10 People Whose Warnings Went Unheeded

This list is from a website i visit daily, called Listverse. No doubt a few of you are familiar with this brilliant

I think sometimes, if the list creators are also members of ATS, the contributors to Listverse add some great content, much like ATS

Im going to copy the list, remember – I didnt create this my self all, i thought it would fit nicely with ATS so i needed to share it.
10 People Whose Warnings Went Unheeded

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of the King of Troy. She was so beautiful that the God Apollo granted her the gift of seeing the
future, prophecy. When Cassandra spurned Apollo’s love, he put a curse on her – that no one would believe any of her predictions. Cassandra was
thus an epic and tragic figure – granted a powerful ability, yet powerless to use it. Throughout history there have been many Cassandra-type
figures, people who predicted the coming of terrible tragedies and disasters, but whose warnings were ignored. These people were not gods and were not
using special powers of prophecy. They were people who had a deep understanding of the realities of a situation and tried to warn others. In each
case, others failed to listen to their warnings, and tragedies that might have been averted were not. Here are ten examples of people who tried to
warn others, but whose warnings went unheeded.

10 Adlai Stevenson

On October 24, 1963, less than a month before President John F Kennedy was scheduled to go to Dallas as part of a campaign swing through the
critical electoral state of Texas, Kennedy’s UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson went to Dallas to speak at Dallas Memorial Auditorium to mark U.N. Day.
Many people in Dallas openly and violently hated the United Nations, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, and the Kennedys. Their hatred was so
intense that they persuaded Governor John Connally to declare the day before Stevenson’s visit “US Day” out of protest. When Stevenson arrived
at the auditorium there were thousands of picketers outside, and many inside, to protest him and the UN (and the Kennedy Administration).

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