The Floating Corpses of the Arch-Zionist Holocaust Hoax

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The Floating Corpses of the Arch-Zionist Holocaust Hoax

Regarding the claim of mass deaths of European Jewry prior to and just after the end of the war it is not necessary to be a ‘fakeologist’ to figure this one out. The Zionist-produced Nazi-era mass murder images are mere forgeries, so thoroughly contrived that virtually anyone can realize it. Regardless, who could handle the stench enough to get anywhere near such a mass of dead humanity to capture the photography, as depicted in the image,  here?

Look at this. It looks more like something out of a macabre 16th century painting, one of those Old Master’s works, than it does a real massacre scene


This is clearly a fake. In contrast to the images of ‘soldiers’ standing on the edge of this contrived grave site regarding the ‘corpses’ there is no shadowing , no shading, no casting of sun-related darkness anywhere. The images of the purported corpses are too light for the remaining background. Furthermore, there are too uniform in color. Didn’t anyone of those former ‘concentration camp’ inmates have a bit of tan anywhere on their bodies? They were all lilly-white? No one worked outdoors?


Where is the expected compression from the mass weight of such bodies. Why do they appear to be, essentially, floating in space?


On the far right screen of the forged image is found this, now zoomed in. Now, no one could regard such imagery as real. Can anyone imagine it, the degree of fabrication and arch-fraud that was necessary to produce such imagery? Clearly, these images are in a float mode. Who would produce such a highly extensive photographic fake in the attempt to substantiate this fraud? Once again, the question has never been addressed or answered. Who did it? Who made this photo, and what institution(s) is responsible for circulating it? It’s a fake, and that issue is no less serious than forging a legal or historical document.

For those who might find doubt in any such analysis the following is absolutely definitive (not that the others aren’t; it’s just that this one is beyond the pale, fake beyond comprehension):

This fake was subjected to extensive alteration through paint brush techniques. It’s a work of artistic corruption. Make no mistake about it this whitish-appearing torso and arms is entirely corrupted,let alone the false scooped-out abdomen. The treachery by the Zionists sees no bounds. What absolute filthy and corruption they spread.


It is clearly yet another ‘corpse’ that defies the laws of gravity and appears to float in space, hovering over the ground. There is not a bit of filth or dirt on that torso. What did the Germans do, give it a bath before leaving it to rot in the sun? Look, too, at the left eye socket. That is also a result of photographic corruption, that is the forging of the image. Forgery: it’s a criminal act, globally – no exceptions.

The ‘corpse’ therefore has no contact with the ground and its obviously loose dirt. Nor is the head (or heads) in any such contact. Yet, regarding this, what else is seen?

See that scuffy-appearing beard, the small but hooked nose and the shape of the face and mouth, plus the openness of the mouth. It’s the same exact head, recycled. It’s also the same neck.


It’s a double image of fake corpses using the same imagery twice with some modifications, a standard in HoloHoax confabulations. Regardless, there can be no doubt about it these images fully demonstrate a simple fact; though depicted as lying on it, the entities are not connected to the ground.

This is what real post war ‘concentration camp’, actually, largely labor camp, inmates looked like at the war’s end. See any emaciated starvation victims?


What about this fake? It seems a bit more realistic, less floating corpses, here. Is that Eli Weasel’s father on the far-right screen? This forgery is deserving of a thorough analysis. Yet, is anything obvious, here? That’s a dirty, freshly-carved grave. Then, people were tossed into it? There would surely be dust and dirt compacted onto those clothes.

Caption: Budapest, Hungary, Jews’ bodies in a mass grave, 1945.

How did these Jews get thrown into that ‘grave’ without there being any dirt or dust on their bodies, not even on the hair or dark shirts right on or next to the dirt?

holocaustfakegravenodirtdust2A head is supposedly caved in but there is no dirt or filthy on the heads and/or dark clothes. Moreover, it is smacked in without there being any evidence of bleeding or any other obvious consequences? This is not believable.


How about this for proof of the fake? There is not even the slightest bit of filth or dust on the white under-pants, let alone the leggings or the area about the feet. Regarding those images of people in darker clothing, once again, there is no transfer of dirt from the ‘grave.’


These all-white images of naked humans were clearly put into the background artificially. It is not possible that this is real. The black hair tops are a good lead to the degree of the fraud. The tops of the heads of these forgery-based corpses are painted in black to simulate hair. Do all Eastern European or Germanic Jews have black hair?


These are anti-gravity corpses, there is no doubt about it.

Such imagery shocks the senses. So, they are rarely carefully analyzed. Yet, a cursory study proves this, too, to be a forgery:


Make no mistake about it such purported Holocaust images are absolutely fake. They truly are mere forgeries. What a monumental, extreme effort was made to create such fakes. It was a systematic plot by world Zionism for the achievement of its arch-demonic plot. That plot is the total conquest of Middle East through tactics of deceit while also the total, absolute usurpation of the world’s wealth stores.

All the monies and treasures confiscated on the basis of such forgeries is mere theft. It is no different than the outright stealing of treasures from historical archives and museums: even private institutions. A thorough analysis now must be done of this monstrous theft, with calls for restitution to be made urgently and categorically.

It was taken through fraud. There is no statute of limitation in regards to theft.

The images analyzed, here, falsely depict the deaths of European Jewry. In all likelihood virtually all the images of mass graves are also forgeries.

Addendum: A note from one of our Germany-based investigators, RE, Auschwitz as a labor camp facility:

All the scientific studies made upon the Labour camp of Auschwitz have reported evidence of the following facilities on it:

–football/soccer field
-music hall for orchestra
-casino (the one in which girls offer their useful services) .This one has been implemented as to avoid the many cases of phedophilia amongst the guests.
-swimming pool (traded by many holohiaxers as an utility for the local firemen)

No trace whatsoever of the alleged ‘homicidal gas chambers.’


Note: It had to be said that the people were gassed. There was no evidence of any actual trauma to the majority of these staged corpses, no blood, bullet wounds, exit or entrance, no head trauma, no evidence of the sustaining of beatings.



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One Response to “The Floating Corpses of the Arch-Zionist Holocaust Hoax”

  1. joshuabrown says:

    jews, a groups of bandits and liars, thousands of years of corruption.

    powered by GOD, the ONE who enjoys human decadence.

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