8th June 2016
Guest writer for Wake Up World
Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity. Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how their family and friends are affected don’t yet realize the extent to which the dark overlords have us snugly stitched up.
However, alternative media sources tell us that people are awakening exponentially to the realization that they’re being stitched up and in the swathe of these awakened souls, more and more are playing their dutiful part in enlightening others.
So, here are 10 signs of our global mass awakening.
1. Monsanto’s earnings plummeted by 34%
The earnings drop in the biotech company’s 1st fiscal quarter suggests a growing public disdain for their GM seeds as more and more people realize the dangers of GMO and its glyphosate herbicide.
Marches against Monsanto have intensified and don’t look like cooling down… More and more realize that Monsanto are out to patent, own and control every seed in the world. This threatens the destruction and diversity of every natural God-given seed…
2. Increasing health awareness
Although still very popular people’s awareness of the dangers of fast food has increased, as indicated by recent erratic share prices in some of the major fast food corporations who’ve had to pull out all marketing stops to claw back on fallen share prices…
In line with 1, reports indicate that last year people have shown more interest than ever in organic non-GMO healthier food options. Besides how these choices affect health, people’s increased interest and awareness has extended into concerns over the environment, animals and the workers involved in food production.
3. More Americans break away from the Republican-Democrat 2-party system
In recent years more and more people have turned away from identifying themselves with the Democrat-or-Republican duopoly. A recent Gallop poll showed that last year only 29% claimed to be Democrats while 26% were Republicans with a 42% break away from the 2-party system calling themselves ‘independents.’
Another Gallop poll also reflecting recent years showed that exasperation with their government was the number 1 grievance pressing the US populace. A concern about the ubiquitous economy was at the top of the list…
The 2016 election campaigning ramps up but only with a lukewarm response for the Republican-Democrat 2-party system… Could the 42% ‘silent majority’ independents produce the beginning of a paradigm shift in US politics with their votes?
Perhaps the ‘silent majority’ see right through the voting deception knowing that choosing Republican or Democrat not only changes nothing but also means casting a vote for the New World Order totalitarian agenda.
4. The fall and further fall of the mainstream media
The world’s dark overlords controlling the mainstream media to manipulate our consensus reality is breaking down as more of us become distrusting, no longer buying into its spin. A number of reports confirm a continuing slump in sales threatening the very existence of some large mainstream media outlets. –Well, good riddance to these dinosaurs I say!
5. Increasing recognition of disinformation
People are increasingly seeing right through those various media sources with their dogmatic unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies… intended to sell you the spin of disinformation to keep you ignorant, deceived and helplessly anesthetized in the matrix controlling system…
6. Increasing support for alternative/independent and social media
The explosive interest in alternative/independent and social media outlet has not only changed our views but also continues to redefine journalism and how news is presented. How this is redefining media is subject for another piece. -Simple to say we’re in a golden age of alternative/independent and social media which has indeed contributed greatly to our global awakening.
7. Changing viewpoint towards the ‘Conspiracy theorist’
Another blatant indicator confirming our awakening is a change in how the term ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is now generally viewed.
Used frequently over the years in mainstream media the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was invented in the 60’s by the CIA (Crooks In Action). It has been used as a cover up; to discredit those aware of the facts on how the dark overlords and their associates’ have been involved in criminal activity…
No longer generally viewed as a label to slap on crazy kooks believing Richard Nixon was a werewolf… etc… Conspiracy theory has become more generally viewed as either conspiracy fact or at least something worth investigating rather than flatly dismissing.
8. Increasing attempts to shut us up
Our global mass awakening has got the dark overlords greatly concerned as they question the effectiveness of their control systems over us. How can they deal with our awakening in growing overwhelming numbers?
Desperately, in cahoots with their associates, they’re throwing everything at us ranging from the grossly suppressive, the extremely petty, the violent and the ridiculous… to try to shut us up and deny our self-expression, keep us mentally, spiritually and physically enslaved in the matrix controlling system.
9. Awakening through unknown/unforeseen processes
Our awakening goes beyond the specific and measurable: We cannot simply quantify our awakening: There are circumstances occurring on a spiritual level that go beyond our limited understanding. Such as, for example, claims have been made recently of energetic emissions from our galactic centre that could affect our spirituality and transform us…
10. Rise in local meet up groups
As already mentioned, the internet and social media has indeed been great for exchanging information to wake people up but what if these set ups become censored? Further, large groups, virtual or real, run the risk of infiltration for dumbing down and deliberate disinformation.
So the solution lies (in part) in the forming of local community based in-person groups to cultivate the resistance and humanity, and local meet up group numbers are already growing.
In conclusion
Will our mass awakening to the deception produce a turnaround — a world that makes a difference for everyone? A world where there’s no predators, no controlling hierarchy, no blood-sucking vampiric slave-drivers at the top ruling the numerous enslaved at the bottom… no more fight for self-sufficiency because it’s already been achieved in the communities… etc.
It is up to us all to play our part.
Previous articles by Paul Phillips:
- Another Brick In The Wall – Modern Education and the System of Deception
- 7 Things Ridiculed By Conventional Science – But Which Are Said To Be True
- Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS – The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease
About the author:
Paul Philips: My blogs, articles and videos and my related alternative news/natural health website NewParadigm.ws are my stand for the possibility of creating a world that makes a difference for everyone. I graduated in biomedical sciences. My website is slanted on health matters and exposes the related deceptions…
However, over the years I have come to the firm conclusion that just about every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the name ‘New Paradigm’. From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions – a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!
Please visit www.NewParadigm.ws for more information.
Source Article from http://wakeup-world.com/2016/06/08/10-signs-of-our-global-awakening/
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