“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” — David Rockefeller, Memoirs
World War I and the birth of the new-world-order project
The beginning of anything is always problematic to pin down. For every beginning, there are always antecedents, causes, preparations, broader canvases to consider, etc. For my money, World War I — the war to end all wars — is a sensible choice, as the launch-event into the new world order project.
Of course one must go further back for motivation, the conception of means, and for the vision. Some refer all the way back to The Illuminati, which was (still is?) a real conspiratorial clique aiming for global governance.
Others refer to Cecil Rhodes, who quite effectively used his wealth from diamond mining to promote his vision of global Anglo-Saxon dominance.
Regardless of the details of the preceding historical thread, WWI was the epochal event that began an identifiable program toward a new world order, a single global hierarchy, controlling all global affairs, under the control of elite financiers.
The British Empire represented the ultimate evolution of one particular path to global dominance: a single hegemonic power, playing off other powers against one another in a balance of powers strategy.
Certain mechanisms of power were perfected in this era. I refer to the integration of propaganda, racism, intelligence operations, covert intervention, diplomacy, financial manipulation, and naked military power — all orchestrated, with considerable art and brutality, in the pursuit of imperialist objectives.
The real power behind the British government, however, by 1900, had long been the elite banking families of The City, in league with their colleagues in Europe and America.
In Marxist terms, we would call this community the capitalist elite of the day, and they were the ones envisioning our now-unfolding new world order.
Within the context of the British Empire, they had exercised considerable power over global affairs and finance, and they had outgrown the relatively limited vision of the British imperial model.
Britain itself, circa 1900, despite being still seen as the greatest world power, had become only a shadow of its former self. Once the manufacturer to the world — it enjoyed a near monopoly on industrial production for a century — it had now been eclipsed industrially by both Germany and the USA. Britain was no longer the obvious choice, as the base for a global power grab.
As Alexis d’Tocqueville had noted earlier in Democracy in America, the nations most inherently destined for greatness were the USA and Russia. Of the two, c. 1900, the USA was certainly more promising, from a capitalist perspective, as a power base. So the decision was made, to shift hegemony from London to Washington, and to create the context for a more evolved model of global hegemony.
For centuries the City’s banking elite and Britain’s nationalist elite had collaborated harmoniously. One might not have imagined a distinction between them; they were, it seemed, of a whole.
But while in British circles generally, c. 1900, European dominance and the rise of Germany were the big issues, the bankers were looking at a broader canvas, and with a longer-range lens. A splitting of the ways was beginning, and a betrayal among global elites was in the offing.
In British nationalist eyes, control over the balance of power in Europe was everything. America was far away, and up until then its only imperialist adventures were also far away, peripheral to European affairs.
Germany, however, had become an urgent threat to European dominance, with its industrial productivity and its plans for a Berlin-Baghdad railway and a wider rail network, undercutting Britain’s sea-based dominance of world trade.
British nationalists, quite naturally, were thinking in terms of war with Germany, as the only available means of maintaining British hegemony.
The banking elite, more slyly, was seeing such an adventure as a way to kill several birds with one stone. And thus began a classic betrayal scenario. For the time being they were still seemingly one, still comrades, the bankers and the nationalists.
They worked together to set the stage for war, creating encircling alliances which would bring everyone and their cousin in against Germany and her allies, once a match was lit under the carefully prepared conflagration.
And then came the small matter of finance. Long before, the Rothschilds, the classic model of an elite banking family, learned that the financing of wars is the most profitable and reliable of all banking operations.
Britain could indeed prosecute the war with Germany, with the help of her alliances, and prevail, and she could also stake out strategic claims in the Middle East — but where would she get the money for the troops and ships? Don’t worry about that, we’ll take care of you, said the friendly bankers.
So Johnny goes marching off to war, allegedly to end war, while the British state pursues with vigor its nationalist objectives. Meanwhile the City’s bankers appointed their man in America — JP Morgan — to broker America’s support of the British war effort.
By making America the financier and goods-supplier of Britain’s war on Germany, Germany could be brought to its knees militarily, and Britain could be brought to its knees financially — while at the same time America could be turned into a proto-superpower.
All of these things coming together at one time is why I see WWI as the birth of the new-world-order project.
WWI was the making of America, as a world power. Its actual military participation was minimal, late, and secondary. Much more important were the internal industrial expansion, the influx of funding to the domestic economy, and the business consolidation that occurred.
Money went from New York to London, on loan, and then the money was sent back to Chicago, or Cleveland, or wherever, to purchase the goods of war. While Europeans and Brits were being slaughtered in their millions, Americans were experiencing boom times, leading into its golden age of the roaring 1920s.
When the war ended, Britain had accomplished her imperial objectives, had won the battle for European hegemony, and eliminated Germany as an immediate threat. In the process, however, she had inadvertently lost the war for global hegemony: Europe was no longer the focus of world power.
Guns and troops had won the battle, but debt had won the war. All of Europe — winners and losers alike — were destitute as the war ended, and the victorious allies were encumbered by astronomical debt to the American Treasury and to the banking elite.
The European economic malaise that emerged out of the Treaty of Versailles is usually blamed, in popular mythology, on the ‘shortsightedness of chauvinistic diplomats’, such as Clemenceau, in seeking revenge on their erstwhile enemies.
Or it is blamed on ‘narrow-minded protectionist measures’ adopted by European nations in the postwar years. In reality, it was the enforcement of debt collection that caused the malaise, and it was Morgan’s men, not diplomats, who dictated the draconian terms of repayment.
The betrayal, of Britain by the bankers, was now complete, and the dagger was being twisted in the guts of the betrayed.
Britain and its allies could not afford the repayment terms out of their own pockets, so the fiction was propagated that Germany had started the war, and that it must therefore pay reparations to the innocent victors. As usual, the victors write the histories.
The whole repayment scenario was carefully scripted by Morgan’s men, in the terms of the treaty, so that Europe would be struggling for decades to pay their debts to America and to Morgan’s financing syndicate. The focus of global hegemony had shifted Westward across the Atlantic.
While Europe had been devastated by war, America had built up its infrastructures and expanded its industrial base. While Europe emerged deeply in debt, America emerged with a strong balance sheet and an astronomical amount in the accounts-receivable column, to be paid by the war’s ‘victors’, and subsidized by the ‘losers’.
While Europe struggled to rebuild — requiring still more borrowing — America could continue its economic expansion, capture global markets, and generally exploit its privileged financial and industrial position.
From a nationalist perspective, we could say that America won WWI, and all of Europe lost — and lost big. The Europeans were bound to pay America huge sums for the privilege of having devastated one another.
But in America as in Britain, one must draw a distinction between nationalist-minded elites, and financial elites. During the war the bankers had shown the face of a true comrade to both Britain and America — enabling the one to win the war, and facilitating the rise to power of the other. Each of the banker’s “friends” got what it wished for. (One needs to be very careful of what one wishes for.)
We have seen how the banking comrade betrayed his British nationalist friends, by shifting the ground of hegemony westward while the old ground was being bitterly contested. It turns out that the American nationalist friends were also betrayed at the same time, by the same banking comrade, in a coup that will be described in the next section.
Britain had won the battle for Europe, for a while; America had won the battle for strongest nation, for a longer while — but it was the banking elite who won the war — for discretionary power over the future course of world affairs.
The Federal Reserve and the subversion of the American republic
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” — Amshall Rothschild
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” — Thomas Jefferson
Even while Britain was arranging its encircling alliances, and creating the conditions for inevitable war, banking-agent Morgan and his cohorts were busy arranging the means of financing the adventure, and creating the conditions so that that the banking elite would be the decider-behind-the-scenes and a primary raker-in-of-profits, as America exploited its position of dominance in the post-WWI era.
The time-tested formula, by which banking elites had come to dominate European governments, was the creation of a privately-owned central bank. Such a bank, according to the trusty formula, has the power to control credit, the money supply, and interest rates, to issue the currency of the nation, and to loan that currency at interest to the government.
The implementation of that fatal formula in America, however, had severe obstacles to overcome. The dangers of a central bank were well known to the Founding Fathers, and sentiment among political elites remained strong in the republic against such an institution. Earlier implementations had occurred, and each had been dissolved, to beneficial effect, by a subsequent administration.
In order to overcome these political obstacles, the bankers employed two other time-tested formulas: buying politicians, and creating panic through engineered crisis.
Like so many well-minded politicians, who for the most part try to do good during their tenure, Woodrow Wilson found it necessary, at a critical juncture in his career, to make a pact with the devil.
The path to the Presidency would be opened to him, and in most things he could have his own mind, but if a bill came before him establishing a central bank, he was to sign it. The pact was made, the coffers were opened, and the road to the Presidency was successfully traveled.
With Wilson elected, and his signature assured, it remained only to manipulate the Federal Reserve Bill (which was written by banking-agent Paul Warburg) through Congress.
Step One was to create a banking panic, which JP Morgan was able to accomplish simply by leaking rumors to the press that a certain New York bank was in trouble, causing a run on the bank, and from there the crisis spread domino-fashion and general panic ensued.
When the panic was at its peak, the Federal Reserve Bill was introduced into Congress, along with false and sombre assurances that the result would be financial stability, and an end to boom-bust cycles. The general panic created enough political support that a vocal minority of Congress came to support the bill.
Step Two, in manipulating the bill through Congress, was to call for a vote late one night, when most of Congress had gone home for Christmas, while the minority-in-favor had been tipped off to stick around. The bill passed, Wilson signed it promptly, and the coup was complete. The devil got his due, and just in time to maximize elite gains (both political and economic) from the financing of WWI.
Wilson lived to rue the day he shook hands with the devil. He expressed this later in strong terms:
“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world — no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.”
“Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it”
The war had served as a vehicle to transfer the focus of hegemony to America, and much else was shipped across the Atlantic along with that focus.
The lessons Britain had learned in its centuries of empire were brought over as well — the sly coordination of the overt and the covert, secret collaborations between private and public actors, the artful use of deception and betrayal, and all the other tricks of internal intrigue and geopolitical dominance.
The Council on Foreign Relations was established, directly on the model of a similar British organization. The emerging American giant was being carefully tutored by past masters of global games.
In a single decade the Anglo-American banking elite had managed to devastate Europe, launch America on the path to hegemony, secure direct control of American finance and behind-the-scenes control of American political affairs — and rake in astronomical profits in the process. Let this be a lesson to those who assume that elites aren’t clever enough to carry out big projects successfully in this complicated world of ours.
And in fact these kinds of elite manipulations are not really rocket science. When you have control over finance, and you have your tentacles into high-level political circles — and you have centuries of experience at this kind of thing — there’s a lot you can accomplish using routine methods.
Among the routine methods are deception, betrayal, artificial crises, bubble and burst economic cycles, engineered conflicts — and above all — never hesitating to finance wars to get what you want; genocide is a legitimate means.
As Henry Kissinger put it, when America betrayed the Kurds and was enthusiastically supporting Saddam Hussein, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs”.
It’s really just a matter of thinking big, and not giving a damn about anyone else but you and your friends and your shared power. These people have a philosophy: if we weren’t on top, someone else would be. Typical gangster reasoning.
World War II and the consolidation of American hegemony
WWI had been such a successful project that planning began immediately for a grander sequel, another giant step toward a new world order. In the early 1920’s, still in the days of the Weimar Republic, a team of Krupp engineers were secretly tasked with a project: come up with designs for a line of military equipment suitable for a war twenty years from now.
Thus were conceived the advanced weapons that served the Reich so well when the time came. Even though Germany was destitute, and treaty-bound not to rearm, someone knew, and told Krupp, that all this would change — and within the designated timeframe.
There were two primary elite objectives for the inter-war years: collecting the WWI debts, and creating the conditions for a larger-scale war that would consolidate America’s hegemonic role in world affairs.
As in WWI, the plan would be to get others to do the hard work, and for the yanks to come in when most of the fighting was over, pick up all the marbles, and score the points for victory. And once again, the banking elite would be financing the war (as it turns out, all sides) and raking in profits beyond measure.
Ongoing destitution in Europe was useful for two reasons: it maximized debt repayment, and it created the conditions in which elites could socially engineer the reconstruction process.
Destitute people are likely to accept whatever crumbs of hope are thrown their way. When Mussolini came along, with his vision of fascism, elites saw a man who could ‘instill the discipline’ necessary to enable debt repayment. He was promptly funded by the Anglo-American bankers.
Mussolini’s fascist ideas resonated with ideas popular among American elites. Eugenics, for example, including the killing or sterilizing of “undesirables”, was a cause promoted by Rockefeller, Ford, and many others.
And the primary tenet of fascism — the individual is subservient to the needs of the state — is music to the ears of ruthless elites everywhere, and in particular to our friendly banking elites.
Hitler was a project of the Anglo-American bankers. His charismatic brilliance was noticed early, and his Mein Kampf served as an effective marketing brochure for himself: here was a man determined to do exactly what the financial elite would love to see happen — he wanted to invade and decimate the anti-capitalist Soviet Union.
His rise to power was funded largely through the auspices of the Anglo-American bankers, and immense profits were made by investing in the German rearmament process. And he was good about debt repayments.
Germany fighting Russia — that was a good start for the next war project. Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Japan was looming as a new power. In 1905 she had bettered Russia in the Russo-Japanese war and she was rapidly industrializing. Japan had imperialist aspirations and this fit perfectly into elite planning.
Japan against China, and Germany against Russia, was precisely the kind of global war that elites, comfortable in New York, would be happy to fight, and win. Many a dollar was made investing in Japan’s imperialist adventures, and selling them supplies and equipment, prior to Pearl Harbor.
Meanwhile, in the USA, there were profits and gains of other kinds to be made during the inter-war years. First came the bubble, a.k.a. the Roaring Twenties. Everyone and his cousin was playing the market.
Everything was going up, as carefully stage managed by the new Federal Reserve financial autocracy. With a strong economy, and all that cash coming in from debt repayments, the bubble was easy to manage. Lots of people made a bundle, but the biggest bundles were stashed away by those at the top who financed the episode. The house always wins.
Next came the consolidation phase, a.k.a. the Great Depression. If America was to emerge from the next war project as global hegemon, the important thing was to own as much of America as possible. By comparison, current profits were secondary.
And the most convenient way to buy up American assets was to create a depression, whereby everything would be on the market at fire-sale prices. Elementary, my dear Watson. [Could the bankers be creating the oncoming (2009-?) great depression for the same purpose? — Ed.]
All of these threads wove together perfectly as WWII began. The masses of people in Europe and Asia were engaged in murdering one another, and destroying one another’s countries, while the USA continued to stay out of the fray, and the Anglo-American banking elite was profiting from its investments and loans to all sides of the conflicts.
America’s entry into the war was carefully delayed, coming just in time to determine the outcome, but after much of the fighting had already occurred. In order to facilitate this delay, the virtues of neutrality were promoted in the mainstream media right up until Pearl Harbor, despite considerable grassroots anti-fascist sentiment.
When the right time came for entry, banking-agent Roosevelt initiated a series of provocations against Japan, designed to force them to attack.
The Japanese codes had been broken, the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor was known, and the valuable aircraft carriers were put safely out to sea. Out-of-date ships were left as sacrificial lambs, e.g., the Arizona.
“Day of Infamy” indeed. By such an arranged incident, the neutrality propaganda could be instantly reversed, and a declaration of war readily obtained from a neutralist-minded Congress. Many of them pacifists yesterday, the young men of America were now all lining up to enlist. So easy, when you pull all the strings, to turn a whole nation around on a dime.
“If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don’t want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.” — Harry S. Truman, New York Times, June 24, 1941
Even after declaring war on Japan and Germany, America participated only marginally, with a holding action in the Pacific, a troop buildup in the British isles, and a bombing campaign against the Reich. The real fighting was happening in China and on the Eastern Front of the German campaign.
America was happy for the fighting to go on, as long as a big winner didn’t emerge, a potential threat to US hegemony. Every day the fighting continued, the bankers were profiting from the financing, and potential rivals to America were being weakened.
Only when Germany was defeated at Stalingrad, and the huge Russian army began advancing westward, did America finally commit masses of ground troops to combat. There was no need to defeat Hitler; Stalin was taking care of that business on the Eastern Front, where 80% of the German divisions were fighting.
The task of the American troops was to race eastward to halt the advance of Russia as quickly as possible. Much to the consternation of Stalin, after the allies landed in Italy, the yanks allowed three more German divisions to transfer unmolested from Italy to the Eastern Front, as one way of slowing down the Russian advance. Once again betrayal, this time of ally Russia.
The WWII project achieved all of its objectives admirably. While having fought only marginally, and suffered negligible casualties — in comparison with the other major combatants — the US emerged with an intact infrastructure, 40% of the world’s wealth and industrial capacity, control of the seven seas, a monopoly on atomic weapons, strategic footholds in the Middle East oil sheikdoms, and general popular acclaim as the heroic champion of democracy.
Quite naturally, the world’s eyes turned to Washington for leadership in shaping the postwar world.
And America was ready with a blueprint. The bankers had selected a committee, from their Council on Foreign Relations, and sent it over to the White House to design the postwar architecture.
America was now secured as a hegemonic base of operations, more viable for that role than Britain had been, and it was time to move forward with the next phase of the new-world-order project. Thus were launched, promptly after the war ended, the Bretton Woods globalist institutions — the UN, IMF, and World Bank — the early foundation stones for an eventual one-world government.
Note to the reader: In my harsh description of America’s participation in WWII, I in no way mean to dishonor the brave men and women who fought and sacrificed in that war as GI’s. They were not deceiving or betraying, they were fighting with all their hearts for freedom. They were as much the victims of elite games as were all the others who lost their lives.
The short American Century: preparing the world to accept global governance
The WWII project was, like the WWI project, a remarkable success for the banking elites. Again, as before, the next stage of the larger new-world-order project was promptly set in motion.
With its hegemonic position, America would serve as an ideal base of operations for this next stage, but a global American Empire was not to be the final outcome.
America was to be used and betrayed, like Britain before it, and this time the plan called, and still calls, for a world government to be installed, making the whole Earth into a base of operations, a private fiefdom, to be owned and ruled directly by the banking elite.
The unfolding of this third phase of the new-world-order project took about six decades, and as we lived through it we saw what seemed to be many surprising and unpredictable episodes.
However, if we step back and look at the big picture, the key elements of the project become clear. The following objectives have all been achieved, and they were all carefully orchestrated to reach their conclusions at about the same time, which turned out to be the end of 2008:
- The rise and fall of America as hegemonic imperial power
- The preservation of American military supremacy as its only major asset
- The universal destabilization of localized economic systems
- A worldwide extended boom-bust cycle, ending with most of the world destitute and hopelessly in debt
In this section, we’ll briefly review how each of these objectives was systematically achieved.
As it was in the heyday of the British Empire, the interests of banking elites and nationalist-minded elites (in America this time) were more or less aligned as the postwar era began. A grand campaign of imperialist operations in the Global South served both their interests.
With a policy of containment with respect to the communist world, and of Pax Americana with respect to Europe — precluding Europe from becoming a military competitor — America was able to maintain military hegemony in the “free world” and use its forces to achieve direct imperialist objectives in the Global South, without needing to directly confront other major powers.
America employed a much more refined and efficient model for imperial management than the British Empire had ever been able to achieve. Besides avoiding direct military conflicts with major competitors, Washington spurned the burden and expense of colonial administration, and instead focused on regime-change operations as a way of keeping small nations under control.
The installation of corrupt dictators was the preferred model (e.g., the Shah, Noriega, Marcos, Saddam, etc., ad nauseam) who, once installed, were encouraged to enrich themselves and their cronies as they suppressed their populations, so that investors from the North could exploit the nation’s resources and workers.
Eventually such dictators would always outlive their usefulness. Either they would lose control of rebellious populations (e.g., Marcos), or they would get uppity and start defending their national interests (e.g., Noriega).
When such a time came, the elite-controlled mass media would suddenly discover that there was a ruthless dictator loose in the world, and the successor regime change would be widely welcomed as a ‘victory for democracy’.
The faces would change, and perhaps some reforms would be implemented, but in the end there would be another proxy in place doing whatever needs to be done to facilitate exploitation by foreign investors. Such has been the nature of the free world era in the South.
A critical underpinning of the Cold War and the Pax Americana regime was the mythology of a communist threat. In fact Russia posed no real threat, not militarily nor in terms of covert subversion. Russia had been devastated by the war, and the last thing it wanted was to get involved in another one.
It had been invaded by Europe time and again, WWII being only the most recent instance, and its main concerns were security and national development. Russia tried time and again to normalize relations with the West, and to pursue large-scale nuclear disarmament, but was each time rebuffed.
With the destruction caused by WWII, and with the West again exhibiting hostility, Russia had little choice but to hold on to Eastern Europe as a protective barrier against another attack. Certainly Eastern Europeans were not happy with clumsy, autocratic Russian rule, but they were not being economically exploited as was the Southern “free world”.
Living conditions in Eastern Europe were typically better than in the Soviet Union itself, and better than in the South. Its “satellites” were an economic and political burden to the Soviets, an investment not in imperialism but in national security.
Now that Eastern Europe has been separated from Russia, and Washington is putting missiles and radar installation there and extending NATO, it is clear that Russia’s attempt to maintain a buffer made perfect defensive sense.
The “communist threat” provided a handy excuse for US interventionism, for maintaining a strong US military, and for the ongoing development of America’s nuclear arsenal.
Equally important, enabled by the fiction that Russia threatened the entire West, America was able to portray itself as the ‘friend and protector of Europe’, justify the economic isolation of the socialist block, and justify as well the Pax Americana regime in the “free world”.
But as in Britain before, the interests of nationalism and of the banking elite were not to remain aligned. Even as America continued to extend its hegemony in a geopolitical and military sense, the seeds of economic decline were being planted by the bankers.
The first step was to start moving manufacturing overseas, leading to the de-industrialization of America and yielding increased profits to investors and transnational corporations.
After that, Ronald Reagan was ushered into power, bringing with him a full scale assault on the stability of the American national economy. The program of economic destabilization was then extended globally, as the globalization project.
Globalization, with its deregulation of corporations and international finance, has certainly been a profit bonanza for international banks and transnational corporations.
Its deeper purpose, however, has been to destroy localized economic systems and to make everyone dependent on the global marketplace for essential goods and services. Not only has self-sufficiency been undermined for nations everywhere, but mutual-benefit bilateral trade arrangements have been largely eliminated as well.
Under the hocus-pocus doctrine of free trade, a situation has been created where, to the maximum extent possible, all goods and services are generated in the lowest-waged parts of the world, and then sold on the global market to the highest bidders.
Not only does this maximize the profits of the middlemen (the bankers and transnational corporations), and drive wages down everywhere, but it also results in market prices that are largely beyond the reach of the Global South.
Under globalization, we’ve seen the most draconian system of imperialism every imposed on the South, and it’s an imperialism managed by the bankers (via their globalist institutions) directly, not by an imperialist nation, as in the days of earlier empires.
Just as with the Native Americans and the Australian Aborigines in the 1800’s, the whole population of the South is now considered to be ‘in the way’ of ongoing economic development and the accelerated exploitation of Southern resources.
A program of wholesale genocide, on a scale much larger than the Holocaust, is now underway in the South, facilitated by economic and social destabilization, in turn facilitated by “free trade” and by covert interventions.
The campaign for biofuel development, which makes little or no sense from an energy perspective, has the main (and intended) consequence of accelerating the program of genocide by substantially increasing the price of food on the global market. Keep this in mind when next you listen to banking-agent Al Gore‘s inspiring speeches about “energy independence”.
Of all the advantages the banking elites enjoy from this globalized and unregulated economic system, the most strategic is the discretionary power they have to arbitrarily manipulate global affairs.
And of the tools available to them under this regime, the most potent is the ability to manipulate high-level finance. By such means Japan and the Southeast Asian “Tigers” were cut down to size, and any number of other boom-bust cycles have been engineered over the past several decades (e.g., Brazil, Argentina).
It is this ability to manipulate high-level finance that has been used to create the climactic conclusion of this short American Century: the engineered global banking collapse and the ensuing general panic.
This manufactured panic was then exploited to push through the disastrous bailout schemes that are transferring insolvency from the banks to the governments. By intentionally committing economic suicide, the bankers have managed to kill not their banking system, but the economic viability of nations worldwide.
From a big-picture perspective, the entire period since the end of WWII can be seen as one big boom-bust cycle.
It brought us the greatest period of sustained economic growth the world has ever seen, and in the end, with the engineered collapse and bailouts, all the marbles are now being picked up by the banking elites. Game over.
The marketing of subservience: installing the New World Order
As with the two world-war projects, the short-American-Century project was a complete success, in preparing the ground for a global system of governance by, of, and for the elite bankers.
Again, the main elements of this penultimate sub-project:
- The rise and fall of America as hegemonic imperial power
- The preservation of American military supremacy as its only major asset
- The universal destabilization of localized economic systems
- A worldwide extended boom-bust cycle, ending with most of the world destitute and hopelessly in debt
To be more precise, the destitution and hopelessness are only now beginning to unfold. We’ve seen the first wave of business failures and personal insolvencies, but many more will follow domino fashion.
The amount of the losses the banks have suffered have still not been disclosed, and massive credit-card defaults are yet to come, as the ranks of the unemployed continue to soar globally.
The classic, time-tested way to implement big social-engineering changes is first to create a crisis, and then in the ensuing panic to offer a solution — the ‘solution’ being the original goal of the entire exercise.
We’ve seen this formula used to facilitate the installation of the Federal Reserve system, the passage of the bailout schemes, the entry of America into WWII, etc. On a still-grander scale, it is the formula that will lead to the creation of a one-world government.
The problem in this case is the collapse of national economies and the global financial system; the solution will be a Global Central Bank — in sum, a global-scale replay of the Federal Reserve project.
Banking-agent Gordon Brown seems to be the one who has been assigned the task of moving this agenda forward. In a recent article in BBC News he begins framing the context of the debate to come: Gordon Brown sets stage for the New World Order.
Once a global central bank has been achieved, using the IMF and World Bank as a starting point, the consolidation of a one-world government will be straightforward to achieve.
The ability to manipulate global and national finance will be centralized in that elite-run bank, and the UN provides the nucleus from which a formal governmental structure can be fashioned.
UN “reform” will of course be required — to eliminate whatever vestiges of democratic representation still exist there — and appropriate reform measures are already underway, although, not surprisingly, this process hasn’t been featured prominently (yet) in mainstream news reports. That will soon change.
By Richard K. Moore, Guest author
Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HumansAreFree/~3/PdwRFGT9mL4/a-brief-history-of-new-world-order.html
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