Data protection software vendor Acronis has acquired GroupLogic, a firm which that helps integrate Apple products into the enterprise environment.
This is the first ever acquisition by Acronis. The company refused to disclose the value of the purchase.
GroupLogic is an enterprise software vendor and makes products to facilitate secure file access and sharing of corporate files on a number of different devices. Its specialty is integrating Apple and Machintosh technology into Windows-based IT infrastructures.
An Acronis spokesperson told ZDNet that it will be business as usual for GroupLogic, which will operate as a subsidiary of the data-security vendor.
Acronis’ decision to buy GroupLogic was based on the rise of mobility in the enterprise, particularly with the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend on the rise.
Enterprise mobility software vendor Good Technology acquired Copiun earlier this month to strengthen its BYOD play.
“Confidential corporate content is regularly leaving the [enterprise] network on iPads, smartphones or via a public Cloud,” Acronis CEO Alex Pinchev said in a statement. “With the acquisition of GroupLogic we are positioned to help organisations of all sizes realise the benefits of enterprise mobility and secure collaboration, while keeping corporate content and systems accessible at all times.”
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