From NZ’s Dr Sam Bailey:
Dr. Sam Bailey 248K subscribers
“The shocking, true story of what happened to Mary Jane Newman inside a New Zealand Managed Isolation Quarantine facility (MIQ).”
(EWR comment) A woman returning to NZ from Ireland politely and respectfully declines to be PCR tested. That appears to incur not only a longer stay but an interesting train of events. It is clearly an option on the official forms to decline. Thereafter, listen to her describe the bizarre events that unfolded, including a surveillance cam plus a member of the military 24/7 right outside her hotel door. At the close of the tale, as she is leaving, escorted with her bags by another military member, he likens her stay to ‘solitary confinement’. (Remember the Canadian post recently when a person only managed to escape from quarantine by paying money?)
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