Christianity, the Spiritual Foundation of Jewish Materialism; Beauty, A Higher Religion and Morality for White People
You can be the most altruistic and moral person and still be hopelessly miserable if you are only fostering ugliness.
Universalist-Christianity, morally paved the way for modern secular values in politics and thus for Globalism (there’s nothing secular or atheistic about giving away to lower races what whites achieved).
The discovery that morality is an illusion is by no means new. Objective morality exists only in the minds of moral philosophers who are ignorant of Physics and Evolution or in the minds of Jewish holier-than-thou moralists. It’s easy to understand how an objective morality can help the interests of the latter when we realize that our current situation, in which the White Race is being driven to extinction, is only possible because people have been morally tied-up and immobilized, after thousands of years of Jewish derived religions and morals.
Many historians agree that Christianity arose as a solution to the problem of how to integrate many different peoples who wouldn’t otherwise want to be together (like in Alexander the Great’s empire and in its final form in Ancient Rome) by creating unnatural feelings of brotherhood and promoting self-sacrifice for a society that didn’t represent them. Indiscriminate love (self-destructive love), pathological altruism, and other forced contact between races can ultimately only lead to superficial relationships and materialism.
It’s sad to see how Germanic languages, which developed in order to communicate abstract and transcendental things, are more and more absorbing Latin words and expressions. The Latin language after centuries of representing Globalism in ancient times became specialized in conveying specific, concrete, material ideas, thus we find that Latin words have very strict definitions in contrast to old forms of German or old Norse, which have very fluid and abstract meanings. It’s not coincidental that modern English, after centuries of being meddled with in order to serve the Jewish financial empire, is ultimately around 70% of Latin origin, directly from Latin or via French, Spanish or Italian. The epitome of ugliness in languages is the Jewish invention called Speranto, which you won’t have troubles figuring it out if you already understand Latin, not surprisingly.
As George Orwell said, what cannot be expressed in language cannot be thought, therefore the Latinization of Germanic languages is a good analogy of how we are being forcefully Latinized and turned away from our ability of thinking about the really important, the abstract, the transcendental, the spiritual (where beauty resides) and I believe Germanic languages are as close as you can get to that way of thinking.
Germanic pagan terminology saw force and violence without fear, and even as sacred when used for the sake of beauty and progress. We should also not be surprised that the greatest source of Latin influence in our native languages was Christianity. Early on, the Church perverted Germanic words in order to give them a Christian-Materialistic meaning. A word for courage and honor would be adapted to Christian ideas of “holiness”, which was equated with self-denial or really an euphemism for cowardice. A word for the talent that resides in the blood and lineage of a people (Gebluetsheiligkeit) was given a Christian meaning of weakness and too much femininity in the ruler.
Roman mythology is very similar to Judaism in the sense that they transposed the religious into history as concrete acts occurring in the mundane at specific moments in linear time (of course Roman mythology is as made-up and fictitious as the adventures of Moses or Jesus), contrasting strongly with Celto-Germanic mythology which transcended this reality and aimed at the poetic and symbolic. Thus we see even in Jewish and Roman mythologies a concrete, mundane and materialistic approach.
Christianity (whether based on the Bible or based on secular Multiculturalism) is “the root system” that nourishes Materialism. You cannot have Materialism based societies (where beauty has been taken out of the equation and where self-assertion and reciprocity are immoral) without first imposing Christian morals. In fact, people would only content themselves with money and tolerate ugliness and mediocrity if they are first scared to death by Christianity and taught that all acts of nonconformity or lack of total submission to the jew (Yahweh of course is just a euphemism for the eternal Jew) are immoral and that all creatures capable of speech are equal in the eyes of the Jewish god.
Christianity values irresponsible forms of charity and the preservation of whatever kind of life happens to be born without concerns about their meaning or if they are undermining the existence of higher creatures. Christianity also denies reincarnation or an existence outside heaven-purgatory-hell. If heaven or hell don’t exist (as is most likely), it follows that giving so much value to individual lives, no matter how defective and miserable they are (at the expense of other lives with more talent), is like a greedy bankster who is capable of destroying a community in the long run in order to hold to the money he has right now. This is the essence of Materialism, the lack of love for ideals and the selfishness of the now material appeal.
To reject the world and its passions can only lead to finding refuge from this repression in television, money, drugs and pornography. Thus living your natural instincts and passions (like courage, heroism, hate of the evil and ugly, etc.) through fictive television characters is the only approved way by Christianity and any real expression of willpower, assertion, creativity etc. is seen as sinful and dangerous for Jewish hegemony. Our passions and desires, when properly directed, are the most sacred thing we have, and to deny them is to deny our souls. Instead of interacting with real people and organizing against the Globalist oppression, it is “trendy” today to live a life in a virtual world and even spend real money on it!! (like in Second Life)
Thus, I reiterate that Christianity is the perfect glue for keeping a Materialistic, Globalist society together. Christianity was designed in order to make the Materialistic enslavement of humanity possible; it had to be a religion that pushed guilt upon us, despite the fact that those guilt mechanisms evolved in racially homogeneous societies, without anyone knowing they would be used for our destruction later on. They used philosophical jargon in order to give a semblance of wisdom, which reminds me of when jesus said that birds need not struggle for existence because “the heavenly father feeds them”, implying that we people should do likewise because the Jewish father will feed us but no one could have said something more stupid, since if there are creatures that have to struggle and work in order not to die of starvation, it is birds, as they certainly do not sit down to wait for the heavenly father to feed them, and often die despite their best efforts. Christianity, at the same time, was robbing people of their freedom and power.
Needless to say Universalist-Christianity morally paved the way for modern “secular” and supposedly “atheistic” values in politics and thus Globalism. There’s nothing secular or atheistic about race mixing and white dispossession, as all these ideas of lower races deserving everything whites created come from Christianity.
Taking sexuality as an example, Christianity wanted to hijack the most important source of social bonding and of population-selection among people. Think about the promotion of racial mixing and the vilification of wanting to have sex and thus reproduce the race.
Being as sexuality is the most intimate and thus the most powerful way of asserting our preferences and will, it doesn’t surprise me then that Christianity is all about destroying our will and preferences, making one lose his or her soul in submission, self-denial, renunciation, sacrifice, and boredom, since everything that’s connected with natural beauty was denounced as “the wickedness of the sentient world” by Christianity.
Sex and reproduction had to be limited to the terms imposed by the Church and now it is immoral not to want to have sex with lower races!
Young white men and women need societies that facilitate them having sex and raising white children, not making it difficult and making them feel guilty in the process. The educational system in Western countries should adapt to the pregnant white woman, rather than having the woman stop having children in order to be able to keep learning! What about a system that allows her to earn at home? The system should serve the people, otherwise it would be a perversion. Also, the economic system should support talented white men (not non-European immigrants) who become fathers at a young age so they can keep studying.
Christianity has placed importance on ugliness above that of beauty, and thus the brute negro is equal in her eyes to the White genius. I’ve always said that Christian values were designed in order to destroy people’s willpower and their natural yearn for beauty through self-denial.
Regarding the question of what is morality:
Bob’s dog, his companion for many years, died, thus he decided to cook it and eat it. Is there something wrong with that? This is the kind of question many participants in a study were asked and most of them replied that it was wrong. The interesting thing is that no-one could give a valid objective reason why it was wrong “it simply feels wrong.” It was already dead, no-one was being hurt by that action, etc.
In a complex thought experiment involving a train on its way to kill different numbers of people trapped within the tracks, you could choose between either saving one person by pushing one button or saving 5 persons by pushing with your own hands a fat person into the train-tracks, but most of the participants preferred to go for the first option despite of saving less lives.
Examine any moral precept with strict rationality, put it in a greater context, and it vanishes completely. Our morals are irrational and subjective, and only evolved as a heuristic mechanism for dealing with other people in a social context and of course, heuristics are not exact and are open to error and cuckolding; that’s a far cry from god-given or objective.
All we really have are our preferences, which we like to justify as moral. If Jewish liberals now say that it is immoral to force a gay man to marry a woman in the name of Deuteronomstic precepts, it should be a million times more immoral to force a whole white nation (against her natural preferences) to “marry” into its society black or muslim invaders in the name of the latest Jewish religion, Globalism, derived from Christianity. (See Alain de Benoist for how modern Universalist values are derived from Christianity).
When objective morality is an illusion, what do we have left? I believe that beauty is the only thing that can transcend reason, morality and everything else. There can be no god, no morals, but if there is some-kind of transcendental beauty that is struggling to manifest itself in this planet (through the spirit of the white race), this beauty is capable of legitimating existence itself, giving Joy and meaning to everything.
It’s comforting and worrying at the same time to think that we continue existing either in the beauty we helped to foster or in the ugliness we let loose. It must be this way, since nature shows us that we are always bound to form part of something greater. The idea that after death we stop developing and that we stop fighting against ugliness is absurd, thus Christian morals that promise salvation through renouncing beauty and the power to defend it, is like a swindler who promises lots of money just by giving him whatever valuable you have right now.
Thus morality is a means to an end and it can be used to advance either beauty or ugliness. Morality when used for the preservation of beauty is good, but when used for the advancement of ugliness (as Christianity and Jewish plutocrats want), morality loses all its value. Kindness, love, hard-work and honesty can be used in order to advance ugliness and that to me explains why there are plenty of kind and loving peoples with whom I don’t desire to share my destiny; they won’t really enrich my life because of their lack of creativity and their lack of transcendental beauty.
Also happiness and warm feelings are not the purpose of existence. A dog certainly can be happy, but I will always prefer to be a human no matter how much I have to struggle, rather than contenting myself with a comfortable existence as a powerless and less sentient creature.
No, the real purpose of existence is to transform the limited amount of energy and matter in this universe into creating more beautiful and sophisticated forms until the limitations of chaotic matter are defeated into submission in the service of transcendental beauty.
You can have all the commodities, comforts, and facilities that Materialism provides, but be totally miserable if surrounded by ugliness, even if it’s clad in smokings (similar to living in Pierres Boulle’s Planet of the Apes). You can be the most altruistic and moral person and still be hopelessly miserable if you are only fostering ugliness.
We can teach the ugliest and less creative races on earth Science if it was already developed by Whites, but they won’t be able to move it forward or put it into creative uses. We can teach them how to run a McDonalds, a Bank or any already developed institution or franchise that requires no creative thinking or insight (just following orders and formats), but all that will not make their prosaic societies desirable to live in. Beauty is transcendental and much more complex than that (it’s closer to magic), so much so that it can seem capricious and immoral to our mortal eyes, which have yet to understand the transcendental and the really holy (not what the Bible claims to be holy).
What we, with our human limitations and Christianity’s indoctrination, think of as moral could be a great sin against beauty and everything that makes existence worthwhile.
The single fact that only beauty can legitimate life itself and inspire progress makes me think that the highest morality should be anything aimed at preserving and increasing the few and rare traces of beauty that we know of in this vast and chaotic universe. Everything that results in the endangering of beauty or hindering its expansion must be immoral.
We can be certain that despite her many shortcomings, the white race is the best candidate to represent beauty on this planet and she is the living form closest to the archetype of beauty that we know of in this universe. Some Evolutionary Biologists believe that the dreadful appearance of Neanderthals was not warranted by biological functions alone and could have developed in order to cause fear to other individuals and outsiders. I often wonder if the dire physical traits of the Aztecs evolved for a similar purpose (to cause repulsion and fear to the observer). What we can be certain about is that regardless of the attractiveness of their individuals, on average White people have a friendlier aspect than other races and the purpose of this might be in order to signal more willingness to cooperate with other members of their community and also to show that they have the sufficient genetic assets to invest biological-resources in a more beautiful or less threatening aspect (whenever I walk on the streets I always feel safer when I see the persons around are White, regardless of their age or physical complexion).
Also, beauty has to do with the kind of society and atmosphere that a race produces. Europe was beautiful even in Medieval times while Mexico City is still ugly even today in her most modernized times. Thus beauty has nothing to do with materialistic comforts, and these comforts lose all meaning when beauty is absent.
We could wonder whether this cold and brutal universe is undergoing a slow change from chaos to beauty, prompted in its most explicit form when the creatures closest to beauty, the Aryan race, sprung between the ugliness of the other races and made science and the most fantastic works of art possible. Like an archetype of beauty that struggles to manifest itself in this reality, Aryans have ignited something similar to a chemical reaction capable of transforming all matter into something approaching beauty.
Scientists have been aware for centuries that matter and energy are not created or destroyed, only transformed. Thus it should not be a surprise that if the white race disappears, the matter and energy that once nourished and constituted beauty will be recycled to sustain less creative and less beautiful races, and in this manner the difficult emergence of beauty in this universe will come to a sharp end, without knowing if it will ever have another chance of manifesting itself into human reality.
The fact that our matter and energy is recycled, and that the forces of chaos with all their cunning are opposing the emergence of beauty in this universe, makes incompatible the idea that the white race can reproduce and exist while at the same time being drained and weakened through close contact with uglier races.
It will be the work of a future article to demonstrate that the ancient religions of our Aryan pagan ancestors were more aware of beauty’s central importance (instead of God) and saw morality more as a means to an end.
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