Expansion of consciousness, bonding with our bodies, spiritual awakening… it’s all happening. We are surfing waves of higher frequencies as they roll through and round us, and Gaia.
This is deep, profound and magical. Waking up to a world of hope, possibility, beauty and abundance. We can co-create our own existence.
Quantum transformation is the name of the recalibration game. We are transitioning from carbon based to crystalline structure beings.
We are raising our cellular vibration in response to higher cosmic frequencies.
What this actually means is we are waking up to free will, manifestation and universal oneness. We are becoming 5d and beyond.
10 life changing effects of cosmic awakening
1. We realign our lives. We simplify, downsize, de-stress our lives. We make fundamental changes to our home life, work life and relationships creating calm, positive vibrations.
2. We break free from mind programming algorithms in the 3d matrix reality. We filter and censor carefully what we let in from mainstream media, popular culture, advertising and marketing.
We take steps to clear, cleanse and protect our subconscious, our energy field and our sovereignty.
3. We realign our bodies. We become one with our physical being. We see and reconnect with our organs, our muscles, bones, blood and tissue. We take responsibility for our bodies.
We deprogram from matrix mind control algorithms of self hate, envy and competition. We learn to value our bodies as essential to our trinity mind body soul wellbeing.
4. We release past life karma, ancestral and present life karma. We lance dark heavy orbs of trauma from our beings.
We learn to use mantras, meditation, soul tribe and nature to regain equilibrium after intense periods of karmic release.
5. We step out of fear frequency, we train ourselves not to give into it. We learn how to transmute negative emotional energy.
We become aware of our chakra system and how to increase flow through our heart chakra enabling us to clean out low frequency emotions from ourselves and others.
6. We learn stillness, connectedness sovereignty and spirituality. We can raise our frequencies consciously. We float in zen spaces of higher planes of existence.
We ground regularly and effectively. We transition to quantum, connected through our crown chakra to universal love, drawing this light through our energetic bodies securing us back into Gaia.
7. We trust our instincts, our intuition, our energetic responses to situations and people, more than our eyes or our mind.
We respond to our inner and outer environment as mind body soul beings, unplugging our ego led matrix avatars. We see past masks to the true nature of people. We drop our own masks, revealing truth and authenticity.
8. We increasingly see through veils into other realities or dimension. We experience heightened awareness of sliding doors moments, deja vu and time fluctuations.
Our consciousness expands through dreams, interaction with nature and political awakening.
9. We begin to use language, crystals, smudging and holistic therapies as tools for healing, protection and guidance.
We seek out like minded people to share our awakening and magnify higher vibrations on Gaia.
10. We open our hearts to universal love frequency. We learn to manage, nurture and calm the ego. To approach life with love not fear.
With calm not anxiety. With hope, trust and belief not depression. We respond to confrontation, chaos and catastrophe from our heart. We integrate gratitude, humility and grace into our lives.
If we let the fear in, the fear will win. We use what we are being shown and taught by our earth warrior, lightworker friends and multi dimensional soul tribe.
We practise self care. We embrace and integrate upgrades. We face the dark night of our soul, let go of shame, guilt, grief and anger. We take better care of our minds, bodies and souls. We learn how to deal with trauma, tragedy and deception, realigning and resetting our equilibrium.
We are here to change the world one ripple of higher frequency wavelength at a time. Listen to your gut, find and go with your flow. Be heart led.
Speak up about things that matter to you. Find your voice, your inner strength, your warrior. In love and light beautiful people. Be safe, be cosmic, be love.
Mantra: I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.
I am connected at all times to love light frequency.
I ask my higher self for protection guidance and healing in gratitude, humility and with grace. Namaste.
By Morag O’Brien, Guest author
Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HumansAreFree/~3/1BMi0kHw2ho/10-life-changing-effects-of-cosmic.html
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