Some 40 percent of all Germans seek a complete ban on all Muslim immigration to Germany, according to a report published by the University of Leipzig.
In addition, 11 percent of Germans think Jews have too much influence in society, and 12 percent consider Germans to be superior to other people.
The survey findings, published in a report in the Local newspaper, also said that one in 10 Germans wants their country to be led by a “Führer” or authoritarian figure who “applies a firm hand for the common good.”
Describing the findings as “hair-raising,” the Local said that the survey had been carried out at regular intervals by the university since 2002.
Hostility to Islam has shown a particularly marked increase since the last report in 2014, when 36.6 percent of people didn’t want any more Muslims migrating to Germany.
Half of respondents in the most recent survey of 2,240 people also said they feel like “foreigners in their own country” because there are too many Muslims. That result marked a seven percentage point rise from the 2014 poll.
Overall, three in ten complained that Germany had been “infiltrated by too many foreigners in a dangerous way,” added the survey, which was carried out a year after the mass invasion of 2015.
The Local said that “skepticism appears to be running high against migrants,” with three in five Germans saying that most of the nonwhite invaders “are not really at risk of any persecution in their home country.”
“There has been no increase in extreme right attitudes, but in comparison with our study from two years ago people who have far-right attitudes are more prepared to use violence to achieve their aims,” Dr. Oliver Decker, one of the report’s authors, notes on the university website.
The report also claims to have found “a clear polarization and radicalization” in German society, with more respondents also likely to completely reject violence this time around.
“The two groups exist next to each other. We have people who actively engage to help refugees and there are people who actively reject refugees,” said Decker.
Titled “the uninhibited middle,” the study argues that rejection of the nonwhite invasion has become more acceptable in mainstream German society, leading to the increased popularity of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
A desire to protect the German people through the opposition to the mass importation of Third Worlders is also increasing, the report said. Some 30 percent of Germans were said to “harbor xenophobic opinions.”
“The potential for extreme right or populist right-wing parties is still higher than what electoral results have yet shown,” report co-author Dr. Elmar Brähler stated.
The survey noted an increase in negative attitudes toward Gypsies, with half of respondents saying they should be banned from city centers.
A dislike of homosexuals also appears to be on the rise: 40 percent of people said they found it “disgusting” when homos kissed in public, an increase from 25 percent in 2011.
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