The evidence there was no Pandemic but a SCAMDEMIC
perpetrated by Globalist International Usury Mass Murdering Bankers
is beyond questioning.
The evidence Jews are members of the Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult religion, and not a race or sub race of the human race, and are in no way descended from Biblical Israelites or Judeans is beyond questioning.
Thus it is beyond questioning that no “god” gave any red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew ANY land in the Middle East.
Thus it is beyond questioning the illegal Rothschild’s invasion of Palestine perpetrated by the UK
was and remains a War Crime on the part of the UK, The RothsRats and every red Russian Khazarian involved from then to all red Russian Khazarians Illegally In a 75 year long war crime occupying Palestine while trying to Holocaust the Indeginious Semitic Palestinian people out of existence.
When Nuremberg Styled Common Law Tribunals are Convened, all persons involved with the Killer Jabbing and associated communistic acts, all who cheerled the Killer Jabs
and the Scamdemic
used to Holocaust millions of humanity
all dumb as s#it sheep who bleated angrily to try to force those way smarter than them
to be forced to take the Killer Jabs, endure the communistic non medical lockdowns, and ware those useless as teats on a boar hog dust mask,
must be given fair trials and fair hangings.
All red Russian Khazarians involved with the theft of Palestine and the Holocaust of the Palestinian people, must be given fair trails and fair hangings.
All red Russian all over the world who gave financial or vocal support for the war crimes of stealing Palestine and Holocausting the Palestinian people must be given fair trials and fair hangings.
All dumb as f##k sheep all over the world who gave vocal support, who cheerled the mass Holocaust of the Palestinian people, the RothsRats false flag wars against God, Nature and humanity, must be given fair trials and fair hangings.
All religious charlatans who screamed from the pulpit for the holocaust of the semitic indigenous Palestinians and the theft of their lands
Must be given fair trials and fair hangings.
The Books of Balance Demands Justice against all who supported the evil of both RothsRat led Crimes against God, Nature and Humanity.!
Of course for the masterminds of these evils, and their lieutenants, hanging is way too humane and fast.
There are other methods more suited to them.
The Ole Dog!
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