By Kiwi4Justice
The New Zealand public have every right to be concerned and to want more information about some very disturbing aspects of the current mass vaccine roll out.
The New Zealand Herald’s recent article called ‘The 90% Project: 10 of the biggest vaccine myths debunked’ is an alarming confirmation and reinforcement of what many Kiwis already know very well. The mainstream media in NZ has become nothing but a bought and paid for propaganda mouth-piece for Jacinda Ardern and the NZ government. Jacinda has already publicly announced herself to be ‘the one source of truth’ on COVID-19. Any other information, no matter how credible, no matter how scientifically proven and robust it is, should not be listened to. Anything other than Jacinda’s ‘one source of truth’ is to be considered and labelled as ‘misinformation’. To ensure the NZ people are not getting anything other than her ‘one source of truth’, Jacinda Ardern paid $55 million to NZ mainstream media networks to ensure that they stay exactly on message with her ‘one source of truth’ and obediently keep pumping out the required narrative. As the NZ Herald have just done.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black with this article by the NZ Herald when they accuse others of ‘misinformation’ regarding COVID-19 vaccines as they supposedly debunk the worst of the so-called misinformation. How well does their debunking operation stand up to a little bit of actual evidence based journalistic scrutiny? We’ll have a look at that more specifically in Part 2 when we scrutinise and dissect the specific 10 points of the NZ Herald’s so-called vaccine myth debunking.
But before we do that, it’s very worthwhile to gain a little real-life perspective on this by putting forward just a few names of the type of people who are going against Jacinda Ardern’s ‘one of source of truth’ narrative on COVID-19 and the vaccines. Let’s look at the type of people that are spreading this awful ‘misinformation’, as Jacinda and the NZ Herald like to call it.
- Dr Robert Malone – the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology that is now being rolled out across the world. Dr Malone believes that this vaccine technology should never be used on human beings like this and is strongly against the current vaccine rollout. Here are several quotes from Dr Malone regarding the current use of the mRNA vaccine technology that he helped to invent;
“We don’t fully understand the risks of these EXPERIMENTAL products”
“Fauci is flying by the seat of his pants and substituting opinion for data because there is no data to support their decisions”
“Vaccines are not linear and more is not always better. Sometimes MORE CAN TURN OFF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM”
“How do you reconcile that this drug (Ivermectin) is being used in emerging economies across the world to good effect but is being trashed in Western media. These folks are bought and paid for and they are acting in a concerted way to enhance the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical companies have basically bought and paid for our whole congress. There’s so much money sloshing around in Big Pharma they are ABLE TO CORRUPT ALMOST EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH. They have compromised our entire government, big tech and media”
That is a fairly relevant person to be listening to. At the bottom of this article there is a full list of 15 very relevant quotes that Dr Malone has made about the experimental vaccine technology he helped invent.
- Dr Michael Yeadon – former Vice President of Pfizer and former Chief Scientist of Pfizer. Dr Yeadon has strongly campaigned against the COVID-19 vaccines and has said that people must avoid the ‘experimental gene based procedures’ at all costs.
- Dr Sucharit Bhakdi – one of the leading medical microbiologists and immunologists in the world and has conducted research at the Max Planck Institute of Immunology in Freiburg and at the Protein Laboratory in Copenhagen. Dr Bhakdi joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology Giessen University and was named Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz. He has published over 300 articles in the field of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and received the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Here is a quote from Dr Bhakdi;
“Gene-based vaccination of children is something that is so criminal that I have no words to express my horror…………We are horribly worried that there’s going to be an impact on fertility. And this will be seen in years or decades from now. And this is potentially one of the greatest crimes, simply one of the greatest crimes imaginable”
- Kary Mullis – the inventor of the PCR test used to test for COVID-19. Kary Mullis is on record saying that the PCR test cannot be used as a diagnostic tool in any way like it has been used with COVID-19 diagnosis. If used in the way it has been, it would not be able to specifically isolate and identify an active COVID-19 virus. The PCR test would not be able to differentiate between common cold, normal flu, live COVID-19 virus, or dead COVID-19 virus from months ago. If that is true, and he should know, then it means the entire COVID-19 pandemic is thrown into disarray because every single COVID-19 statistic and analysis is based around the results of that PCR test.
Is this the reason that deaths from seasonal flu have plummeted to virtually zero in many countries? Is this why a huge percentage of those testing positive have absolutely no symptoms? Even the World Health Organisation have now conceded the PCR test is not fit for purpose and a new test will be brought in from December. So why hasn’t Jacinda told us this and why hasn’t she stopped using the PCR test? Auckland is still in Level 3 lockdown as we speak, based purely on what that unfit for purpose PCR test has falsely been saying.
That is just a brief starting list of the type of people and calibre of people that Jacinda Ardern and the NZ Herald are accusing of spreading destructive ‘misinformation’. We can add to that list tens of thousands of other leading scientists and front-line COVID doctors and nurses, as well as top universities such as Oxford and Stanford who are speaking out and presenting evidence that in many cases is strongly contradictory to Jacinda Ardern’s ‘one source of truth’.
An important point to ponder here is that many of the scientists, doctors, and nurses who are coming forward to speak out with this ‘misinformation’ are usually at extreme risk of losing their job by taking that action. Why would they do that unless they were very sure of what they were saying, and extremely passionate and desperate to get that vital information out to the public?
But Jacinda says we should just listen to her ‘one source of truth’, and her bought and paid for media mouth-pieces like the NZ Herald. We should ignore what these other people are saying. “Do as I say or I’ll lock you down“. “Do as I say or your business will be shut down”. “Take the vaccine or I’ll take away your freedoms and your human rights and I’ll lock you out of society with my new Vaccine Passport”. “I am your one and only source of truth”. Well, there’s a word for that kind of language. That word is ‘Dictator’. And there’s a word for that kind of leadership. That word is ‘Tyranny’.
Jacinda Ardern has just announced yet another back flip on her COVID-19 response plans with her announcement that, despite her previously saying she would not implement this kind of action, there will now be some kind of ‘no jab, no entry’ legislation introduced relating to access to certain aspects of society. The 90% Project: PM Jacinda Ardern on a ‘no jab, no entry’ scheme and children’s vaccinations – NZ Herald
Essentially this means some kind of a Vaccine Passport where only the vaccinated are free to move around and interact more fully in society. A shocking two-tier system of society with abhorrent types of discrimination against those who dare to uphold their international human rights, including the 1947 Nuremberg Code, and make their personal, informed choice not to take the experimental vaccine. A new class of sub-humans will be formed. The ‘un-vaxxed’, who will be severely punished for their lack of obedience to Jacinda’s directives. The ‘Let’s be kind to each other’ mantra isn’t looking quite so kind now. The team of 5 million won’t be quite as united and equal.
We already have some real-life working models underway of what the Vaccine Passport strategy does to society. It utterly rips it apart. France has had nationwide street protests of hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps millions, right across the country every weekend for 11 straight weekends (at the time of writing) protesting against the Vaccine Passport which is already in operation in France. People in France are so against the Vaccine Passport that they now gather in the streets outside the restaurant areas and set up their own picnics sitting in the street outside the restaurants that they are now excluded from due to the Vaccine Passport. It is just simply an unimaginable situation on every level of humanity.
The ‘dirty, un-clean’ segment of society forced to stay outside. Only the clean or pure segment of society are free to go into certain places or travel. Papers please! Sound familiar? It’s chilling!! Do you think this is being overblown? Let’s hear it directly from the Premier of Queensland who said “I myself wouldn’t want to be around the unvaccinated”.
In Australia it’s even worse than France. The ‘no jab, no job’ policy being ruthlessly enforced in Australia is now literally creating a civil war of the Australian people versus the Australian police and government. We now have scenes of armoured vehicles rolling down the main street of Melbourne. On September 21st we had the truly horrific scenes of hundreds of protestors, who were losing their jobs due to the ‘no jab, no job’ policy, gathering at the place that had the most meaning to them in this situation. They gathered at the Australian Memorial that is there to commemorate those past Australians, including the ANZACs, who had fought for and died for the freedoms and human rights of Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. Those protestors were sitting peacefully around the memorial building chanting ‘we want peace, we want freedom’ towards the army of several hundred heavily armed police ‘storm troopers’ lined up in front of them. Those storm troopers then charged at them, shooting people in the back as they fled from the high velocity rubber bullet firearms being shot at them by their own Australian police force. Their own police force that they pay for. The ANZACs would have literally been turning in their graves. Here is a sad and disturbing video and photo collation of what the ‘no jab, no job’ policy has created in Australia.
Where has the NZ Herald’s coverage and condemnation of this been?
So those are a couple of real-life working examples for Jacinda Ardern to contemplate in terms of what a Vaccine Passport does to a country and unite her team of 5 million as she begins rolling out her Kiwi version of the Vaccine Passport and ‘no jab, no entry (or no job)’. The scenes in Australia seemingly having no effect at all on Jacinda’s strategic decision making. Never has our NZ national anthem been so relevant. God defend New Zealand!
Why is Jacinda Ardern not talking about Israel and Iceland? The two most vaccinated nations on the planet who now have ‘COVID numbers’ absolutely exploding? Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. They began vaccinations back in January with the objective of vaccinating the entire population. They are the working example, or experiment may be a more accurate term, for the rest of the world because they are the furthest down the mass vaccination pathway.
Israel was the first to implement very strict Vaccine Passports in order to rapidly push the vaccine percentage up, and at present they have approximately 80% of their population double jabbed. After around 6 months the statistics showed that many of the people being hospitalised with ‘COVID’ were actually the double vaccinated. The apparent effectiveness of the vaccine was declining, according to their scientists. For that reason, they recently introduced the ‘booster shot’ (Dose 3). They double downed on the same strategy. The graph below shows very clearly what has occurred in Israel as a result of their mass double jab strategy followed by the Dose 3 booster shot to try to get things back on track. Catastrophic. Does this graph look like this experimental mass vaccine strategy is the way out of COVID?
If anything, it provides strong evidence to support what Dr Malone, the inventor of this mRNA vaccine, specifically warned about. That this mass global vaccine strategy would result in an explosion of COVID, not a decrease. This is a quote from Dr Malone about this;
“OVERUSE (mass vaccination) of vaccines will DRIVE THE DEVELOPMENT of viruses that are able to evade vaccination”
The Israel graph shockingly confirms exactly what Dr Malone and many other leading immunologists around the world warned about. The FDA (Food & Drug Agency) also reacted strongly to the awful picture coming out of Israel. Numerous scientists and doctors made a combined presentation on September 17th to an FDA panel outlining the evidence and concerns around many aspects of experimental mRNA vaccines, including the alarming situation in Israel shown above. On the basis of that presentation, the FDA panel voted 16-2 in favour of halting the Dose 3 booster shot in the United States for people aged under 65 years. FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save as they vote 16 – 2 against the approval of booster shots – The Expose
Why haven’t Jacinda or the NZ Herald reported on these stunning and crucial developments?
Instead of pulling back and taking a more cautious approach on the mass vaccine strategy on the basis of this alarming information, Jacinda Ardern, the NZ government, and their mouth-piece the NZ Herald have instead taken the totally opposite approach and have instead put the foot firmly on the accelerator of the mass vaccine strategy with the ‘let’s hit 90%’ marketing campaign.
The NZ Herald is supposed to be a media outlet. A place where journalists investigate and report on news that is important and/or interesting to society. What the NZ Herald did with their article ‘The 90% Project: 10 of the biggest vaccine myths debunked’ was to instead take the role of Jacinda Ardern’s personal COVID-19 PR department. It was a crude and blatant attempt to try to implement some form of damage control for Jacinda and the NZ government with all the damning information that is flooding the various information platforms that are still allowed to present information that challenges the gospel narrative of the ‘one source of truth’. Those platforms are sadly getting fewer and fewer as big tech censorship and Jacinda’s ‘hate speech’ legislation takes full effect. Here is another example of the mainstream media bought and paid for to spin the Big Pharma mass vaccine narrative. Here we have the trusted BBC (heavily funded by Bill Gates and Big Pharma) giving their interpretation/spin of the COVID and vaccine data.
Surely the huge story here for the BBC should be the two thirds who ARE vaccinated but are still testing positive for COVID. Is there a corporate Big Pharma agenda at play by our mainstream media as Dr Malone suggested earlier? It sure does look like it.
Here is a final point before Part 2 specifically examines the 10 points of ‘misinformation’ raised by the NZ Herald. When we are assessing the wide variety of information that comes forth regarding important issues such as COVID-19 and the vaccine issue, we should try to assess who has more credibility with the message they are bringing forward. A large percentage of the frontline scientists, doctors, nurses, and paramedics who are speaking out with information about COVID-19 and the vaccines that contradicts the ‘official narrative’ are at very high risk of losing their careers and their livelihood by doing so. Their numbers are huge and rapidly growing around the world. They are not shown on mainstream news. As just one example of this here is an emotional ‘plea from the heart’ from Dr Anne McCloskey, a GP in Ireland on the COVID front-line. She was immediately suspended. Dr McCloskey’s message here, and her immediate suspension, is sadly the case with courageous professionals in great numbers all over the world. The Shots Are Killing People by Dr. Anne McCloskey, Her Medical License Was Suspended For This Video (
The scientists and doctors who are on television on the mainstream ‘6 o’clock’ news are almost exclusively supporting the government/Big Pharma narrative and they are not putting their careers and livelihoods at risk with their message. Are they also getting paid by someone to present the message they are presenting? Are they perhaps being paid by Big Pharma to push a certain narrative that supports Big Pharma making gargantuan sized profits from the mass COVID vaccine industry? Is that why they are the ones selected to be on the news on television and in the newspapers? Who knows. That would need an entire article on its own. But it is pretty clear out of those two camps who has the most credibility regarding how truthful and factual their information likely is, and what their intent is for presenting that information to us.
In Part 2 of this article we will specifically address each of the 10 points that the NZ Herald have supposedly debunked and see how well they stand up to some proper journalistic scrutiny.
1) “We don’t fully understand the risks of these EXPERIMENTAL products”
2) “What we’re doing by excessively using vaccines for people who don’t really need it is that we’re DRIVING THE VIRUS to be able to ESCAPE the benefits of the vaccine through evolutionary selection”.
3) “I strongly believe against mandatory vaccinations the main reasons being it’s NOT ETHICAL and it’s not good medical practice from the standpoint of a virologist and vaccinologist”.
4) “We know that NATURAL INFECTION provides broader and longer lasting by up to 20 TIMES a more effective immune response in terms of preventing reinfection compared to the vaccine”
5) “We know from medicating animals indiscriminately; these practices lead to superbugs which then turn around and ATTACK US. It’s the same basic logic with vaccines”
6) “OVERUSE (mass vaccination) of vaccines will DRIVE THE DEVELOPMENT of viruses that are able to evade vaccination”
7) “The people that will suffer from this naive inappropriate policy of global universal enforced vaccination are going to be the people who are high risk”
8) “Vaccinating in some ways maybe worse as the vaccinated that do have breakthrough infections are walking around feeling relatively healthy and producing and shedding just as much virus without knowing”
9) “The policy is poorly thought out. Is this incompetence or is this the consequence of the pressure of the pharma industry on the people making decisions?”
10) “These are leaky vaccinations which won’t get us back to normal and these viruses will spread through the population”
11) “Fauci is flying by the seat of his pants and substituting opinion for data because there is no data to support their decisions”
12) “Vaccines are not linear and more is not always better. Sometimes MORE CAN TURN OFF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM”
13) “We have to get back to evidence-based medicine and STOP BUREAUCRATS DICTATING how to practice medicine”
14) “For some reason the government is adamantly opposed to early treatment. It’s bad policy and BAD MEDICINE. When have we ever had a situation where patients go to the emergency room they say ‘I’m having trouble breathing doc’. And they test your oxygen levels and the doctor says ‘well your levels are low but not really low… go back home and come back when you’re really sick’. This is insanity”
15) “How do you reconcile that this drug (Ivermectin) is being used in emerging economies across the world to good effect but is being trashed in Western media. These folks are bought and paid for and they are acting in a concerted way to enhance the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical companies have basically bought and paid for our whole congress. There’s so much money sloshing around in Big Pharma they are ABLE TO CORRUPT ALMOST EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH. They have compromised our entire government, big tech and media”
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