Ninety-eight-year-old Zena Santicario-Satsuglou, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, is the first person to receive the coronavirus vaccine in Thessaloniki, Greece.The city’s vaccine campaign only began on Tuesday, and medical staff began to implement vaccinations at Santicario-Satsuglou’s Jewish nursing home in Thessaloniki, named after Shaul Modiano, Ynet reported.Santicario-Satsuglou chose to live in the Jewish nursing home in Thessaloniki more than 10 years ago, after her husband’s death. The city was once filled with extensive Jewish influence in all areas of life.When she was only 18 in 1943, like most Greek Jews, she was deported by the Nazis to Auschwitz, according to the report on Ynet. Her parents and brother were murdered there, but she managed to survive the concentration camp.The nursing home reported that the nine seniors in the Jewish nursing home who have been vaccinated are doing well, and are currently waiting for the second dose of the vaccine, according to Ynet.Advocate Thanos Christos, who organizes volunteering for the Jewish community, said that fortunately, to date, all residents of the institution and staff have not been infected with coronavirus, as all residents live in private rooms and every safety measure has been taken to prevent infection.
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