1 vs. 99: Keystone XL seizes private US land for oil to China

Canadian oil firm sues to seize US land for Keystone XL oil headed to China

By Rady Ananda

The NYTimes reports that TransCanada, a Canadian oil company, promises to confiscate private land from South Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico, and has already filed nearly 60 lawsuits against private US citizens who refuse to allow the Keystone XL pipeline on their property, even though the controversial project has yet to receive federal approval.

“Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer in Nebraska, was informed that if he did not grant pipeline access to 80 of the 400 acres left to him by his mother along the Platte River, ‘Keystone will use eminent domain to acquire the easement.’”

In an email, Vince Wade comments:

“One of my frequent preaching topics is why NAFTA is bad for our economy and our nation and how it is a tool of the robber baron globalists who have destroyed the Middle Class of the industrialized world–which is why we have a global recession/depression.

“For those of you who worry about U.S. Sovereignty, let’s think about this: a Canadian company–that is, a foreign company, which is part of NAFTA, is threatening Americans who are refusing to surrender their property to build a pipeline to carry highly toxic tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to the refineries of Texas.

It will cross the Ogallala Aquifer, the prime source of water for about 11 states. In some places the aquifer water table is 5 feet below ground. The oil fat cats tell us with a straight face that there’s nothing to worry about. By the way, a branch of the Tar Sands pipeline project is responsible for the massive spill in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River last year. It’s still a mess.

“Would you be surprised to learn that much of the Canadian tar sands oil to be pumped into the Keystone XL pipeline is owned by the People’s Republic Of China?

“Communist China has invested billions in the Canadian Tar Sands oil industry, and Keystone XL is intended to transport China’s oil. In other words, Keystone XL is intended to transport Canadian oil to Texas so Communist China can recoup its investment in Canadian natural resources. The Obama Administration doesn’t see a problem with this pipeline and it is leaning toward giving the pipeline the full go-ahead. Obama hopes approval will mean a campaign contribution windfall from the oil barons.

“Once again–a bi-partisan shafting of the American people. Hey-the 1% globalists of NAFTA want this, so our for-rent politicians in both parties stand ready to oblige.”

China is deeply invested in the Enbridge Gateway project, as well.

The Globe and Mail reports:

“Enbridge Inc. has quietly garnered support from a powerful group of foreign interests for its controversial Asian export pipeline, as Chinese investors in Canada’s oil sands become increasingly bold in their ambitions to bring Canadian crude across the Pacific.

“The company is in the midst of a multiyear effort to gain approval to build Northern Gateway, a $6.6-billion proposed project that would take crude from the oil sands to the British Columbia coast, where it could be loaded on ships and sent to Asia and California.

“To date, only one company, China Petroleum Chemical Corp. (Sinopec), has been identified as a financial backer of Gateway, after Enbridge raised a total of $100-million in funding from 10 Canadian producers and Asian refiners that agreed to help backstop the cost of gaining regulatory approval.

“… [A]s Chinese companies pour billions into Canadian energy investments, it’s increasingly clear their interest extends to bringing barrels across the Pacific. Those firms have long argued that their interest in Canadian oil is aimed purely at profit, not simply fueling Chinese cars with Alberta crude.

“But their statements to Canadian regulators show that exporting barrels is a key motivator. Earlier this year, for example, five companies signed up for so-called firm service, or guaranteed access, to a portion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, which carries oil from Edmonton to a port at Burnaby, B.C. Among them is PetroChina International (America) Inc., a subsidiary of Chinese energy giant China National Petroleum Corp.

“In testimony before the National Energy Board, Stephen Dove, senior crude oil trader with the firm, said: ‘at PetroChina International office, one of our main concerns, of course, is supply back to China.’”

In the last ten years alone, Enbridge spilled oil 700 times, as documented in this film short, Risking it All – Oil on our Coast, from BC filmmaker Twyla Roscovich and CallingFromTheCoast.com:


Once again, we have the 1% dictating how private land owned by the 99% will be seized and contaminated for the enrichment of the 1%.


Who Are the Top 1%?
One Super Corporation Runs The Global Economy
STUDY: The network of global corporate control, Stefania Vitali1 James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston (2011)

But see Naked Capitalism’s debunking of that study:

“This paper is a garbage-in, garbage out analysis. It does a network analysis based on share holdings at an institutional level. The problem is that the authors never bothered to understand how shares are held and how voting behavior varies based on institutional arrangements. To put it another way, the problem with the study is its failure to understand ownership, control and voting behavior in the institutional funds management arena.

“As our Richard Smith tartly noted, ‘This looks like a list of people who aren’t in control. And since they own so much equity worldwide, that is interesting, too.’”


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