In today’s show originally broadcast on June 2 2021, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “Elvis The Pro-Life King!”
We discussed: the significance of today’s show image; the woke reason why Bruce Springsteen cancelled one of his recent tours; the celebrity worship of Covid; why the gangster movies such as “Goodfellas” and “The Godfather” are intentionally misleading; Elvis’ early life; how Priscilla was a virgin before she married Elvis; Elvis’ reported vision of Jesus Christ; the use of speed in the military; Elvis’ fear of flying which is known tecnically as aviophobia; how rampant abortion is in the rock n’ roll business; the reasons for Elvis’ worsening health in the years up until his death; how you die from opiate addiction; Elvis’ magnificent performance of “Glory Glory Hallelujah” that we closed the show out with; and many other topics.
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