In today’s show originally broadcast on April 11 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The New World Order’s War On Women.”
We discussed: how Dr. Day was born just 17 years after women got the right to vote in America; how Dr. Day was the first female orthopedic trauma surgeon in the world; the historic discrimination against women in medical school; the Margaret Sanger plan to get rid of what she considered to be inferior races; why the feminist movement has always been about the destruction of the family; what is going on at the secret underground bases located throughout America; the Satanic statue of Baphomet; the real purpose of the Tavistock Institute and its affiliates around the world; the feminization of men; why most of the people speaking out in the alternative media have no idea what is really going on in the world; how the people responsible for the creative destruction going on throughout the world today have no ability to “6uild 6ack 6etter” they only have the ability to destroy; what we can expect to experience in the very near future; and many other topics.
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