A video of a mother trying to console her crying four year-old daughter about the fact that the election campaign season will soon be over has allegedly gone viral. I say “allegedly” because the original of the video involved shows ove 700,000 hits at its YouTube results listing, but only about 19,000 at the original video itself.
Anyway, the four-year old is Abigael Evans, and her reaction was to hearing yet another NPR report on the election in the car while riding with her mother Elizabeth. ABC’s Jilian Fama has covered the story. A revealing statement from Abigael’s mother appears to demonstrate how blatantly biased NPR’s coverage of the presidential election campaign has been:
Sick of the elections yet? So is four-year-old Abigael Evans from Colorado. Her mother, Elizabeth Evans, 27, posted a Youtube video of her daughter saying that she is tired of “Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney.”
The 22-second YouTube clip, published yesterday, shows the little girl with a frown on her face and tears rolling down her cheeks, telling her mother she is tired of this election.
Elizabeth Evans told ABC News that her daughter got emotional listening to NPR. “I just picked her up from daycare so she was grumpy after a long day and we were driving to the grocery store listening to NPR,” Evans said. “And I wasn’t really listening and when I was getting her out of the car, she started saying that she was tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney.”
“That’s why you’re crying?” the girl’s mother asks.
After she replies with an affirmative shake of her head, Abby’s mother says, “The election will be over soon, O.K?”
“O.K.,” replies the disheartened little girl.
Abigael’s mother says … “We don’t watch TV or anything in our house, so even just listening to radio and hearing people talk about politics was all she could handle.”
For a four-year-old who isn’t exposed to politics at home, the young YouTube star seems to know a lot.
“She talks about Mitt Romney and Barack Obama all the time,” Evans continues to tell ABC. “She always says that Obama is the president and that Mitt Romney is a bad guy who just wants money and wants to be the president… She is very precocious.”
Mom says that Abigael doesn’t watch TV, so it appears that the only time the child is exposed to political discussion and news is when she accompanies her mom as she runs errands, which based on her “knowing a lot,” seems to be pretty often. There are precious few places on the radio dial where one would consistently hear that “Mitt Romney is a bad guy who just wants money,” and NPR is the “leader” of that pack.
NPR has apologized to Abigael for upsetting her. We’ll never get an apology from NPR for abusing their government funding by feeding the nation left-driven drivel day after day.
Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.
Source Article from http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2012/10/31/abc-story-4-year-old-crying-over-bronco-bamma-and-mitt-romney-betrays-np
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