In today’s show originally broadcast on September 20 2021, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Helpless Nature Of White People Today With Special Guest Frank Raymond.”
We discussed: the Richie Allen clip we played during the show intro segment; this week’s Strange Bedfellows – Tavistock, Channel 4, disappearing Daily Mail articles, and one penny coins; how we are now up to 1,645 deaths and 361,112 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Frank’s book, “Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells,” which is available from Amazon; America’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan; how the Elites control the Middle East; the oil deception and the climate hoax; Trump’s energy independence and Biden’s energy dependence; Dwight Eisenhower’s deep friendship with Bernard Baruch; why Russia is demonized and China is praised; the teaching of critical race theory in the American Military; how your own goodwill is being used against you; how Frank’s position as a person who is not white, gives him the ability to speak in an independent and unbiased way on the problems facing white people today; and many other topics.
Click Here For Mer’s New ACH Radio Chatroom
Click Here For Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells – The Politically Incorrect Book Of The Century
Click Here For Frank’s “When Giants Break The Spell” YouTube Channel
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