In August 2013, a 4,600-mile network will be complete, providing high-speed broadband Internet access to schools in Colorado thanks to a $100.6 million infrastructure grant, EAGLE-Net announced this week. Here are the details.
* EAGLE-Net, a cost-sharing consortium for Colorado, was developed in 2007 with a vision of bringing high-speed Internet to ever public school in Colorado, the organization states.
* An EAGLE-Net survey found Colorado students spend less time online than students in other states, with schools statewide at about 55 percent of the national average.
* In 2009, EAGLE-Net received 78 school district requests for Internet services and began connecting districts to its network.
* In 2010, EAGLE-Net Alliance, acting as an independent inter-governmental entity, received a $100.6 million grant from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program to provide the infrastructure needed to supply broadband services throughout the state.
* The stimulus-funded grant — which was the fifth largest award in the nation — will be combined with over $30 million in matching funds and services from public and private entities in the state.
* Approximately 25 to 35 crews with at least 150 to 200 people will be working on the project at the height of construction season, EAGLE-Net stated.
* EAGLE-Net CEO, Randy Zila, says when the project is complete, 178 communities will be served, with 178 K-12 school districts, over 1,700 schools and 830,000 students.
* EAGLE-NET’s project is to supply the “middle mile,” connecting the core networks to the “last mile” networks in individual homes and businesses.
* According to the Boulder County Business Report, the project will largely benefit rural areas not near the more populated — and more wired — areas on the state’s Front Range.
* The network’s central core peering ring will be activated this week. The ring will loop around the state to connect fiber lines from community anchor institutions to the central core.
* In addition to school districts, other entities that will benefit from the network include government agencies, emergency services, libraries and health care facilities, according to EAGLE-Net.
* The organization’s website says community anchor institutions provided for in the grant funding include 15 community colleges, 26 libraries, 12 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services and three higher education institutions.
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