Many people look upon a plant-based diet as going without. I always try to encourage people to see it as benefiting so much more. You gain much more than you go without.
1. Improved physical health
One will notice an immediate improvement in health. Especially in arthritic-type conditions. But the list is so comprehensive, because one is reducing the amount of acidity and increasing the alkalinity in one’s blood, tissues and cells. Not to mention the huge reduction in food poisoning cause by meat consumption. Please also consider related points 3. 5. and 10. in regards to health.
2. Financial savings
Just look at the cost of living now. With a plant-based diet it’s win win financially, as far as eating in and eating out. Personally this is the least important factor on this list; but it still is a relatively important consideration in these hard times. It especially becomes cheaper if one can grow their own fruit and vegetables.
3. Reducing karmic debt
Obviously this is a controversial and subjective subject; but nevertheless worth raising. To me this the most important point of the whole list and directly related to number 5. and 10. It covers the spiritual connection from abstaining from flesh eating. Spiritual science states that everything is energy. To extend that further in spiritual terms, we could say everything is consciousness – everything. And just as homeopathy works on an energetic frequency, so is the principle of ‘We become what we absorb’. If we induce quality foods, drinks, material, images, experiences and environments – that is what we eventually become.
When an animal is being slaughtered, it obviously is in a tremendous state of stress (negative energy), with vast amounts of stress hormones and adrenaline pumping through it’s system and tissues. Like homeopathy when we induce this meat, we also induce these negative aspects within the meat. This accumulatively has an effect on every aspect of our lives: physically, emotionally and spiritually – karmically. We have to at some point pay back that debt at some level; because consuming meat is completely UNNECESSARY for our sustenance.
A truly spiritual lifestyle and meat eating are just not conducive.
4. Helping the environment
Now I’m not going on about the false doctrine of global warming here. Most readers should know this is a scam. However we are screwing up the planet though and abusing nature’s resources. The residue left from the demonic practices of factory farming is a major pollutant to local water tables and creating toxic environments. Saying no more meat, is saying no more contribution towards this abhorrent unnatural industry on every level.
5. Comfortable conscience
To have ethics and integrity are the most important aspects of being human. To be able to look any animal in the eyes knowing you are no longer part of this non-compassionate industry which causes suffering and death, is a delight most people cannot appreciate.
Also to know in your heart you are part of a non violent ideology and mindset is also extremely satisfying.
6. Opens up other avenues
Every long term Vegetarian/vegan I have met have all told me as soon as they altered their diet, they discovered many other alternative aspects came into their life. It may be just coincidence, but guaranteed sooner or later, by the places you will visit, people you will gradually associate with, you will inevitably meet interesting alternative people. With new ideas on life on philosophy, spirituality, specialized diets, alternative health, global politics, cultural interests, conspiracies, animal welfare, off-grid living and much much more.
7. Cleaner food preparations
No more blood stains, fatty residue, bits of dead animal on the kitchen work-top. Cleaner food in every way. No more butcher shops full of the stench of decaying corpses.
8. Good company
A touchy subject, but hey, this is my personal experience. The people I have known over 30 years who are non-meat eaters have a different mindset about them. In general terms they are more compassionate, kinder, gentler, more caring, more altruistic, and generally more spiritually based.
9. Variety of culinary dishes and tastes
As mentioned in 6. you will be introduced to new people and experiences. However just on your own, in your diet you will begin to open up to new types of foods. Even though these foods have been always available to you, your food consciousness will be awakened. You will really begin to see how much you have gone without as a meat eater. It will broaden your horizons in not only the range of plant-based foods, but how you structure your diet.
10. Well being
Directly related to 5. 1. and also 3. After a short while you will notice the difference in your general well being. How you feel about yourself and how you deal with life. The most significant difference many people notice is your reduced levels of aggression. Because you are no longer inducing the harmful stress hormones and injected toxic hormones they put into the meat, you will physically react differently to situations in life. This is why almost all spiritually-based meditation practices recommend abstinence of meat eating. They nearly all proclaim meat eating interferes with the vibrational resonance within a person. A truly spiritual lifestyle and meat eating are just not conducive.
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