But the “experts” say!!!!
But the doctors must know best you say!
In 1799, George Washington contacted some form of respiratory illness.
Martha called in the “Health Experts”, doctors.
One doctor shoved a suppository up his ass and made him shit his brains out.
Another made him throw up several times.
After they had him dehydrated from both ends, they drained near half his blood out.
He died!
If Martha had just given him chicken soup and warm tea he would have probably lived several more years.
In 1976 the DC whores pushed a “Swine Flu Vaccine.
It killed a bunch of people.
My wife damn near died from it.
During Desert Shield/Storm, the USA “government” used the war to illegally use the troops as lab rats to test an untested, unapproved “Anthrax vaccine”.
Last figures I saw which of course should be multiplied by at least 10, was 35,000 dead, and God only knows how many disabled.
I was in country for the war.
One day when I came back to the rear where headquarters was a chief grabbed me and said, Carleton, you need to go to medical and get a vaccination.
When you are in the military you just roll up your sleve and get used for a pin cushion.
The Corman jabbed it into my arm, did not write it into my medical records and in a whisper said, “that’s an Anthrax vaccine.
“Don’t tell any one you got it”.
After they knew they were killing and disabling troops, they still MANDATED troops get the witch’s brew voodoo jab.
They just broke it down into a series of smaller doses.
People were still dying and becoming disabled.
It took a class action law suit to force the US government to stop killing their own troops.
Of course all who became sick and could no longer do their military duties, were kicked out without benefits and as the government lied about what was making them sick, they were denied benefits through the VA.
That “vaccine is your Gulf War Illness.
The US “government” is still lying their asses off about the whole thing.
The Amish do not have Autism because they do not vaccinate.
‘Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT?’
Our son was diagnosed as Autistic when he was 3.
My wife knew he was early on as she had worked with the Special Ed department of the local school district.
I had studied microbiology under an Air Force Virologist who taught night classes at a local college.
Then after the war when I was fighting to keep alive from being used as a Lab rat for an experimental vaccine, I had studied vaccines and immunity, vitamins and minerals.
As soon as the son was diagnosed I got a State of Texas Vaccine Exemption for him and he NEVER had another vaccine.
Enter the “COVID-19” Scamdemic.
There were five boys in my family.
Four of us said not no, but HELL NO to the Killer Jab for a non existent “virus”.
We are still alive.
One brother believed the US “government” and MSM
A man who had been very healthy, started having all kinds of health problem, was in and out of hospitals shortly after the Killer Jab, then died.
Un-Killer Jabbed folks can get sick being around Killer Jabbed folks as the Killer Jabbed folks bodies become spike protein producing factories which the shed with every breath, skin cell, every hair which falls out and such.
My wife and I either caught a yearly flu or got sick from Killer Jabbed sheep.
After about a week each we got over it and started building our strength back
Our son who lives with us, eats what we give him to eat, never got sick.
Some months later when he turned 31, we all went to a fancy restaurant where Killer Jabbed Mask wearing sheep served us.
The wife and I came down with something which was about a 3 day thing this time.
The son did not get sick, again.
Because his immune system has not been totally destroyed with voodoo vaccines, that’s why!
I have a friend who has had the same girl friend ever since I have known him, which has been at least 30 years.
He did not get jabbed.
She did again and again.
I warned him not to be sticking parts of his body in a body which was a spike protein factory, but his lower head did the thinking.
Finally he told me every time they had sex, he got sick.
Going into her house where she shed all the time began making him have symptoms.
First her arm got stiff, before it was over she had blisters and sores, skin rashes all over her.
He finally had to stop going around her to keep from getting sick.
Personally after they used me for a lab rat, every vaccine they gave me damn near killed me.
After I got out of the military I had one more vaccine at the Va, and it damn near killed me.
Self defense is a God given right and I decided if anyone ever against my wishes tried to shoot me with a loaded syringe, I had the God Given Right of self defense, and should shoot them before they shot me.
The Ole Dog!
‘5 Huge Historical Vaccine Frauds’
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.” – Dr. Glen Dettman AMM, BA, PhD.
This article details 5 historical vaccination frauds suppressed by the medical establishment, including deceptions, coverups, and empirical facts we were clearly meant to forget.
As you will see, these examples prove conclusively that opposition from the scientific and medical communities to vaccination is neither unscientific nor a “new” phenomenon courtesy of the “anti-vaxx” movement of the modern era, as the establishment would have us believe.
Let’s start at the start with Vax Fraud No. 1…
1. The Frauds of the Founding Father
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) has been lauded as a medical pioneer and saver of the lives of millions for supposedly developing the earliest crude forms of vaccination. But is he really all that?
Was he even an original thinker? What if he turned out to be…a charlatan?
See for yourself.
Jenner set up practice as a “surgeon” in Berkeley in the 1700s but, in fact, he did not earn the title of “doctor” at all. Jenner’s history is actually quite amusing.
As Dr Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA., explained during an address in 1896:
“Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He belonged to the good old times when George III was King—(laughter)—when medical examinations were not compulsory.
Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a superfluity, and he hung up ‘Surgeon, apothecary’, over his door without any of the qualifications that warranted the assumption. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought it advisable to get a few letters after his name. Consequently he then communicated with a Scotch University and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the sum of £15 and nothing more. (Laughter.)
It is true that a little while before, he had obtained a Fellowship of the Royal Society, but his latest biographer and apologist, Dr. Norman Moore, had to confess that it was obtained by little less than a fraud.
It was obtained by writing a most extraordinary paper about a fabulous cuckoo, for the most part composed of arrant absurdities and imaginative freaks such as no ornithologist of the present day would pay the slightest heed to. A few years after this, rather dissatisfied with the only medical qualification he had obtained, Jenner communicated with the University of Oxford and asked them to grant him their honorary degree of M.D., and after a good many fruitless attempts he got it.
Then he sent to the Royal College of Physicians in London to get their diploma, and even presented his Oxford degree as an argument in his favour. But they considered he had had quite enough on the cheap already, and told him distinctly that until he passed the usual examinations they were not going to give him any more.” ~ Dr Walter Hadwen, 1896 [1] [bold emphases added]
So, after about 20 years of practicing his special brand of “medicine,” Jenner the professional charlatan realized he might benefit from some extra letters after his name, and thus it was that in 1790, Jenner simply bought a medical degree for £15.
This is the man who helped create what is now a multi-billion dollar medical empire—a person who was not only a complete fraud and confidence man, but evidently a pathological liar.
Still, at least Jenner tried to create the appearance of medical credentials, whereas his present day “descendent” and proselytiser Bill “COVI-PASS” Gates has precisely NONE and doesn’t seem to care.
Let’s continue the vaccination fraud timeline…
1791: Edward Jenner vaccinated his 18 month old son with swine-pox and eight years later in 1798 with cow-pox. His son died of tuberculosis (TB) at the age of 21, and Jenner thereafter chose NOT to vaccinate his second son. (Yes, he became a “refuser” of sorts, at least where his own family’s health was concerned! The irony is supreme.)
1796: Jenner living in Gloucestershire, England, is falsely credited with the concept of vaccination, which he actually appropriated from dairy maids. Dr. Hadwen in his 1896 address explained:
“He was not, however, the discoverer [of the vaccine concept]. The whole thing was a superstition of the Gloucestershire dairymaids years before Jenner was born—(laughter)—and the very experiment, so-called, that he performed had been performed by an old farmer named Benjamin Jesty twenty years previously.”
Hadwen added:
“When Jenner first of all heard the story of the cow-pox legend that the dairymaids talked about, that if you only had cow-pox you can’t have small-pox, he began to mention it at the meetings of the Medico-Convivial Society, where the old doctors of the day met together to smoke their pipes, drink their glasses of grog, and talk over their cases.
But he no sooner mentioned it than they laughed at it. The cow doctors could have told him of hundreds of cases where small-pox had followed cow-pox, and Jenner found he would have to drop it.[2] [emphasis added]
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