In today’s show originally broadcast on August 23 2021, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Was The Graphene Oxide In The Vaccine Predicted By The X Files Black Oil Storyline?”
We discussed: why Archive.Org appears to be under attack; this week’s Strange Bedfellows – Sex Writers, Supermarket Home Deliveries, Greta Thunberg, and VHS Video Tapes; why vinyl sounds better than CD; how we are now up to 1,596 deaths and 347,032 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; the similarities between graphene oxide and The X Files black oil storyline; Bill Gates’ genetically modified mosquitoes; why are they vaccinating the compliant if the vaccine is harmful; how we are all surrounded by radiation; Mallificus’ appearance on Operation Scorpio at the weekend alongside Giuseppe Vafanculo, Shelley Tasker, and Paul English; the masking of Australia; authorized workers and authorized students; Amazon’s NPC delivery vans; the UK’s push for children to get the vaccine; the FDA’s plan to grant approval for the Pfizer vaccine today; a council’s curious case of free speech; the AI tool that will determine whether or not you are fit for work; and many other topics.
Click Here For Mer’s New ACH Radio Chatroom
Click Here For The Archive.Org Page On The Synagogue Of Satan
Click Here For The X Files Summary Of The Black Oil That We Played On The Show
Click Here For The GAB TV Video Purporting To Be Of Graphene Oxide That We Referenced On The Show
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