In today’s show originally broadcast on March 9 2022, Andy presents “Boomercalifragilisticexpialidocious” with his co-host Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Remember When…”
We discussed: the United States Coup of the Ukraine back in 2014; the Victoria Nuland conversation in which she was heard to say how she would determine the new President of the Ukraine back in 2014; the YouTube video “Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine Salon – Ray McGovern, John Mearsheimer” that we referenced on the show; how the very first thing Donald Trump did when he was inaugurated as President was to fire Victoria Nuland; the numerous nationalities of Boris Johnson; why Russia is going to achieve their military objectives; how the Ukrainian Government has killed between 12,000 and 13,000 people in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the Ukraine, in the 8 years since the 2014 United States Coup of the Ukraine; the likelihood of the conflict in the Ukraine escalating into a nuclear war between Russia and the West; and many other topics.
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