jews wants to flood all White countries with hordes of foreigners, while viciously protecting the borders of Israel against Palestinians wishing to return to their rightful homeland.
From National File:
49 Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), run by Jonathan Greenblatt, sent a letter to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi urging the Democrats to put a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants “in any economic recovery or infrastructure legislation that moves forward via budget reconciliation.”
The letter that was sent to Biden was spearheaded by Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, with the ADL signing on to it as well. The letter reads:
As Jewish organizations that collectively represent millions of American Jews, we urge you to prioritize the inclusion of a pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, essential workers, and their families, in any economic recovery or infrastructure legislation that moves forward via budget reconciliation….As Jews, we are taught that each person is created b’tzelem elohim, in the divine image. Each of us is equally deserving of the opportunity to prosper in safety. ”
Actually, the jewish holy texts teach that goyim are essentially worthless and less than human when compared to the chosenites.
The letter continues:
Permanent protection for individuals who live under the fear of detention and deportation, as well as the constant threat of exploitation, is not just the moral action but also the most sensible choice” and “Immigrant workers and their families are vital to the fabric of our nation – it is time our government acts accordingly.
jews have been actively working to flood the United States for many years, carrying on in the tradition of Emanuel Celler and other anti-White jewish supremacists.
While supporting all of our countries being flooded, the ADL is very much opposed to Israel’s demographics changing at all. jews need to reign supreme there!
“Do as I say, not as I jew!”
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