Victorians in bushfire-prone areas will pay a few dollars more on their annual power bills to help fund part of a $1 billion government plan to stop powerlines sparking fires.
Nearly three years after powerlines started devastating blazes on Black Saturday, the government announced it would spend up to $200 million replacing the state’s most dangerous powerlines over the next 10 years.
It is seeking an additional $250 million from the federal government to expand the replacement program.
The government will also require the state’s regional electricity distribution businesses – SP Ausnet and Powercor – to invest an estimated $500 million in asset protection and control equipment.
But the companies can apply to the Australian Energy Regulator to increase their electricity tariffs in a bid to recoup some of the cost from consumers.
The government estimates residents will be slugged about 0.1 per cent – equivalent to an average of $1.30 in the first year, up to $13 in the eleventh year of the program. The cost is then expected to decline.
The long-awaited plan finally implements the most controversial recommendations of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, which the previous Labor government refused to adopt.
The recommendations called for the replacement or upgrading of powerlines, 22-kilovolt distribution feeders and reclose functions.
A recloser, or autorecloser, is a circuit breaker equipped with a mechanism that can automatically close the breaker after it has been opened due to a fault.
The commission said the program should be completed in areas of highest bushfire risk within 10 years, and then in lower bushfire risk areas as the lines reached the end of their engineering lives.
The Royal Commission found electricity assets caused the worst of the deadly Black Saturday bushfires, which killed 173 people on February 7, 2009.
After it was elected, the coalition government established the Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce to investigate options for implementing the recommendations.
Energy Minister Michael O’Brien on Thursday said by implementing the recommendations of the taskforce, the government had fulfilled all its obligations to the Royal Commission.
Mr O’Brien said the estimated cost to consumers was developed by the electricity distribution businesses and subject to much discussion and scrutiny.
He said the government would establish a panel to determine priority “hot spots” for the roll-out of the upgrades and replacements, including bushfire risk and population density.
The government would also ensure the electricity companies did not just undertake standard upgrades they had to do anyway but additional improvements to the system, he said.
“The distribution businesses, they understand the importance of this to the community. They understand that they have an important role to provide a safe service and a safe supply of electricity and we expect them to welcome this and to work with the government to implement this policy,” he said.
Mr O’Brien said he also hoped the federal government would come on board with additional funding.
“I’d make the point that Black Saturday was a national tragedy, not just a Victorian tragedy and we believe that there is a role for the commonwealth to partner with the Victorian government and Victorian communities to try and avoid this happening again,” he said.
A Powercor spokesman said they were working through the details of government’s plan and that any cost to customers would be “negligible”.
SP Ausnet said it could not comment on the cost estimates and they were still going through the report.
The taskforce estimates that over 10 years, more than 1000km of powerlines will be replaced, with focus on the greatest bushfire risk areas.
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