In today’s show originally broadcast on November 23 2022, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Mainstream Media Censorship And Lies.”
We discussed: why can’t you find a certain clip from Ricky Gervais “Extras” series amongst the nearly 2 million clips of his you can find online; Ye West’s plan to run for President in 2024; whatever happened to Kyrie Irving’s right to religious freedom; an in depth look at the L.A. Times Joel Stein article “Who Runs Hollywood? C’Mon”; why censorship will only get worse; how the mainstream media have already got their cover story for a dramatic increase in cancer deaths in place; the prevalence of the Zombie narrative in the horror film genre; why “The Purge” movie series could fit in with the Elites “Order Out Of Chaos” mantra; how God rewards our faith; references to “Russian Energy” and “Dark Winter” in the 1997 movie “The Saint” starring Val Kilmer; cold fusion; prophecies on the identity of the anti-Christ; and many other topics.
Click Here For The L.A. Times Article “Who Runs Hollywood? C’Mon”
Click Here For The TRADCATKNIGHT Website
Click Here For Eric’s Substack Page
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