Judges Horacio Piombo and Ramón Sal Llargués of the Chamber of Criminal Cassation of Buenos Aires stunned the world when they reduced the sentence of a child molester because the child “displayed a homosexual orientation and was accustomed to being sexually abused.”
Mario Tolosa was the child’s soccer coach when he raped the child. He had been sentenced to six years, but the judges cut that sentence almost in half because Tolosa couldn’t be held responsible for “the warped sexual development of the minor child.” The six-year-old was called a cross-dresser by the judges before they went on to say:
“it is clear that the child’s sexual choice—despite his young age and in light of the considerable testimony of those close to him—had already been made.”
The prosecutor in the case is appealing to the Supreme Court of the Province of Buenos Aires.
It should be noted that these are the same honorable judges that reduced the sentence of a preacher that raped a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old because the girls
“were from a social class in which sexual permissiveness was acceptable at an early age.”
Obviously the judges condone sexual acts with minors, but their most recent decision and reason grants free reign to predators who can now target children that have demonstrated some form of behavior that is against the norms of the traditionally conservative society. LGBT groups in the country are (rightfully) outraged.
Even the public defender for the area expressed serious concern with the judges’ ruling. He referred to the ruling as “discriminatory” and “homophobic.”
Buenos Aires is already known for sex tourists and sex trafficking. Now, the area will obviously become a hotbed for people seeking to victimize children. These judges have issued a combination of rulings that have basically led to the impression that as long as the victim comes from a low-income family and can somehow be made to appear gay in the court’s eyes, the abuse is just part of what the children should expect. They’re even inviting it.
Source Article from http://www.sott.net/article/297383-6-year-old-invited-sexual-abuse-says-judge
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