Modern DNA proves Lincoln’s mother was illegitimate, as he thought she was.
It has always been rumored Abe was also illegitimate, and testimony from the son of the man accused of really being his real father supports that supposition.
Dna has proved his mother was illegitimate, the rumors of him being illegitimate may or may not be true, will probably never be proved one way or the other, but can not be discounted.
It has been proved he ws a Marxist, that’s communist in todays language.
His own words prove he was rabidly racist against blacks and told them to their faces he considered them sub human.
His own words prove the illegal war crime invasion of the Confederacy was not to end slavery.
It is indisputable he killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union replacing it with a Soviet Styled mandatory Marxist Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.
It is indisputable that war was an illegal invasion of a Sovereign Nation and not a Civil War.
A civil war is one in which two or more factions try to take control of the same seat of power.
This did not happen.
The Southern States legally seceded,
went home and formed their own central government.
Time Tested Legal Axiom:
This means the Marxist Lincoln
when he killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union and installed his Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship and illegally invaded another nation he planted the Poison Tree.
The subjugation of the invaded countries called states using terrorism against civilians
and resulting illegal military occupations installing occupation “state governments” in a new Marxist mandatory Military Dictatorship they were never legally a member of, is the poison fruit of the poison tree meaning the “state” “governments” of these countries called states Lincoln illegally militarily occupied via Terrorism against civilians, can never be legal governments of these illegally occupied countries called states.
It is past time for the US Corporation to stop their war crime occupations of these countries, remove their puppet “state” governments, remove their occupation militaries, return the stolen resources and wealth stolen from the peoples and turn these countries back over to the folks who can prove their ancestors were legally parts of these countries before the illegal invasuion and occupation.
All the riff raft the illegal occupation administrations flooded these countries with under illegal occupation can climb on buses and go to Washington DC
which is the citizen ship US Citizenship guarantees.
The Ole Dog!
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