Abu Qatada: Radical clerical loses bid to be freed from custody during Olympics

  • The judge said freeing him during the Games would be ‘exceptionally problematic’
  • Home Office says the preacher is a ‘dangerous man’ and should ‘remain behind bars’

Emily Allen

10:37 EST, 31 July 2012


11:11 EST, 31 July 2012

Radical preacher Abu Qatada lost his latest bid for freedom today.

Two judges at the High Court in London rejected his challenge against his continuing detention by Home Secretary Theresa May.

The Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) ruled two months ago that the detention of Qatada, who is fighting deportation to Jordan, was lawful.

A judge said letting radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada, pictured, out during the Games would be ‘exceptionally problematic’ for police and the security services

Leaving him free during heightened security for the 2012 Olympics would be ‘exceptionally problematic’, a judge said.

Lord Justice Hughes, sitting with Mr Justice Silber, said the court was ‘quite satisfied’ that Qatada’s judicial review application should be dismissed.

After the decision was announced, lawyers for Qatada indicated they would consider taking the case to the Court of Appeal once they have seen the court’s reasons for its ruling.

Home Secretary Theresa May. The Home Office said Qatada is a ‘dangerous man and he should remain behind bars’

Qatada, referred to in court as Omar Mahmoud Othman, was seeking bail while he fights deportation.

After today’s ruling, a Home Office spokeswoman said: ‘Qatada is a dangerous man and we are pleased the High Court has agreed that he should remain behind bars.’

The intention is to remove him ‘as quickly as possible’.

The spokeswoman said: ‘We are confident the assurances we have secured from the Jordanian government will allow us to do that.’

Qatada challenged a decision by a Siac judge in May that his detention remained lawful and that releasing him during the Olympics would be ‘exceptionally problematic’ as the security services – already under pressure from the Games – would have difficulty supervising him.

During today’s High Court hearing, his lawyers said the Islamic cleric had been detained for seven years.

It was ‘the longest period of administrative detention, so far as we know, in modern English history,’ said Edward Fitzgerald QC.

‘Our submission is that the detention has already gone on for so long as to be disproportionate and unlawful.’

Government counsel Robin Tam QC said Qatada was described in one court judgment as ‘a truly dangerous individual’ who was at the centre in the UK of terrorist activities associated with al Qaeda.

Two judges at the High Court in London (Scales of Justice are pictured) rejected his challenge against his continuing detention by Home Secretary Theresa May

The national security basis for his continued detention was well proved, argued Mr Tam.

Siac was in the best position to know what had been said about Qatada at different times over the years, he said.

In recent bail submissions there had been references to threats made by the al Qaeda high command this spring.

There was also a real risk that Qatada would, if granted bail, ‘abscond and go to ground’.

Qatada, who is said to have wide and high-level support among Islamic
extremists, was convicted in his absence in Jordan of involvement with
terror attacks in 1998 and faces a retrial in his home country.

Qatada, who is accused of involvement in several bomb attacks, is being
held at high-security Long Lartin Prison in Worcestershire.

A judge
described him as the late Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe.

He featured in hate sermons found on videos in the flat of one of the September 11 bombers.

Repeated failed attempts by UK governments over the last 10 years to deport the radical cleric have cost nearly £1 million in legal fees, Government figures show.

No figures have been given for how much Qatada has received in legal aid and some estimates put the cost of keeping him in the UK, either in a high-security jail or closely monitored under strict conditions in the community, along with the legal costs of the fight to deport him, at more than £3 million.

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Common sense has indeed prevailed, and the sooner he is deported the better as far as I’m concerned.

Throw him out of our country now!!! No one can do anything about it. It’s time for this government to “grow a pair!”

A few months ago was trumpeting that he would be gone within weeks and yet he is still here and likely to be for long time yet. Come on Mrs May explain yourself..

Put him on a plane NOW, enough of these costly delays!

Only 17 more appeals to go! get rid of him NOW!!!

For god sake just deport him! Seriously getting sick of this farce now!

For Gods sake Cameron deport him and stop the Benefits.

Why is he eligible for legal aid?

The same old story……And i bet he will still be here 10 years on ??

How long is this farce going to carry on for

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