In today’s show originally broadcast on March 13 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Is Gary Lineker Barbara Lerner Spectre In Drag?”
We discussed: the Alex Jones clip that we played during the show intro segment; the Barbara Lerner Spectre YouTube video; the similarities between what Gary Lineker tweeted and what Barbara Lerner Spectre said; how famous people were used to get people to take vaccines that have killed thousands of people and injured hundreds of thousands of people; how the Evil Empire circumvents the law to restrict peoples God Given Right to free speech; how the destruction of the Cornish Mining Industry is linked to the Boer War and who ultimately benefited from both; our report on last night’s Oscars ceremony; bad language and excessive violence in British films; today’s television review “Starsky And Hutch” from the 1970’s; the claim that compact discs produced since the mid 1990’s have been ruined by loud mastering; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “You are the lyingest knave in Christendom”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the Neil Oliver interview of Dr. John Campbell; how 11 million Brits can’t get a dentist; the Colombian schoolgirls hospitalised after using a ouija board; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; and many other topics.
You Can Email Jimmie Moglia At: [email protected]
Click Here For The Barbara Lerner Spectre YouTube Video
Click Here For Jimmie’s “Your Daily Shakespeare” Website
Click Here For The YouTube Video Of The Neil Oliver Interview With Dr. John Campbell
Click Here For This Week’s Edition Of “The Latest Jewish News”
Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Vaccine Damage Payment”
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