When you kill a baby raper, they never rape and destroy another child’s life.
The Jew cult’s “religious” writings approves of raping little girls till they are 3 years and 1 day old.
The Jew cult’s religious writings approves of raping little boys up the ass till they are 9 years old.
The Jews have been kicked out of country after country for “Ritual murder”, sacrificing the host countries children to their demonic “god”.
So what the hell do you think them Jew Cult members were doing down in those tunnels they burst out of like sewer rats they could not do in plain sight of other folks?
The Jews today try to claim their expulsion from England in 1290 AD was all about Edward 1st getting the Jew’s wealth, but Edward had already outlawed them practicing Usury and told them to get real jobs.
When he kicked them out was when several English boys bodies were found drained of blood after one of the Jew Cult’s heathen holiday celebrations.
The Jew cult is a demonic heathen evil which has no place in a decent world, a world which will not be decent until the cult is no longer allowed to rape their own children so they are easier for the demons to possess, and rape and sacrifice other’s children in an evil ancient pissing in the face of the Creator God frenzy.
The Ole Dog!
For some reason, any and all questions about the recent discovery of illegal tunnels burrowed underneath the global headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Judaism in New York City’s Crown Heights are racist, according to the corporate media.
Digging the types of tunnels that were discovered is not only illegal without the proper permits, but they were also found to contain creepy and disturbing items like a soiled possibly-with-blood mattress and a baby height chair. All of this creates more questions than answers, and yet nobody, including the New York City Police Department (NYPD), seems to care one iota about any of it.
In fact, the mere act of even asking questions about the discovery is being widely regarded as “antisemitic,” as if any kind of investigation into potential wrongdoing means that a person hates the Jewish people, or something.
Much like the race card, the antisemitic card is played any time a Jewish entity, whether it be Chabad, the Jewish state of Israel, a Zionist politician, or what have you receives any kind of scrutiny for questionable behavior. And the tunnel scandal is no exception.
(Related: Did you know that, according to Benjamin Netanyahu, everyone who opposes Israel’s attack on Hamas is “antisemitic?”)
What are the Chabad tunnels really for?
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