This is a thorough compilation from many different sources publishing information about supplements for radiation poisoning in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. These are only select quotes. Some of these are more likely to pan out than others. FYI, many of these supplements incidentally will also help people undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy).
In no particular order:
- Modifilan
“This extract was little known in the Soviet Union for several decades due to its very specific field of application. The first time it was successfully used in volume was after the Chernobyl nuclear plant catastrophe in 1989. When used for detoxification and thyroid gland rehabilitation, Modifilan helped thousands of nuclear plant workers and people in the area who were affected by the explosion. A large group of doctors was assigned to observe the health conditions of those who took Modifilan for almost a year. The results exceeded all expectations.”
- Pectasol Chelation Complex
“Studies dating to 1968 found that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance, called sodium alginate, which selectively bound radioactive strontium and eliminated it from the body.”
“When Chernobyl melted down, researchers found that brown seaweed greatly reduced radiation poisoning. There are two products that offer brown seaweed, also known as alginate. The first is Modifilan (available on the Internet). The other is Pectasol Chelation Complex. Both products are rich in alginates.”
Second Opinion Newsletter March 18, 2011
“In laboratory experiments, sodium alginate prepared from kelp, kombu, and other brown seaweeds off the Atlantic and pacific coasts was introduced along with strontium and calcium into rats. The reduction of radioactive particles in bone uptake, measured in the femur, reached as high as 80%, with little interference with calcium absorption.”
- Spirulina
“Those negatively affected by high levels of radiation after working on cleanup efforts following the 1986 Chernobyl disaster experienced improvements in the autoregulatory functionality of their bodily organs and other systems, as well as long-term remission from overall radiation damage, after being treated with a regimen that included Spirulina.”
- Chlorella
“In 1993, researchers from Jawaharlal Nehru University in India also found that Chlorella is effective at protecting against and mitigating the damage caused by both acute and chronic radioactive damage.”
“It is interesting to see that uranium-238 is being eliminated in the hair using the HMD protocol; to date there is no natural chelating agent known to mobilize and eliminate uranium-238 from body tissues. HMD is the only chelation product that I have seen that has actually been tested and shown to be effective for uranium toxicity.”
- Russian choice
“Then the researchers treated immune-depressed patients from the Chernobyl accident. Within two days, these patients reported great energy improvements. Within two weeks, their blood chemistry was almost back to normal. Within one month, patients stopped getting sick.”
- Liposomal and Nebulized Glutathione
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Radiation decimates the body’s supply of glutathione…Please read my essay on Glutathione and Bicarbonate Nebulization. Nebulization is one of the best ways to quickly increase glutathione levels as is the use of glutathione suppositories. The main cancer risk from inhaled uranium oxide and other airborne radioactive particles would be from tiny insoluble particles lodged deep in the lungs. That’s a good reason to nebulize both glutathione and bicarbonate directly into the lungs and one must wonder why governments and health officials have not sponsored this treatment.
(Comment: Liposomal glutathione is the best form of glutathione delivery for the whole body. It may be used simultaneously with nebulized glutathione.)
- Liposomal Vitamin C
“…researchers at Harvard Medical School said, “Our experiment showed that vitamin C can prevent damage from radiation….it somehow keeps the radiation from killing the cells.”
(Comment: Liposomal vitamin C is far superior to regular vitamin C.)
- Apple pectin
“The average reduction of the 137Cs levels in children receiving oral pectin powder was 62.6%, the reduction with “clean” food and placebo was 13.9%, the difference being statistically significant (p <0.01).”
- Kelp Powder
“Steven Schecter, N.D says “There is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables … sea vegetables can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins.””
(Comment: Kelp – like chlorella and spirulina – is a sea vegetable. It also contains high levels of iodine, which is used by itself as a frontline treatment for radiation poisoning.)
- Echinacea
“Following the Chernobyl disaster in 1984, echinacea became the subject of intensive research in the Ukraine in a search for immunostimulants. Ukrainian researchers have found that echinacea may help the body cope with radiation exposure, said Victoriya Pochernyayeva from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy.”
“The particular therapeutic action of echinacea discussed above shows that it can stimulate an increase in white blood cells following radiation treatments.”
- Wheatgrass
“Consume chlorophyll rich wheatgrass. Tests have indicated that a wheatgrass rich diet improves survival after exposure to radiation and that chlorophyll increases resistance to radiation.”
- Radiation Detox Baths
“If our food supply becomes contaminated, things will become more difficult. One of my teachers, Hazel Parcels, used a cup of chlorox in a warm bath for 20 minutes to decontaminate nuclear workers successfully. Washing our vegetables in chlorox would do the same thing. To a lesser degree a bath in a pound of baking soda and a pound of sea salt will also work for both body and food.”
Dr. Klinghardt 3/23/2011 Klinghardt Academy Newsletter
“After a radioactive incident, doctors will usually rub you down with copious amounts of water to wash off any contaminants. They’ll even vigorously scrub wounds with a special chelation agent in order to prevent radioactive materials from entering your body…Though I cannot find any specific medical references verifying the treatment history, I’ve also been told that radiation detoxification baths containing specialty clays were used at Chernobyl and were found to help remove radiation from the body more quickly.”
- Sodium bicarbonate
“With uranium exposure, the kidney is usually the first organ to show chemical damage. Oral doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate help alkalinize urine, makes the uranyl ion less nephrotoxic and thereby promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium carbonate complex.”
- Foods that protect against radiation
“Finally, there are certain foods that can protect you. Start by eating as many Living Foods as possible. Remember, plant chemicals protect plants from solar radiation. They can help protect you as well.”
Second Opinion Newsletter March 18, 2011
“In 1945, at the time of the atomic bombing of Japan, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D. was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’s Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the fallout that has been released.
Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets.
As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors perished from radiation sickness.”
- Iodine
“According to the FDA, the following doses are appropriate to take after internal contamination with (or likely internal contamination with) radioactive iodine:
- Adults up through age 40 should take 130 mg. (Note: this is about 700 times the normal daily recommended dose of 150 mcg. Also note that most iodine supplements sold in health food stores are sold in microgram doses, not the milligrams you need for thryroid blockage.) People over the age of 40 should only take supplemental iodine if they are exposed to a large dose of radiation. Older adults are the least likely to develop thyroid cancer and the most likely to have allergic reactions to the iodine. Obviously, the older you are, the less you should think about taking prophylactic doses of iodine.
- Women who are breastfeeding should take 130 mg. Pregnant women should take only one dose. And, I hate to say this, but nursing mothers should probably stop breastfeeding if they are exposed and use formula if available. If formula is not available, continue breastfeeding.
- Children between the ages of 3 and 18 should take 65 mg. Children who weigh 150 lbs or more should take 130 mg, regardless of their age.
- Infants and toddlers between the ages of 1 month and 3 years (either nursing or non-nursing) should take 32 mg.
- Newborns from birth to 1 month (both nursing and non-nursing) should be given 16 mg.Note: newborns less than 1 month old who receive more than one dose of KI are at particular risk for developing hypothyroidism. If not treated, hypothyroidism can cause brain damage. Infants who receive supplemental iodine should have their thyroid hormone levels checked and monitored by a doctor. Avoid repeat dosing.
Note: The thyroid glands of a fetus and of an infant are most at risk of injury from radioactive iodine. Young children and people with low stores of iodine in their thyroid are also at risk of thyroid injury.
A single dose of KI protects the thyroid gland for 24 hours. A one-time dose at the levels recommended above is usually all that is needed to protect the thyroid gland. In some cases, radioactive iodine might be in the environment for more than 24 hours. If that happens, local emergency management or public health officials may tell you to take one dose of KI every 24 hours for a few days. You should do this only on the advice of emergency management officials, public health officials, or your doctor. Avoid repeat dosing with KI for pregnant and breastfeeding women and newborn infants. For those individuals, evacuation may be the best alternative until levels of radioactive iodine fall.
Taking a higher dose of iodine, or taking iodine more often than recommended, does not offer more protection and can cause severe illness or death.
Also do not take iodine:
- If you are already taking medication with high levels of iodine.
- You are allergic to iodine.
- If you have a thyroid disease that is iodine sensitive such as Grave’s disease, do not take supplemental iodine without your doctor’s permission and guidance.”
“There are two products that provide ample amounts of both iodide and iodine. I’ve written a lot about Iodoral in past issues (available on my website). I think most people should take one capsule daily, just for general nutritional purposes. I do. After a few weeks, your thyroid should be sufficient in iodine and iodide, making your organs more resistant to radioactive iodine.
A good alternative is Lugol’s solution, which is the liquid form of Iodoral. Two drops of this iodine/iodide product is equivalent to one Iodoral. If you know there’s a significant risk of radioactive iodine exposure, you can double or triple the dose in the short run. Regardless of whether radiation from Japan’s nuclear facilities comes this way or not, these are great products to take on a regular basis. Both are readily available on the Internet.”
Second Opinion Newsletter March 18, 2011
“Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, “The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about three months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine daily and a year to achieve that while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily.”
- Liposomal EDTA
“Strontium 90, a radioactive mineral, is a more difficult issue. It is chemically similar to calcium and can wind up in your bones. Since EDTA can chelate calcium, it would make sense that it would also grab strontium. And studies suggest it does. For strontium 90, consider both oral and rectal EDTA, which may offer limited protection. If you are exposed to radiation, I’d go directly to intravenous EDTA under the care of a trained chelation doctor.”
(Comment: EDTA is not well absorbed orally. Liposomal EDTA is well absorbed. Also, Detoxamin EDTA suppositories are well absorbed. When taking EDTA always supplement with large amounts of multi-minerals, as EDTA also removes those from your body.)
Second Opinion Newsletter March 18, 2011
- Humic/Fulvic Acids
“Uranium atoms may be too large for conventional chelators to grab. So I recommend a totally natural supplement from decaying organic matter instead. It’s my favorite for super heavy metals. This includes uranium, which is the heaviest naturally occurring metal. The product is Metal Magnet, which contains humic/fulvic acids. These are complex large organic molecules containing lots of carboxylic acid chemical groups. These attract metals like a giant catcher’s mitt. All metals will fit in. And it is especially good at capturing toxic metals (see Second Opinion from June and July 2006). You can find Metal Magnet on the Internet.”
Second Opinion Newsletter March 18, 2011
- Vitamin A
“Side effects from radiation and chemotherapy are well known. In this current study (Levitsky, J. et al. Oral vitamin A for the treatment of chronic radiation proctopathy: a randomized controlled trial. Gastroenterology: 2003, 124 (4), Suppl. 1.) taking 8000 iu of vitamin A reduced symptoms in 88% of the patients.”
- Calcitriol Vitamin D
“Our general understanding and appreciation of the multifaceted protective actions of vitamin D have recently entered a new era,” says Hayes, “It is now becoming recognized that its most active molecular form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, may offer protection against a variety of radiation- and otherwise-induced damages.”
(Comment: Vitamin D3 is metabolized into this form of vitamin D, and is the cheapest way to raise these levels)
- Minerals
“Calcium, Magnesium, D3, selenium, zinc, copper, (no iron), are very important to fill in, so that the bone structure is not displaced with radioactive strontium and cesium.”
Gaye Langham McNally, Biochemist, CNC
- Essential Fatty Acids
“Clinical application of selected essential fatty acids at appropriate doses may lead to a significant increase in the therapeutic gain in patients treated for cancer by radiotherapy.”
- Haelen 951
“A clinical study was performed using Haelen’s fermented soy beverage with 318 cancer patients, 276 patients receiving chemotherapy and the balance radiation, while consuming Haelen’s fermented soy beverage. This study, and numerous reports from doctors and cancer patients since the study’s completion, confirms the use of Haelen 951, fermented soy beverage, protects patients from the toxic effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments.”
- Beta Glucan
“An extract from the amazing medicinal Maitake mushrooms, beta glucan has long been prized for its ability to protect and restore health after you’ve taken radiation or chemo. Sold by many brand names nationwide.”
“Glucan, a beta-1,3 polyglucose, was administered to mice either 1 h before or 1 h after a 650 rad exposure to cobalt-60 radiation. Compared to radiation controls, glucan-treated mice consistently exhibited a more rapid recovery of pluripotent stem cells and committed granulocyte, macrophage, and erythroid progenitor cells. This may partially explain the mechanism by which glucan also enhances survival in otherwise lethally irradiated mice.”
- American Ginseng
“It’s a stress buster, that contains ginsenosides and polysaccharide glycans. A study published in May 2010 suggests ginseng has radioprotective effects on human lymphocytes. It scavenges free radicals (toxins). Sold nationwide at health food stores by various companies.”
- Samento and Noni
“In the “Lechitel Health Center” in Bulgaria, where Samento was included in an integrative treatment protocol of more than 100 patients with lung cancer, clinical data demonstrate positive results using Samento as an adjunct therapy to conventional treatment (surgery, chemo- or radiation therapy). In severe cases, the initial use of Samento for 1 to 2 months prior to starting other therapies improved patients’ clinical conditions, shrank their initial tumors, encapsulated small metastases, and made possible the consequent use of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery…In conclusion, one can see that the use of Samento Extract and Noni Juice Concentrate as an adjunct therapy to conventional treatment may be beneficial for patients with lung cancer and probably other cancers. Such an integrative treatment may improve patients’ clinical conditions, enhance the immune system tumor-surveillance function and anti-tumor activities, alleviate side effects of chemo- and radiation therapy and increase their effectiveness, improve patients’ quality of life, and give them more hope for the future.”
- Shark Liver Oil
“In subsequent research, doctors found that administering shark liver oil orally before, during, and after radiation treatment for cervical cancer reduced the incidence of radiation-induced injuries by about 50% compared to control patients who received radiation alone.”
Too lazy to finish right now…
- Alpha-lipoic Acid
More info
- Quercetin (dihydroquercetin)
More info
- Liposomal Ubiquinol
More info
- Astralagus
More info
- Ashwaganda
More info
- Curcumin
More info
- Vitamin E
More info
- Advanced Detox Formula
- Resveratrol
More info
- Melatonin
- Antioxidants
More info
- Zeolites
“In response to the 1986 Chernobyl and Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, Clinoptilolite zeolite was effectively used for purposes of clean-up for both land and water. In Chernobyl, over 500,000 tons of zeolite were dropped into the reactor to absorb radioactive metals. Cattle were fed zeolite to effectively keep radioactive ions out of the milk. Contaminated soil was treated with zeolite to help return it to near zero levels of Cesium or Strontium. Zeolite was used to clean up water surrounding Three Mile Island following the nuclear power plant partial nuclear melt-down.”
- Metallothienein Protagonists
“The body’s natural chelating agent is called metallothienein (MT). This protein binds to toxic metals for delivery to the liver or kidneys for excretion. MT also prevents toxic metals from reacting with other molecules in the body, thereby preventing toxicity. The body’s production of MT can be encouraged by taking certain botanical and nutritional supplements. Specifically, Humulus (hops) and Andrographis, as well as zinc, will all help regulate the genes associated with MT production (Metalloclear, Metagenics).”
- Bentonite Clay
- Rosemary
- Vitamin A
- Echinacea
See Second Opinion Newsletter Health Alerts May 9, 2011
- ArginMax
- Boron
- Turmeric
Cold fusion has been independently verified by at least 20 labs
Yes it has. People may be more wary of nuclear power after this incident. It would be nice if more people started talking about cold fusion. You can watch the documentary “Heavy Watergate” and see some companies that have actually publicly demonstrated working power cells based on cold fusion.
So how many centuries will it take before people get smart enough to strangle their selfish government leaders into plowing forward with cold fusion research? Who knows. Even a tinychance that such a technology could revolutionize society and solve so many global problems should be shouted from the rooftops. Alas, our government and media wouldn’t have it.
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