10 Characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings

7 – They Share Everything With Everyone, There is No Ownership

In highly evolved civilizations there is no such thing as “ownership.” This is because they understand that since they are all One, everything that exists belongs to everyone that exists. And hence, they share everything with everyone all the time.

A far cry from Humanity, which generally only shares with others in very limited circumstances. We have an economic system and mindset that encourages us to accumulate as much stuff that we can call our own as we can, and that encourages a relative few to hoard the majority of the resources and wealth of the planet. To most of us, sharing everything probably seems completely impractical and unworkable. It’s very hard for us to imagine how sharing everything could work — but believe it or not, it works very well.

In highly evolved civilizations the idea of “ownership” is replaced by the concept of “stewardship.” Beings in those civilizations mutually agree on who will have stewardship responsibility for what, who will partner with whom, and who will perform what functions. The person or persons that care for and manage a given thing or resource (e.g; the stewards) do not “take” it as their own — they are simply responsible for managing it. It could be said that the resource is “owned” by the community and the steward of the resource is taking care of it on behalf of the community. But of course, enlightened communities understand all resources are essentially gifts from the Universe that are to be managed responsibly, and used fairly, for all those using it now, and in the future.

Those who accept stewardship of anything, be it land or something else, do not imagine that they “own” it. They understand that they are merely caring for and managing it for the benefit of the community. For instance, no one imagines, that just because they are stewards of a particular plot of land on the planet on which they incarnated, that they “own” the minerals, water, and whatever else is under that plot of land — all the way down to the center of the Earth. Nor does anyone imagine that they “own” the air, or the sky, above a particular plot of land — as high as the sky goes. Such ideas are absolutely ludicrous to highly evolved beings and any debates about who owns the “rights” to whatever seems utterly pointless to beings who understand that they are all One.

A big stumbling block to embracing the idea of “no ownership” is our difficulty in imagining how we would earn a living without the profit motive that seems so strongly linked to ownership. But unlike Humanity, highly evolved civilizations do not view living as something you have to “earn.” Systems can easily be devised that allows a society to fulfill individual and group needs without the members of that society having to sell their soul and abandon their dreams to survive. Many civilizations have created such systems and have demonstrated that they work very well — producing a high degree of freedom, prosperity, and happiness for all.

Highly evolved beings also have a different way of looking at “profit.” They do not consider it “profitable” if one individual benefits at the expense of another. They do not consider it honorable or acceptable if they get more and another gets less. In highly evolved civilizations, no one benefits unless everyone benefits. It might be said that they would measure profitability by how well a stewarded resource is managed and how well it provides benefits to the members of the community. And hence, they would likely describe the degree of success of any venture by using the term “beneficial,” rather than the term “profitable.”

If you still think a society sharing everything is unworkable consider that Humanity makes sharing work all the time on a small-scale — with our loved ones and families. In this context, we generally care for others no matter what, regardless of what they’ve done.

What if we could extend our sense of family beyond blood relatives? What if we could start by caring about everyone in our community with that same type of bond and the same sense of connection that we have for our family members? And then what if we could extend it to everyone in our country, and then our world? This is the difference between highly evolved civilizations and Humanity — they feel that same connection, the same amount of compassion, care, and love for everyone in their society.

C’mon people now smile on your brother, everybody get together and try and love another right now. — The Youngbloods, Get Together

When you begin to stop seeing others as outsiders, when you begin to transcend “us” versus “them,” you are on the verge of a breakthrough in the evolution of your consciousness. When you can treat every single person with kindness and respect no matter what they have done, then you will have transcended separation and will have powerfully aligned with the unconditional love of the Source within you.

One of the root impediments to adopting a sharing economy is the belief that there is not enough for everyone, which leads to people wanting to make sure they get theirs, so someone else doesn’t get it instead — possessiveness, greed, hoarding, etc. The belief in scarcity is one of the key beliefs that is responsible for creating the type of world we live in (e.g; one characterized by conflict and competition).

The apparent scarcity of many things on our world is largely due to unfair or inefficient distribution, not any inherent scarcity. As a shameful example, there is actually enough food produced on this world for everyone yet many continue to starve. And of course, much of the apparent scarcity on our world is intentionally manufactured by commercial interests to maximize profits or by distribution strategies based on profit only mentalities which leaves many without even though there is plenty. And imagine if all of the energy and resources invested in the worlds war machines was applied to everyone’s welfare — we could easily solve most if not all of the worlds inequities!

Because highly evolved civilizations work cooperatively, share everything, tell and face the truth, and do what works, they rarely experience scarcity. But even more deeply, highly evolved beings have transcended scarcity altogether because they understand metaphysics and know that they are creating their reality with their thoughts and beliefs and so ultimately scarcity is an illusion which is self-created.

Source Article from http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/10/16/10-characteristics-highly-evolved-beings/

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