In today’s show originally broadcast on January 23 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Ed Gein’s Car.”
We discussed: the Handsome Truth clip that we played during the show intro segment; the sad news that there is no ambulance strike where Andy lives today; the glorification of Ed Gein; subjective morality; the Museum Of Brands; why is the sun so bright in the winter; this week’s television review, “The Streets Of San Francisco” which originally aired from 1972 to 1977; jumping up and down in front of a mirror out of boredom; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “…How wonderful when angels are so angry.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used update these; how you can still report vaccine injuries and deaths, but you cannot find the figures on these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the decline in Christianity and the rise in Satanism in the UK; the curious case of the British Spy; the most common and uncommon birthdays in the UK; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus News Round-up Of The Week; and many other topics.
You Can Email Jimmie Moglia At: [email protected]
Click Here For The “Museum Of Brands” Website
Click Here For Jimmie’s “Your Daily Shakespeare” Website
Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Vaccine Damage Payment”
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