13 Things You Should Know Before Buying That Sweater

Many of you reading this are most likely aware of the atrocities committed against animals worldwide on a daily basis. We continue to consume, purchase and use materials that are birthed out of inhumane practices & animal cruelty.

I am conflicted in showing these images because some of them are graphic, as most of them are when it comes to this topic. Sometimes I wish I had never found them, and question whether or not it is necessary to share them. However at the core, a lot of awareness can be created by showing these images, and ultimately does remaining silent do us any good? These animals do not have a voice, and many people are still unaware of the cruelty to animals that’s involved in the making of your food, clothes, cosmetics and more. I imagine that those who gaze upon these photos will naturally remember them the next time they consider purchasing wool clothes, and will be conflicted in doing so. None of this can resonate with the soul of anybody, we have simply been desensitized to animal cruelty, just as we have been desensitized to violence.  We must start living in ways that are more harmonious with the planet and ALL beings that reside upon it.  We must continue to do whatever we can to create awareness, and continue implementing better practices within our own lives to stop this madness.

Please keep in mind, not all wool material comes from cruel, in humane practices. 

These images might be graphic for some, that’s why we’ve given you the choice whether to look or not. 

1. Young lambs ears are hole-punched, their tails are chopped off, and the males are castrated, all usually without anesthetics or pain relief.

















2. It is considered “normal” in the Australian wool industry for approximately 3 million young lambs to die every spring.

















3. Lambs sometimes die because of poor nutrition.

















4. This wound is the result of a process called “mulesing,” and it’s a standard practice in the industry.



5. During “mulesing,” workers carve huge strips of skin off the backs of lambs’ legs and around their tails.


6. In the rush to produce more wool, many sheep die from exposure after premature shearing.


7.An unnatural overload of wool also causes animals to die of heat exhaustion during hot months.


8. During shearing, sheep can sustain anything from nicks to complete amputations of their udders, ears, penises and other body parts


9. Eyewitness: I have seen shearers punch sheep with their shears or their fists until the sheep’s nose bled. I have seen sheep with half their faces shorn off.”


10. During auction, the pens are crowded and sheep may die because of injuries or stress


11.When sheep age and their wool production declines, they are sent to slaughter.


12. Millions of live sheep are shipped from Australia to the Middle East and North Africa every year. A 2005 report stated that about 38,000 sheep died in transit. In most cases, their carcasses were thrown overboard.



13. In New Zealand, methane emissions from enteric fermentation, coming mostly from sheep, make up more than 90 percent of the nation’s greenhouse-gas emissions.





Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Collective-evolution/~3/pIEz6vwhF9Y/

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