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