In today’s show originally broadcast on March 10 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “The Narcissism Of The Ruling Class.”
We discussed: our condolences to Alan Watt of CuttingThroughTheMatrix.Com who passed away recently; defining the ruling class; the cognitive dissonance of the left; narcissism as a mental disorder; the flying monkey syndrome; how we debate the left without losing our sanity; how Russia is the only country capable capable of standing up to Western Liberalism; Vladimir Putin’s Anti New World Order speech at the World Economic Forum earlier this year; why the Liberal Elite took their eyes off Russia and how their subsequent resurgence backfired against them massively; Biden’s plan for maternity flight suits for women in the American Military; why Biden is the perfect guy for the left to hide behind; and many other topics.
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