Abdullah Munawar: Howzat! Now they’ve got us all by the googlies

Richard Littlejohn

Last updated at 11:29 PM on 2nd January 2012

Call Me Dave came to power promising to cut immigration to a trickle and scrap the pernicious European Yuman Rites Act. He has reneged on both counts.

Net immigration actually rose to record levels last year, with more than 250,000 new arrivals. This year there are estimates that the number might fall to 180,000, but these predictions have a history of proving horribly inaccurate.

Despite our economic troubles and unemployment heading for three million, Britain is still a magnet for immigrants from all over the world.

Influx: The Government's plan to reduce net immigration to 'the tens of thousands' is yet to have any effect whatsoever

Influx: The Government’s plan to reduce net immigration to ‘the tens of thousands’ is yet to have any effect whatsoever

They are attracted here by a generous, no-questions-asked welfare regime, and a twisted legal system which moves heaven and earth to make sure they won’t be deported even if they have arrived illegally or commit a crime while they are here.

It is virtually impossible to remove anyone from Britain, thanks to the human rights racket and the deliberately perverse interpretation of the law by politically-motivated judges appointed by the last government.

Labour purposely abandoned border controls to change the face of Britain for ever and ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’. Ministers saw no upper limit to the number of foreigners settling in our overcrowded island and smeared as ‘racist’ anyone who dared to disagree. Once you’re in, the chances of you ever being kicked out are close to zero.

Calling Britain a ‘soft touch’ is a cliche which doesn’t begin to do justice to the scale of the problem. Many arrivals from outside Europe come through ports in Greece, France and Italy, where they are supposed to be processed. They are required by law to apply for asylum in the first country they set foot in.

But our so-called EU ‘partners’ simply wave them on to Britain. We are now even banned by the courts from returning them to Greece, which despite being in the EU isn’t considered ‘safe’.

We are told that’s because the Greek asylum system is a shambles. Tough. Why should the Greeks be allowed to dump their problems on our doorstep?

More than 90 per cent of foreign nationals who arrive in Britain in this way are never considered for deportation. In 2010, on the latest figures available, just 1,600 out of 18,000 failed asylum seekers who had travelled here through other European countries were considered for removal, despite having no legal right to remain in Britain.

Judges and lawyers display great ingenuity in discovering reasons why illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay.

The Yuman Rites Act is an elastic piece of legislation which can accommodate an infinite number of imaginative interpretations of the law. We are all familiar with the story of the Bolivian shoplifter who was granted leave to remain in Britain because of his right to a ‘family life’ — determined, in part, by the fact that he kept a pet cat.

Kenneth Clarke

Theresa May

Spat: Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke clashed with Home Secretary Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference, over her claim that a Bolivian shoplifter was granted permission to stay in Britain because he had a pet cat

This caused a spat at the Tory conference between Home Secretary Theresa May and our dripping wet Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, for whom any piece of European legislation, no matter how insane, carries the weight of a holy writ.

Then there was the case I brought you last May, concerning the 22-year-old Sri Lankan, jailed for 15 months for robbery, who managed to resist deportation on the grounds that he, too, had an inalienable right to a ‘family life’.

He wasn’t married, had no children, no job, but he did have a girlfriend. So now the definition of ‘family life’ extends to some bird he met in a pub. Judge Christopher Hanson even refused to allow us to publish his name, any details of his crime, where he lives, or how he arrived here in the first place — on the grounds that not only is he entitled to a ‘family life’ he also has an absolute right to ‘privacy’.

This was secret justice from a Secret Santa, masquerading as a judge, paid handsomely by British taxpayers whose views he apparently holds in contempt.

The case was dragged out — on legal aid, naturally — with the expert assistance of a defence barrister who used to work at the European Court of Human Rights.

Cameron’s plans to replace the convention with a British Bill of Rights have been scuppered by the Lib Dems’ lunatic fetish for all things European. He should tell Clegg to get stuffed.

'Private life': Bangladeshi student Abdullah Munawar's friends and interest in cricket affected the decision to allow him to stay in Britain

‘Private life’: Bangladeshi student Abdullah Munawar’s friends and interest in cricket affected the decision to allow him to stay in Britain

The Lib Dems are hardly going to collapse the Coalition to defend the rights of foreign criminals, international terrorists, failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants to stay in Britain. They’d be wiped out at the next election.

The paying public is sick of the abuse of the immigration and asylum system. The camel’s back is close to breaking point.

Now we learn that a Bangladeshi trainee accountant called Abdullah Munawar, who was refused  permission to stay in Britain, has won his appeal against deportation because he has a right to a ‘private life’ under Article Eight of the European Convention.

This is because he has made friends here and plays cricket. It’s not as if they’re short of cricket pitches in Bangladesh.

If you stay here long enough, you’re bound to make some friends, but that is irrelevant.

He should have gone home when his student visa expired. If playing cricket is now a legitimate basis for flouting the immigration process, then the game is well and truly up.

For a start, it will throw a large googly into the Government’s  plans to prevent hundreds of thousands of temporary student visas becoming a passport to permanent residency.

I’ve heard of Norman Tebbit’s famous ‘cricket test’, but this really is ridiculous.

Eco lovers

An undercover police officer has admitted having sex with several female protesters he was supposed to be spying on.

Mark Kennedy, who spent eight years posing as an eco-warrior, said free love was part of the culture and if he hadn’t slept with the women his cover would have been blown.

‘The world of eco-activism is highly promiscuous. It was essential for me to have relationships in order to do my job,’ he explained. ‘One activist told me that if a man doesn’t respond to sexual overtures then it is likely he’s a cop or an informant.’

Eight of the women are suing the police, alleging that Kennedy and four other undercover cops caused them ‘intense emotional trauma and pain’. The officers are accused of ‘sexual intercourse by deceit’.

It can’t have been all that traumatic. Kennedy said casual sex was par for the course among the protesters. ‘No one worked, so there was a party lifestyle, with 100 to 150 people passing through in two or three days. There would always be a big bowl of vegan condoms, because regular condoms can contain animal by-products.’

Call me old fashioned, but my sympathies are with Kennedy. No man, not even an undercover police officer, should be expected to go eight years without a little light legover. It sounds as if the women were well up for it.

And, anyway, have you seen the state of some of these birds, caked in mud, looking as  if they haven’t been near a bath in months?

Having sex with them is nothing less than heroic, way beyond the call of duty. It’s a dirty job, but someone had to do it. Mark Kennedy deserves a medal.

Apology: The Royal Navy is unwell…

One of the best lines in Keith Waterhouse’s marvellous play Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell comes after Bernard announces that his father designed the fabulous Art Deco foyer at the Strand Palace Hotel, which was so brilliant it is now in the Victoria Albert Museum.

‘In any other country, it  would still be outside the Strand Palace.’

This quote came to mind when I read the story about plans to sink the Ark Royal, until recently Britain’s only remaining aircraft carrier, and turn it into a playground for scuba divers.

At a time of rising tensions in the world, with Argentina once again sabre-rattling over the Falklands, and with no immediate replacement aircraft carrier in sight, in any sane country the Ark Royal would still be in the Royal Navy.

Every January, I try to give the booze a complete rest until my birthday, which falls in the second half of the month. I’ve always found abstinence easier than moderation.

But now doctors say that taking a ‘Janupause’ and abstaining from alcohol altogether for a short period could do more harm than good.

Normally, I take these scare stories with a generous pinch of celery salt in my Bloody Mary. But, on this occasion, I may just do as I’m told. I mean, if you can’t trust your doctor’s advice . . .

Large VAT, please, Dave.

The funniest headline of the year so far was on the front page of Sunday’s Observer. Labour is accusing the BBC of being biased in favour of the Coalition.

Since most of the BBC’s political coverage is skewed so far Left, on everything from the ‘savage cuts’ to Europe, and most Tory ministers are treated little better than child molesters when they agree to be interviewed, I can only assume someone is having a laugh.

You couldn’t make it up.

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