“Even if Tony Abbott is right about the negative impact of the carbon tax, this may be outweighed by the cost of dismantling it”. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
Tony Abbott has made a “blood pledge” to repeal the carbon tax. However, even if he wins the next election, it may be years before he has the required numbers in Parliament and he may also face a crippling compensation bill.
There is little prospect that a victorious Coalition will gain a Senate majority at the next election. Bob Brown has already met Abbott’s pledge with a “rolled gold guarantee” that the Greens will vote to keep the carbon tax, and Labor has indicated the same.
Abbott has said that as prime minister he will engineer a double dissolution of Parliament. This would be a fresh election for all members, rather than the normal poll for only half the Senate.
He might then gain a majority in the Senate or, even if he does not, the constitution permits him to pass disputed legislation after the election at a joint sitting of both houses.
His problem lies in the timing. Under section 57 of the constitution, a double dissolution may only occur after a bill is rejected by the Senate once and, after three months have elapsed, a second time.
This process cannot be rushed. The High Court has said that the Senate is entitled “to have a proper opportunity for debate”. A determined Senate could string this out for many months and it might take Abbott a year or more to secure a double dissolution trigger.
A further problem is that even this timing will be frustrated by the changeover in the Senate. The next election can be held as late as November 30, 2013. A quirk in the constitution means that the senators elected do not take their seats until July 1, 2014.
Abbott might try to spring a double dissolution in the interim. The constitution does not expressly prevent this, but it could be challenged in the High Court because it would lead to the bizarre outcome of the Senate being dissolved without its new members having taken their seats.
In any event, this gap is not likely to be long enough. Abbott will almost certainly have to wait to begin his quest for a trigger once the new Senate forms. He might then be able to initiate a double dissolution around mid-2015. If all goes his way, Parliament might repeal the carbon tax later that year.
By this time, the carbon scheme will have operated for more than three years. Ending it will impose enormous compliance costs on business and destabilise several industries and markets.
Even if Abbott is right about the negative impact of the carbon tax, this may be outweighed by the cost of dismantling it.
The loss may not be borne only by industry – there may also be a massive burden on the public purse.
Section 51(31) of the constitution says that federal laws which impose an “acquisition of property” must grant “just terms”. It is arguable that repealing the carbon tax will acquire the property of those involved, leaving the Commonwealth liable to pay compensation of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.
Parliament can normally repeal a tax without compensation. But the government’s Clean Energy Bill states that the new carbon units at the heart of the scheme are “personal property”, subject to ownership and transfer like other forms of property.
The carbon tax cannot be repealed without also eradicating the value of these rights. It is almost certain that any attempt to do so will attract a High Court challenge. Businesses and investors will want compensation for the losses they suffer due to a change in federal law.
I am by no means convinced that an Abbott government would be forced by the High Court to pay compensation. Indeed, the case might be won by arguing that carbon units are in reality mere creations of legislation that can be freely altered by future laws.
Nonetheless, High Court cases on this topic are notoriously difficult to predict. Even if a High Court challenge failed, the matter would produce great uncertainty and could take up to a year to resolve.
Abbott is uncompromising in his desire to repeal the carbon tax but there are major legal obstacles in his path, which may render his already herculean task impossible to fulfil.
George Williams is the Anthony Mason professor of law at the University of NSW.
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