28 Proofs: West Coast absolutely fried with Fukushima Radiation, Part I
by Leuren Moret, Christina Consolo and Jim Fetzer
“When they went to check again, the readings were completely offline, which they updates in the comments on that FB posting, stating ‘What a shocker!!! Just went to look at the numbers on San Diego California and hey did you all know you are GONE out of here . . . They are not showing your numbers at this time . . . . Gone gone”–Susan Duclos
Breaking News! Something very strange is going on in California and New Mexico right now. Susan Duclos asks, Is it just a coincidence that just days after a report is released by ENENews that the leader of the Fukushima study stated that “Intense” radiation exposure was headed towards the US west coast with a plume traveling very fast and that “high concentrations” would impact the west coast with a prolonged period of radioactive upwelling expected, the highest of readings in San Diego, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico, suddenly vanish, go totally offline, and when they reappear those numbers have dropped by hundreds of Counts Per Minute?
Mid America Land Restoration/Microbes/Probiotics has been documenting the radiation readings across America for quite a while now on their Facebook page, and thanks to them we have the images from 9/18 – 9/20, showing extremely high levels of radiation, via the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. Using those, with images from this morning, show that something very strange has been going on.
Susan raises the prospects of whether the NETC site was hacked or “coincidentally” these particular areas went offline and returned showing levels massively lower than right before they went offline. But under the circumstances, the likelihood that the numbers are being “fixed” to avoid alarming the public appears to be overwhelmingly greater than any mere coincidence. Consider the difference:
11 PM/CT, 19 September 2014:
7 AM/CT, 21 September 2014:
As Susan explains, the government makes the practice of taking down high readings to verify them and correct them if they are in error, where the presence of the nuclear carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, in San Diego might be supposed to at least partially explain what’s going on here. But the situation is extremely disturbing, especially insofar as we have reports about the massive contamination of the West Coast dating from years before. Consider the following, which I personally have found alarming and speculate that this might be an alternative explanation for DHS arming itself. We should think of it as a “multitasking” agency.
West Coast absolutely fried with Fukushima Radiation: 28 Proofs
Broadcast 25 October 2013 on ”The Real Deal”
Host: Dr. James Fetzer Ph.D.
Guests: Leuren Moret and Christina Consolo
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Editor’s Note: This transcription was prepared with “Editor’s Notes” by William B. Fox, Publisher, America First Books, who also helped organize this interview. He has a series, NUKED PACIFIC, which begins with Part 1,Embryonic effects of Fallout:
The series incudes Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,Part 6, Part 7 He has supplied additional text in brackets below.
Part 1 of 2
Dr. James Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer your host on The Real Deal, continuing research on Fukushima. I have two experts with me today, I am very pleased to say. One is Christina Consolo, also known as “RadChick.” Also Leuren Moret from San Francisco, Oakland Bay area who is an independent geoscientist. Both of them have done extensive work on Fukushima. Christina, let me begin with you. You have had a radio show called “Nuked Radio” and you have a web site FukushimaFacts.com, how did you get drawn into research on this catastrophe?
Christina Consolo: Well I noticed early on after the reactors exploded we already had symptoms of possible fallout in my area of the country in southeast Michigan. I had the metallic taste. I noticed a few weeks after that a lot of the pine trees started turning red, and later on that summer I even noticed mutations in some of the plants and young trees that were growing around here. That is when I really started looking into atmospheric transport and seeing whatever I could find about past nuclear accidents to try to figure out what was happening with this one because there was just no news about it at all.
Dr. Fetzer: Had you done any research in this area? I mean was that anything you had ever studied in school or whatever?
Christina: Well, Chernobyl happened when I was a senior in high school and we spent quite a bit of time studying it back then and I was intrigued by it. And then I have friends and family who worked in the nuclear industry. So it has always been kind of part of my life, and I also was a big supporter of it for a while before I really knew the truth of how dangerous these plants were.
Dr. Fetzer: Well it looks to me like you have done quite a lot of research on it. Leuren, I know you have been noticing some signs of contamination along the Pacific coast and even in Berkeley and San Francisco. Can you tell us some of those indications that things are not going well?
L. Moret: Well, I really noticed it at Christmas, this past Christmas of 2012 when I was traveling on public transportation and also walking up and down the sidewalks, seeing people you don’t normally see and babies that don’t normally come out into the public view. What I noticed, which was really alarming, is that I saw many indications of birth defects in babies that were born just before or since the Fukushima disaster on March 11, 2011. I knew right away because I was seeing Down Syndrome babies and toddlers, babies with eye defects, birth defects. The brain and the eyes develop in the first month when an
embryo is exposed in that stage very often the brain and/or the eyes are damaged. I also noticed a toddler who had been born in the month, sometime in late February before Fukushima happened. She was about almost two years old, riding on a bus. I moved around from the seat I was in to be able to face her and her baby sitter and I looked at this baby, and the woman who was taking care of her, an older African American woman, noticed that and she said this baby is a dwarf. I love her, but she will never be taller than she is now. I said, “How old is she? When was she born?” She said, “Late February 2011.” So then I knew that radioactive iodine had affected the endocrine system, which is the pituitary, thyroid, and what is the one? Adrenal glands which control growth, organ function, everything in the body. I realized that it had to be Fukushima radioactive iodine that had damaged her. So that was particularly important to see these birth defects expressed already a year and a half after Fukushima because the babies and the unborn are the most susceptible to damage by the ionizing radiation. What Dr. [L. J.] LeVann said, he did a study on bomb testing in Alberta, Canada and other parts of Canada, but he was writing about the effects and researching the effects of the very large hydrogen bomb tests that the Soviets did in the Arctic. Hereported in this landmark paper that damage to a developing organism, an organism in the developmental stages has ten to a 100 million times greater damaging effects on that organism than after they are born or they are in later stages of their lives. So the litmus test for ionizing radiation of course is the unborn and the babies, and what we are seeing are increases in infant mortality across the U.S. as well as around the world. Decreases in fertility, and then very strange things like I have seen two cases in the last week of men reported with breast cancer. One man who lived in Massachusetts, who was in his early 40′s and an athlete, had breast cancer twice in both of his breasts. So these are just some of the indications. The environment is also contaminated. There have been reports about radiation levels in dried sea weed or they call it nori in Japan in the Chiba area which is between Tokyo and Fukushima and also in seaweed off of the West Coast. We will talk in more detail during the interview [about this] but we wanted to give you first an update on the Fukushima typhoons, this would be from Oct 15th to the present and then compare that to 28 signs we have now that the West Coast is absolutely getting fried. The West Coast of the Pacific Coastline of North America. We will just talk about biological effects and the effects on infants, also the environmental effects, and then we would like to cover this very alarming increase in nuclear power, who is getting involved now. It is China taking over the British system. Also the fact that Janet Napolitano who is head of Home Land Security has now been hired as President of the University of California which is the biggest weapon of mass destruction producer in the world, and that seems to be on the increase. No doubt they will be using many nuclear weapons on civilian populations not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, but they are going to be using them in the developed super power countries as well.
Dr. Fetzer: Christina, before we go further, the latest results [voice echoes in background] and we are getting a lot of feedback, I don’t know why, but you have noticed some signs in Michigan already of radioactive contamination. Could you mention a word or two about those?
Christina:: Oh, absolutely. The first summer in 2011 I had been a gardener, an avid gardener, and grown my own produce for 17 years and I was always interested in mutations because that was my area of expertise was actually in genetics and retinal pathology in clinical research, but I never saw anything in nature. Pretty soon I started seeing it happening. Things that grew very fast, things that uptake a lot of water like dandelions and weeds and young trees and things of that nature. And then when I went back to the Chernobyl research I learned about the findings in tree leaves and flowers and then later in animals, I started a page on Facebook called Mutation Watch and I put out a call for images to see what people were noticing in their part of the country. You know I get emails every day saying I have been growing corn for 30 years and I have never seen anything like this, or I had these trees on my property my whole life and they have never developed triple and quadruple seedlings. Just all of these changes that are occurring are the same exact same thing that happened after Chernobyl and the same thing that happened after Three Mile Island. I made the acquaintance of a woman named Mary Osborn [Ouassiai]who is known as the mutation lady of Three Mile Island. Whenever anyone in that area notices something funny growing in their yard they call her and she comes over and takes a picture of it and she hascollected thousands of images over the years, and when you put our images next to each other, it is all the same thing. So in order for this correlation to be incontrovertible we need to test these plants, but there is no way to test them because the universities are not going to let you just walk in and use their very expensive equipment. Even to test just one small section of a plant would take hours to do, so we are kind of stuck with just collecting images for right now, making those images available to researchers who want to use them in any of the research that they are doing and just to keep asking the public for data and sourcing as much of that as we can through social media. In turn, getting the word out with social media as much as possible too since all of these agencies and organizations that have been set up to protect us and warn us about fallout or other contaminants are not really doing their job. At least from the evidence that we are seeing.
Dr. Fetzer: Well it is stunning, and the fact that these effects are being experienced clear across the country, I mean from San Francisco, Oakland Bay to Michigan is really stunning all by itself. Look Leuren, I know this new study includes a map showing where the contamination is the greatest in the West. The area of greatest concentration appears to be Chicago. And I wonder what that means? Have you got an interpretation about why Chicago or that area should be heavy among the many areas in the country that are being so strongly affected?
L. Moret: OK, you are referring to the contamination map from the article “28 Signs That the West Coast is Being [Absolutely] Fried…“?
Dr. Fetzer: Yes.
L. Moret: OK, first of all, that is a map of combined radiation contamination from different sources, so part of it is the radiation released that has been released every day from nuclear power plants across the U.S. So that is why there are more symbols on the eastern half of the U.S. Many of those are nuclear power plants which have been in operation since the ’60′s and 70′s. But also there is contamination from the military sources, depleted uranium and so forth on military bases and firing ranges and bombing ranges in the U.S. which are, that stuff is all over the U.S. Every base is contaminated with it, I think you could say. And of course then the rain out and fallout, it is the rainout of the military munitions radiological [effects] and mininukes that they have been using in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, not Syria, Lebanon and other places [Ed. Note: Actually there is strong evidence she had it right the first time, namely that the U.S.-Israel axis has used mininukes in Syria]. That comes across the ocean, believe it or not, all the way across the Eurasian continent over the Pacific and then it is rained out across the United States and Canada. So that is part of the cause of elevated radiation in the U.S. Then of course Fukushima is on top of that and I think that a lot of the radiation, particularly in the western states and the western slope of the Rocky Mountains — a lot of that is Fukushima. The very large alarming increase in death rates in the U.S., the highest increase is on the west slope of the Rocky Mountains where rain and snow rains out the radiation transported in air masses from west to east.
Dr. Fetzer: Christina, do you have that map in front of you as we speak, because
I want to get your take too on what the distribution shows and whether anything strikes you as especially interesting about this.
Christina: I don’t have that map. I saw that map, I don’t have it right in front of me but I do know from watching the atmospheric transport and I was doing a fallout forecast for the first year after the accident trying to predict where this rainout would occur and then seeing how it corresponded to these various geiger networks that had been set up. We were able to predict in about 90-95% of the time where the highest levels would occur. And something that I see that happened on a daily basis was higher levels around the Great Lakes region. Part of that is because of all of the humidity from the Great Lakes binds with these particles and they occur with rainout and so forth. In Michigan we have a lot of variance in the weather and in precipitation levels. As it is, being on the east coast of [the state of Michigan adjacent to] Lake Huron, I know that they get about four times the amount of precipitation on the west coast of [Canada bordering Lake] Ontario which is across the lake. So we have this lake effect that occurs, and we also see that with snow fall totals in the Grand Rapids regions which is on the western side of the state that anywhere around these lakes is going to have a greater potential for fallout because of the amount of humidity and increased precipitation. Most of the time it is entirely dependent on where the rain falls and where the snow occurs.
L. Moret: And then the Great Lakes watershed is a vast and enormous region with rain out and snow out of all this radiation flowing into the Great Lakes and increasing the levels there. Of course the water evaporates, it washes up on the shorelines. The radioactive particles are lofted into the air and we know that the highest cancer rates in studies from England and in the U.S. are along shorelines of lakes, coastlines of geographic areas and river banks.
Caption from “28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima” by Michael Snyder, on October 21st, 2013 “The map above comes from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean. That means that the total amount of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain. Ultimately, all of this nuclear radiation will outlive all of us by a very wide margin. They are saying that it could take up to 40 years to clean up the Fukushima disaster, and meanwhile countless innocent people will develop cancer and other health problems as a result of exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation. We are talking about a nuclear disaster that is absolutely unprecedented, and it is constantly getting worse. The following are 28 signs that the west coast of North America is being absolutely fried with nuclear radiation from Fukushima…”
Dr. Fetzer: Let me just encourage everyone to pull up the article “28 Signs the West Coast is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima” [by Michael Snyder] since we are going to be discussing just as we are now not only the map but also the 28 signs where I am very keen on getting Leuren and Christina’s explanations as about why those are so significant. But Leuren, looking at the map, it seems to me some of the heaviest contamination seems to be at locations like, if I am not mistaken, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, possibly it is Los Angeles, more inland it looks like Albuquerque, it looks like Denver, I don’t know if that is Austin, Texas. Then there is a real high contamination around what appears to be Orlando. Am I right about those locations?
L. Moret: Those are all either locations where either nuclear power plants, nuclear labs are located and I have collected baby teeth and done studies with the radiation and public health project around those regions in the Seattle [area], the Northwest area including Portland. The Hanford Nuclear Weapons Lab, which has produced plutonium for decades, has really contaminated the Columbia River with constant releases of radiation [so] that the fish populations are affected. The salmon in the Columbia River have increasing female populations and decreasing male populations which is happening globally in the human population due to the hormonal and other effects of ionizing radiation on glands. So we have much more intersex now. That is where male and female reproductive cells are mixed in the same organism. That shouldn’t be happening. So polar bears in the Arctic where the Soviets did nuclear bomb tests, the females look normal and they have cubs with them, but they also have vestigial penises as well as female reproductive organs. There has been a study done atSvalbard in the region of the nuclear bomb tests by the Soviet Union. But it is happening in the human population and intersex is being reported all over the world in humans.
Dr. Fetzer: Are you already to the first of the 28 points?
L. Moret: Oh, I was just –
Dr. Fetzer: Just asking there–
L. Moret: I did not actually look at that, but now we know that polar bears in the Arctic region and seals and walruses also have reported fur loss. They are losing their hair, their fur. They have open sores. The same thing is being reported in the moose population along the Canadian-U.S. border from the Pacific to the Atlantic. So this is radiation damage. Radiation exposure causes these things and it is also happening to flight crews for Alaska Airlines, to pilots flying through the contaminated air column. The whole sky, the atmosphere is contaminated all the way up into orbital space with this Fukushima [radiation]. Very dynamic, very mobile plumes and nanoparticles that are just spread all over the world. By 2020 the entire Pacific Ocean will be contaminated by Fukushima radiation.
Dr. Fetzer: It is just dumbfounding. What do you make of these sexual aberrations? Is that because sex chromosomes are particularly sensitive to radiation? Is it just one more manifestation on the order of the birth defects that you are observing showing up with greater frequency in public places? I mean it is all very profoundly disturbing.
L. Moret: Well it is because ionizing radiation, and particularly depleted uranium or uranium is a hormone and an estrogen disrupter. There was a very good study done at the University of New Mexico, very, very good study, and they exposed pregnant female mice to drinking water contaminated with depleted uranium, but at levels the government says are safe. It caused birth defects. It caused changes in abnormalities in the uterus, the lining of the uterus, and of course that is the main cause of endometriosis in women. It has grown, increased horrendously since bomb-testing, particularly around nuclear facilities. So when you change the messenger molecules in the reproductive system all kinds of strange things happen. This isn’t normal. It shouldn’t be happening, and men shouldn’t have female reproductive cells in them, and women shouldn’t have male reproductive cells in them. This is all new, and it is part of the miracle “ha-ha” of the nuclear age. It is a nightmare.
Dr. Fetzer: Christine, are you detecting or are there any indications of similar serious sexual abnormalities in Michigan or other areas with which you are acquainted?
Christina: Not that I have had time to look into. Of course it is difficult to find this information because it is not shared freely by the public health departments. But once you understand the way fallout affects populations from studies that have been done, there were some very good studies that were done in the UK in the 60′s about childhood leukemia that was very large in populations where women had x-rays done during pregnancy and they found that the earlier in the pregnancy that the pelvic x-ray was performed the greater likelihood of that baby just from one x-ray, that baby had a 50% increase in its chance of developing leukemia, kidney cancer, or brain cancer. The number actually got higher the more x-ray exposure that infant might have had. The study that was done, they tried to correlate this with fallout, and each bomb test that was done during peace time exposed people to approximately one x-ray, or the amount of radiation from one x-ray. But we know that just at that low level that it can be extremely damaging from studies that were done back in the 60′s. One in particular I am thinking of from the University of Michigan that correlated the effect of radioactive iodine in infants compared to adults and it was as Leuren had said ten to a thousand times higher for infants than adults. The exposure is greater for inhalation vs. external exposure too, so now we have this ongoing fallout that is coming out in our rains and getting in our food supply. You might only be getting a little bit here and a little bit there, but this is cumulative. This is going to be going on the rest of our lives and our children’s lives because there is no way to shut off what is going on at that plant.
L. Moret: Jim–
Dr. Fetzer: Yes, Leuren, yes
L. Moret: Go ahead. I have something to say when Christina finishes.
Christina: We have no way to clean up the three melted fuel cores that are in the ground and this endless pouring of water. What this plant has turned into is just a radiological generating machine and there is no way to turn it off.
Dr. Fetzer: This is just stunning. I am just blown away that Japan would go the direction of nuclear energy when it had suffered the nuclear bomb attacks at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I mean, you would have thought there would be a tremendous cultural revulsion against even doing that and yet they appear to have been sold a package of how beneficial it would be. Even Einstein said that he thought splitting the atom was a ridiculous way to heat a cup of coffee. I mean, to boil water. I really do think that the nuclear energy industry has abdicated its responsibility, and of course we all know about the terrible problem of nuclear waste which has never been resolved, and where Leuren you may have mentioned recently how the situation in Washington is catastrophic because there seems to be all of this nuclear waste that is heading towards an aquifer. It may have been Majia Nadesan in an interview we did just this past week whom I was discussing [this with]. But all of this is terribly disturbing.
L. Moret: Yes, well what I wanted to mention, to add to what Christina presented on these special effects of ionizing radiation, is that in September of 2007 the United States Geological Survey, the U.S.G.S., published a paper, peer-reviewed, and it was a fish study across the entire United States on intersex in fish populations. And what they did was they sampled rivers all over the U.S. and they took the male fish and investigated the reproductive tissues to see how many of the fish, what percentage in each particular population sample expressed intersex, and that is where the male and female reproductive cells are mixed in the same organism. What they reported was every sample –every sample that they collected in the United States had levels of intersex in the male fish population ranging from low levels up to 95% of the males in the sample. Across the entire U.S., there was only one river where the male fish did not express intersex at some level and that was the Yukon River in Alaska.
Dr. Fetzer: Christina, do you think that there is a political dimension to this that the government feels that there is nothing the government can do so it is not going to warn the population because it might generate hysteria? I mean is that the sort of reasoning that might be taking place at the highest levels? Because our government has to be aware of the scientific facts that Leuren is relating here. They are simply are not sharing them with the public.
Christina: Oh sure, I mean what has been suggested to me during bomb testing is that they knew what the explosions would do. What they wanted to find out is what it would do to the downwind populations. If you read books like Secret Fallout by Dr. Ernest Sternglass, he talks about how people in the areas where they were conducting nuclear weapons tests, the government would give the people free car washes and they would measure the cars for contamination before the wash and afterward, because they wanted to see how successful decontamination would be. You know, we are being experimented on. The only thing that is being controlled about this accident is us. Our government is well aware of the research. Back since the 1920′s we have known that even low levels of radiation greatly disrupts DNA. They have continued to introduce this into our environment whether it is to make a sick population that then the health care industry will be able to generate more revenue from, or if it is control reasons. I don’t know as much about that as Leuren does from the historical or political perspective.
Dr. Fetzer: But it is just so obvious that you are right, that we are being used as experimental subjects but without our consent, so this is a gross violation of the ethics for experimentation with human subjects which the government, of course its own agencies are supposed to be upholding but in fact the government itself is grossly violating.
L. Moret: Well 85% of the key positions in the U.S. Government are held by Skull and Bones men from Yale. Skull and Bones leads us directly to the London financiers and the Anglo-American permanent war crimes racketeering syndicate
Dr. Fetzer: So you are suggesting that Yale and Skull and Bones are really a conduit for producing intel operatives and corrupt officials for the American government to maintain its course in relation with DHS, Homeland Security, the CIA and so forth.
L. Moret: I think that there is plenty of evidence that has been out in the public venue that supports that. But I would like to go back to the bomb-testing effects. Now Christina said of course the government knew, and I would just like to provide some evidence that supports what she is saying. In the later 2000′s I was testifying in the Nevada legislature and working as a research staff scientist at the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab. We were studying the metal canisters and doing pilot studies in New Mexico and in Nevada on storing nuclear waste in these special metal alloy cans. I met a woman who was actually a Rothschild, she told me secretly but not to tell anyone, and she was very impressed with the work I was doing so she went to all of the meetings there in Pahrump, which is a little tiny town near the Nevada Test Site. She found out that the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, actually had a secret dairy at the Nevada Test Site all through nuclear bomb testing. They were measuring the radiation in cows, in calves, and in their own workers who shoveled manure and fed the cattle in that dairy.
Dr. Fetzer: Oh my gosh.
L. Moret: They also had cattle herds, meat-producing herds that they were also testing. That was classified. But she went to town and she actually got the report declassified and gave it to me. Another piece of evidence is that cattle mutilation during bomb testing began to be reported and it really turned into a very big issue in the U.S.. What a radiation activist told me was that he walked into an office one day in the Midwest, another activist office, about this cattle mutilation. They had a stick pin map where they had put a stick pin for each cattle mutilation reported across the U.S. He said they were all down river or downwind from nuclear facilities and the sheriff in one county actually went up to a black helicopter that had landed at a very tiny airport down in the wildlands, the farmland and discovered it was Army personnel with samples of tissue from cattle, they had mutilated cattle in that area. It was the Army taking samples from horses, cattle, killing them, and then throwing them out of the helicopter after they had sampled them or leaving them on the ground smelling like formaldehyde. This has been a military operation the whole time to monitor the health effects, the radiation levels, and the samples were always taken in the cattle from the eyeballs, that usually has the lowest radiation level in the body, and from the rectum and different organs in the cattle. It was very systematic. We also know that what happened in the bomb test period is happening now to monitor the Fukushima radiation. What they are doing is there is a big effort by the military and the nuclear establishment to manipulate the vital statistics of the U.S. and other countries by secretly aborting, forcing women with defective fetuses to abort them, and then it is reported in the vital statistics to the Centers for Disease Control from each county as voluntary abortions by these women. That keeps the birth defects and so forth out of the vital statistics at the Centers for Disease Control. Of course these statistics are used globally. So they are fudging everything.
Dr. Fetzer: So these people are suffering serious genetic abnormalities but they are covering it by –
L. Moret: Yes, and they have special units set up now in county hospitals where they are sending poor women, native Americans, African American women, poor people and forcing them to have abortions because the food streams in the United States and in different populations and in different socioeconomic groups are all also contaminated with radiation. The highest levels are in the poor populations, the poor sector of minorities and poor people. The best food, the cleanest food, for instance, you can buy at Whole Foodswhether they are importing food from the Southern Hemisphere, and they always have been since they went into operation and became a corporation and a food provider for the U.S. So foodstreams are also being poisoned.
Dr. Fetzer: Well just stunning. There are those of course who surmise that this is actually something that is being allowed to happen in order to contribute to the depopulation of the world. One might think that presumes a rather cynical point of view but the government really doesn’t seem to be doing anything that it could do to protect the health and welfare of the population, the citizens of the United States in this instance.
L. Moret: Well it is hard to believe. It is really, really surreal. It is Orwellian. It is a nightmare. But a very, very interesting book has been published called political ponorology. And ponorology is the science on the nature of evil.This particular book is addressing political purposes, Political Ponorology. It is by Andrew M. Lobaczewski [and Laura Knight-Jadczyk] who died recently, but he and a group of scientists in Poland wrote this book about the evil politicians during the Soviet era. The book had to be burned by him because he was told that the Polish intelligence was coming to his house to take it, and he and some of the scientists moved to the Soviet Union, rewrote it, published it, the same thing happened there. He came to the U.S. and he finally published it in his late 80′s in the U.S. in about 1985 or 90, but Brzezinski blocked it from being published. It has finally been published and if people are interested in how things like this can happen to humanity and to the biosphere and to this planet, it is a very, very interesting book.
Dr. Fetzer: Leuren, on that note we are going to have to take our break. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on The Real Deal, with my two very special guest experts on Fukushima, Christina Consolo and Leuren Moret. We will be right back.
Christina Consolo, also known as “RadChick”, has hosted a radio show called “Nuked Radio” and maintains a web site FukushimaFacts.com,
Leuren Moret, an independent geoscientist, from San Francisco/Oakland Bay, CA. She, like Christina, has done extensive work on Fukushima.
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Posted by Jim Fetzer
on Sep 22 2014,
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Source Article from http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/22/28-proofs-west-coast-absolutely-fried-with-fukushima-radiation-part-i/
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