1 – How to Win the US Presidency

The upcoming elections have never been more important. Again.


JAN 11, 2024

{This is the first installment of a four part series on the upcoming 2024 US elections.}

There are few things more important for us to apply Critical Thinking to than who we should elect as our next President.

My take is that there are three main “P’s” that will make the difference: PoliciesPolitics, and Personality. Each one of these is a test case for us to utilize Critical Thinking, as we are inundated with one-sided stories, purposefully deceptive information, and worse.

Let’s briefly discuss each one…

POLICIES are what the candidate’s stated positions are on the multiple important issues that we are societally facing. These include technical matters (e.g., climate, energy, etc.), economics, immigration, international relations, election integrity, censorship, civil rights, etc.

What policies are best? Technical matters need to be based on real Science, not political science. Other issues should be based on our ConstitutionLaws, and what is provably in the best interest of our citizens.

Note that some voters are focused on just one issue. Considering the seriousness of many issues that we are facing, that is a MAJOR mistake.

POLITICS is how well the candidate can work with others who have different priorities. Politics is mostly about negotiations and compromise.

Where do we draw the line between compromise and capitulation? This is an art. A good example of a successful politician is Ronald Reagan. Yes, since he was human he had slips, but by-and-large he was a superior negotiator. In politics, as desirable as it is to have high aspirations, it is equally important to be flexible.

PERSONALITY refers to the image conveyed by the candidate to the public. Do they come across as likable, competent, confident, empathetic, honest, etc.?

Some may say that’s a tall order — and yes it is. However, candidates are aspiring to be President of the US, an exceptionally tall-order job and responsibility.

Regretfully, marketing strategies (political propaganda) are often designed to deceive the public about candidates (either positively or negatively). It’s up to Critically Thinking voters to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I’ll keep this post neutral, and stop right there. If you’d like my take on how the major declared candidates rate for each of these three factors, send me an email: “aaprjohn” at “northnet.org”.

Whatever your Critical Thinking conclusions are, please vote!

PS — My next commentary will be: Honest or Dishonest Elections: what do we have?


2 – The Rhyme and Reason of Negative Ballots?

Our election system’s gaping loophole of non-transparent ballot “corrections”


JAN 15, 2024

{This is the second installment of a five part series on the upcoming 2024 US elections. See Part 1 (what characteristics are needed for a winning President). Part 3 will be about 2020 election lawsuits. Part 4 will discuss whether or not electronic voting machines should be kept, and Part 5 will assess whether the 2020 election was mostly honest or dishonest.}

Those who dig into the election voting process will eventually come across the name: Edison ResearchWho are they? Essentially what they do is act as a third-party, vote-reporting firm. Basically, they get ballot results from each state, and then pass these on to media sources like the NY Times, TV networks, etc.

Why are they in the loop? Consider the situation from the media’s perspective. On election night (etc.) to get Presidential election results (for example), they would have to be in almost constant contact with 50 states. Conversely, each of the election departments of 50 states would have to be in contact with numerous major media players. That would be a logistical nightmare, to say the least.

Edison steps in to be the middle man person to solve this problem. Now the NY Times, Fox, etc. get the election data for the entire country from just one source: Edison.

Fine, but what (if any) role does Edison play in any ballot shenanigans?

Generally speaking, to see Edison data, you have to be a paid subscriber — as they are a business, providing a service. They report (on Excel type documents), minute-by-minute ballot tallies, from each state. For example, for the 2020 Presidential election, there were some 21,000 line items (data points) that they passed onto customers.

One very suspicious matter is that some of these ballot tally line items are a negative number! For example, Edison might have reported at 11:30 PM on November 3rd, 2020, that there were -21,555 votes for Trump, in Nevada.

How can the number of new ballots at a certain time, from a state, for a specific candidate, be negative? Remember that this is not Edison’s number, but is rather what some particular state submitted to them for that time period and candidate. In other words, it is not likely that Edison has anything to do with the fact that there are negative ballot numbers. As the saying goes, don’t shoot the messenger.

So if we go back one step prior, to the submitting state, what is their explanation for giving Edison a negative number for a certain time period and candidate? Their stock answer is “a correction was being made.” (This could be legitimate, maybe due to something like a precinct’s tallies being mistakenly counted twice, earlier on.)

On the surface, this might seem plausible — but who is checking to see that no abuses are happening here? From what I know, almost no one.

Before we get excited about this, how many ballots are we talking about? If you carefully read this Report, two things jump out about the 2020 Presidential election ballot tabulationsa) there were over a thousand different reports of negative ballots, and b) the total number of negative ballots amounted to almost Four Million !!!

As bad as that is, the situation may be much worse. I say that because if bad actors were so bold to flag adjustments as negative numbers, then it is likely that some “corrections” are hidden in positive numbers. For example, if 50,000 ballots were about to be sent for Candidate A, they could subtract out a “correction” of 30,000, so that the reported amount is plus 20,000 — and no one would be the wiser.

In any case, these 4± MILLION “corrections” are not trivial amounts. That means that it’s all the more important that there is transparency here. Since Edison is simply a middle person, it is not reasonable to hold them accountable for these adjustments.

On the other hand, the submitting state should have accounting quality records — available for public inspection — that explain each and every correction and/or negative ballot that they submit to Edison (or otherwise report).

How can this be fixed? IMO this is a relatively rare situation where the Federal government should be involved. Even though the Constitution says that the States have primary responsibility for elections, this is an accounting issue (not an election matter). Further, it makes sense that all states abide by the same accounting standard.

The House Republicans have recently put forward a national election bill called the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act. IMO this is the type of provision that should be added to it.

Here are my suggested words: “Any time a State publicly reports a Federal ballot tally that includes a correction of over 100 ballots, the State must have a full accounting for such an adjustment. These records must be available for public inspection, and must be maintained for at least two (2) years from the time of origination.”

Note that I put in an arbitrary minimum (100) to trigger this requirement, as it does not seem reasonable for the State to have to maintain records for a 5-ballot error, etc. I’m sure that some legal experts can fine-tune my draft words.

How important is this? IMO very. Bad actors are carefully looking for weak links in our election process, to be able to take advantage of them. That there is no national requirement for transparent change records for some 4± MILLION ballots is totally unacceptable.

Note that this issue is separate from large, unexpected ballot spikes. See my team’s Report on that matter. The bottom line is that 2020 Presidential ballot spikes totaled over three million — all in favor of one candidate!… These may all be legit, but they are statistically improbable. Again, top-notch accounting documentation is needed to assure the public that everything is on the up and up.

Maintaining such records is a normal practice for a business adhering to high-quality accounting standards. That is a good way to look at what needs to be done regarding our election system: from real audits to accurate record keepingit needs to be made more business-like. Right now it’s like we are running a billion-dollar enterprise and keeping records on index cards, hidden in an unlocked desk drawer.

Little wonder that nefarious actors are in a feeding frenzy.

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

My Substack Commentaries for 2023 (arranged by topic)

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2023 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time – but why would you?



The Time for Silence is Over


If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., is too great. “Just following orders” or fear of scrutiny won’t cut it anymore. Several have come before you to lay the groundwork so you, too, can be brave.

If you are the every-man, there are still people you haven’t spoken to. Call them today. Don’t wait. Prepare your information, and get it ready for an email or text. Sit with them and discuss it. Have them over. Watch an interview or seminar. Make them stay out of respect for you because you are respecting them; you are trying to save their life.

If you are the every-man with a bit more nerve, go stand outside of your nearest school with a packet of information to hand out to parents on the car line. Do it until they threaten to arrest you, and get arrested if you must. It is that serious. It must be done. Go to a mall and flier the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Create a landing page or send people to a reputable site with the needed information. Get your boots on the ground. Do it today. Do not wait. Your fellow human needs you right now.

We are in the midst of one of the greatest psychological operations in human history.


The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.


If you like our work please consider to donate :


If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:

If you want to fight back better:

Find the others: www.freedomcells.org


Spike Protein Protocol 

McCullough MD (aug 2023):

He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:

1. Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
2. Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
3. Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

Urotherapy https://urotherapyresearch.com/ https://rumble.com/v2wsgmv-dir-ep8-heal-your-mitochondria-with-urotherapy-and-cutting-edge-regenerativ.html
Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Myocarditis: Nicotine

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

Fasting cures everything!


How to find the truth :

Search engine: https://presearch.org/, https://search.brave.com/, Searx (choose the server that you want) or https://metager.org/
Videos: www.odysee.com

Facebook style: www.gab.com or https://www.minds.com/



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