By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 6, 2017 Anno Domini
Court documents suggest that alt right personality and “Pizzagate” activist Mike Cernovich is a rape apologist “proxy” used for helping an elite paedophile ring run by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
In the buildup to the defamation lawsuit of Virginia Giuffre (née Roberts) against the daughter of a former Mossad asset, Ghislaine Maxwell, who she claims was recruiting child prostitutes for convicted pimp Jeffrey Epstein, alt right personality Mike Cernovich has attempted to intervene in the case on behalf of prominent Zionist lawyer Alan Dershowitz[i] and, presumably, U.S. President Donald Trump.
In opposition to Cernovich’s motion to intervene, Giuffre’s lawyers argue that Cernovich’s motive for intervening in the case is not in the interest of public good as he had claimed[ii] but is instead aimed at undermining claimant Giuffre, other child victims of Epstein, and for saving face of Epstein and Dershowitz.
Dershowitz had also motioned to intervene in the case, provoked by Giuffre’s claim that Epstein ordered her to have sex with Dershowitz when she was under age. Dershowitz has denied Giuffre’s claim; so, too, has Prince Andrew the Duke of York, who was even photographed with Giuffre, alongside Maxwell, when she was only 17 years old.
“…The documents Cernovich seeks to publish are substantively the same as those Dershowitz sought to publish…Cernovich acts as Dershowitz’s proxy and Dershowitz’s illegitimate purpose is imputed to Cernovich (and Cernovich has an illegitimate purpose of his own).”[iii]
The motion goes on to expose Cernovich’s personal ties to Dershowitz and to the movement seeking to decriminalize rape, evidently, even when it involves children. Dershowitz even motioned to support Cernovich’s motion to unseal Giuffre’s confidential files.
“Indeed, it appears that Cernovich harbours a special antipathy for victims of sexual assault, saying ‘why should I care when women are raped?’”.
It also revealed that Cernovich himself was once accused of rape, but the charges were dismissed. Despite the dismissal, a judge ordered him to carry out community service for “midemeanor battery”.
If the interventions of both Dershowitz and Cernovich are granted, Giuffre’s lawyers believe it would “prejudice Ms. Giuffre”.
“Aligned in purpose, Cernovich and Dershowitz’s motivations are equally illegitimate. Here Cernovich is someone who is a “rape apologist” and advocates “slut shaming”. The Court should not provide him access to sensitive materials describing the sexual assault of minors and women identifying those victims.”
Cernovich has rose to prominence in the alternative media as a direct result of the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president—someone with direct personal ties to Epstein and someone once named as co-defendant alongside Epstein in a child rape case.[iv] Like many shills for Trump in the alternative media, which seems to be controlled by the alt right, Cernovich has been an outspoken proponent of the debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which in hindsight, was a GOP dirty trick designed to demonize and discredit the Hillary Clinton campaign, but also likely to coverup Trump’s probable involvement in Epstein’s child-prostitution ring.[v]
Ironically, Pizzagate alleged an elite paedophile conspiracy among the democrats, yet now it is revealed that Cernovich himself is aiding an elite paedophile conspiracy—one to discredit and silence the victims. Cernovich is in cahoots with GOP dirty trickster and probable Pizzagate architect Roger Stone[vi], Zionist Pizzagate activist David Seaman, as well as Pizzagater Jack Posobiec. Cernovich, Stone, and Posobiec collaborated together in setting up the “Deplora-Ball” Trump inauguration celebration in Washington, DC.[vii]
Giuffre’s defamation trial is slated for a New York federal court beginning May 15, 2017.
“Katie Johnson”, the alleged child rape victim of Epstein and Trump, has dropped her lawsuit against the two defendants. Although she has never admitted to making up her story nor was any evidence provided that she did, London’s Daily Mail news outlet reported that she had made it all up[viii]. Incidentally, during the time the Daily Mail made up that story, the media giant was under litigation by Donald Trump’s wife Melania for defamation of character over the First Lady having allegedly been an escort. Melania has since won that lawsuit.[ix] The Daily Mail has failed to retract their falsified story defaming Johnson.
[i] Alan Dershowitz: Never apologize for being a Jew –
[ii] Cernovich, Mike, Mike Cernovich Files Lawsuit to Unseal Records in Jeffrey Epstein Pedophile Case, Danger & Play, Jan. 23, 2017 –
[iii] Case 1:15-cv-07433-RWS Document 589 Filed 02/02/17 –
[iv] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, Trump Controlled by Mossad, Fitzpatrick Informer, Oct. 29, 2016 –
[v] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, Roger Stone concocted Pizzagate for Trump?, Fitzpatrick Informer, Dec. 31, 2016 –
[vi] Ibid
[vii] Roger Stone and the Deploraball – VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Segment) –
[viii] Parry, Ryan, EXCLUSIVE: Troubled woman with a history of drug use who claimed that she was assaulted by Donald Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein sex party at age 13 MADE IT ALL UP, The Daily Mail, Nov. 7, 2016 –
[ix] Melania Trump wins damages from Daily Mail over false escort claims –
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