In 1861 the closet homosexual atheist Marxist rabidly racist against African Americans manic depressive shyster rail road lawyer Lincoln
killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union in which the States were sovereign countries Voluntarily a part of a Union meant to serve the States, and not the other way around.
The puritan yankee war criminal replaced the Volunteer union with a Soviet styled Marxist (communist) Mandatory Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.
As Lincoln bankrupted US/DC making war against Americans to force his communist military dictatorship on Americans, and US/DC being deep in debt to Usury bankers, in 1871 US/DC Incorporated as a for profit corporation.
If one claims “citizenship” of the UNITED STATES, one is declaring themselves owned property of the UNITED STATES Corporation headquartered in WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.
A corporation is a legal fiction which does not exist in Nature.
A corporation can not be physically seen, felt, tasted or smelled.
A corporation is an hallucination which in reality does not exist.
A UNITED STATES CITIZEN SHIP means one holds a WASHINGTON DC citizenship.
The only way to “leave” the UNITED STATES CORPORATION is to revoke their UNITED STATES/WASHINGTON DC CITIZENSHIP and become a National.
Personally as I am a Texican
who can trace his linage back to Republic of Texas folks, the Republic of Texas is a recognized nation state or country which has been illegally, militarily criminally occupied by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION for 158 years and counting, I consider myself a Republic of Texas National.
For those who have not caught on yet, being a ‘STATE OF TEXAS’ Citizen
is the same as being a UNITED STATES/DC CITIZEN as the ‘STATE OF TEXAS is not a legal government of the illegally, militarily, criminally occupied Republic of Texas, but an ILLEGALLY, MILITARILY, CRIMINALLY OCCUPYING ADMINISTRATIVE SUB CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
So all you folks getting your panties bunched about people threatening to leave the UNITED STATES if the Trickster Trumpster
is “reelected” as IsraHell’s head hand puppet CEO of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, Leaving the UNITED STATES and leaving America are two very different things.
Words mean things.
When one is ignorant of what the words they use really mean, they can not speak properly, express what they really mean properly.
On the other side of the fence, if one who understands the true meaning of words speaks, and a sheeple ignorant of the true meaning of words hears the enlightened one speak, the ignorant sheeple can not understand the true meaning of what the enlightened one said.
Stupidity is genetic.
Ignorance is by choice.
Ignorance has always offended me.
The Ole Dog!
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