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  • guest_8251 : research ciro orsini
  • guest_621 : They faked the Torah, nothing else. Even their own neutral Rabbies tell that truth. The ORIGINAL Torah has nothing to do with the satansih Talmud or faked Torah!
  • guest_7642 : Look into Crowley Satanism in Hollywood. Actual Satanic kikes and space kikes working together.
  • guest_1984 : good work
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels :
  • guest_4766 : Been doing hundres of sticker labels, al over town now :ppp
  • guest_1984 : hahaha
  • guest_9645 : Oy Vey Goyim STOP going on this FUCKING SITE and go eat your GOYSLOP
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels : join this goyim
  • guest_5248 : The Search works. it takes time to sift through 700,000 articles.
  • guest_5419 : Gotta love that the search doesn't work
  • NMNV : wake up sheeple
  • guest_6482 : May this site live on and expand. EVERYONE SAVE THIS SITE AND PDF IT WHATEVER.
  • guest_7482 : Amen
  • guest_8470 Revelatio : Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  • guest_1695 : jew boy go away
  • guest_8124 : This site is awesome
  • guest_8124 : yes master
  • guest_956 : nigger
  • guest_8124 : allah not happy?
  • Site_Sabotaged : HONK
  • guest_2832 : The Goyim know... Shut it down
  • guest_8554 :
  • guest_380 : New World Order is the Jew World Order
  • guest_77 : love the chat
  • guest_2019 : shut it
  • nazi jews : wake up stupid
  • nazi jews : lol
  • guest_5277 : ok
  • guest_1726 : ok
  • meee : fuck u dikhead
  • meee : ggg

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Greek Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

Biden’s New Rule Change Could Turn Millions of Gun Owners into Felons Overnight


For generations, advocates of private gun ownership have been fighting exhaustively through political channels to protect their right to keep and bear arms. Gun owners even have one of the strongest lobby groups in Washington, the highly disappointing NRA. Yet over the years, gun rights continue to diminish in America, despite the constant political campaigns by the NRA and politicians who claim to support gun rights.

The Biden Administration reportedly is wasting no time with its plans to outlaw certain firearms. Empowered by their big win over incumbent president Donald Trump, the current administration seeks to make illegal all stabilizing braces for handguns, a move which will certainly turn millions of peace loving gun owners into felons overnight.

As reported by The Reload, Biden’s executive action has resulted in a proposed rule change, submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). According to the proposed rule change, any pistol which has a “stabilizing brace” effectively turns the firearm into a short-barreled rifle (SBR), which requires a special approval in the form of a tax stamp issued by the federal government at a cost of $200 for each rifle.

The rule is the result of executive action taken by President Biden. Biden has pressed for an aggressive expansion of gun-control laws since taking office but has made no progress on his legislative agenda on guns because the measures he wants can’t garner 60, or sometimes even 50, votes in the divided Senate.

Instead, as part of his effort to bypass Congress and unilaterally impose new gun restrictions, he directed the Department of Justice and ATF to create proposals to ban so-called ghost guns and certain pistol braces in the aftermath of mass shootings in Georgia and Colorado.

To be in compliance with the new proposed rule changes, owners would have to destroy their pistol braces or modify their pistol barrels, making them longer, thereby turning their compact pistol into a rifle with an 16-inch barrel. According to The Reload, there are already an estimated 10-40 million pistol braces in use across America. It’s unclear if the newly proposed rule changes will be adopted by the ATF, and the public does have the right to weigh in on the matter. The Reload writes:

Once the ATF officially enters the proposal into the federal register, the public will have 90 days to submit comments for or against it. President Donald Trump withdrew a similar proposal on stabilizing braces submitted last year after receiving opposition during the comment period.

Opponents of the new proposed affront to civil liberties, specifically the right to defend one’s home, family, and property any way they see fit, are lining up to weigh in on the proposed changes.

A similar measure was proposed under the Trump administration and was adopted which banned bump-stocks, a certain type of stock with allowed for the rapid fire of AR-15 style firearms. However, anyone with a rubber band and 30 seconds of practice can get their ARs to work in rapid-fire mode.

Effectively, the federal government under Trump banned bump-stocks but failed to ban rubber bands, making the whole measure laughable by all accounts.

We at TFTP are unaware of anyone who has turned in their privately owned bump-stocks and are doubtful those who own stabilizing braces will comply with the new rules, but the chipping away at gun freedoms has been happening since the Reagan years.

This article originally appeared on The Free Thought Project.

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Mason grad Dies Suddenly after Heart Transplant, media Conveniently Left out that she was vaccinated with Moderna

Home » Crimes, Health, North America, Social » Mason grad Dies Suddenly after Heart Transplant, media Conveniently Left out that she was vaccinated with Moderna



An Ohio college student died about two weeks after receiving her second dose of the Moderna mRNA COVID vaccine.

19-year-old Northwestern University freshman Simone Scott passed away from pneumonia complications Friday following a heart transplant she received as a result of myocarditis-induced heart failure last month.

Scott’s parents, left without an official explanation from doctors how this happened, believe the Moderna vaccine played a role in their daughter’s death, according to investigative reporter Alex Berenson.

“My fear is that we’ll never know what happened to Simone,” her father, Kevin Scott, reportedly said Sunday night. “[The vaccine] is a coincidence that is too big to ignore.”

“I do suspect it was the vaccine,” said Scott’s mother, Valerie Kraimer. “If it wasn’t direct, it played a role.”

Scott “took it upon herself to get vaccinated” as soon as the shots became available in April, her father said, and suffered adverse side effects soon after taking the first dose of Moderna’s vaccine.

After taking the second dose a month later, Scott went into heart failure.

“They said her heart was not functioning and they needed to insert a balloon pump to get it working,” Kraimer said. “They did at that point suspect that it was myocarditis. They were thinking it was a virus that had attacked her heart.”

A week later, doctors told Scott’s parents she needed a heart transplant, which was initially successful, but soon complications from the transplant led to a fatal lung infection.

Scott’s parents wish medical experts would have raised more awareness about the possible vaccine side effects, especially in young people.

“I lost my only daughter,” Kraimer said. “I never thought I’d have to give up my daughter for the greater good of society.”

Notably, around the time Scott received her first dose of the COVID shot, Israel researchers reported a possible link between myocarditis and the COVID vaccine in young individuals.

A month later, the CDC acknowledged a possible link between heart inflammation and the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, which they claim to now be investigating.

Additional studies also found that heart inflammation was a common adverse reaction of the COVID-19 jab as a result of COVID spike proteins manufactured by the body via the mRNA vaccine.


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Chandragupta Maurya: Storied Founder of the All-India Mauryan Empire

Chandragupta Maurya was an ancient Indian ruler who lived during the 4th century BC. He was the founder of the Mauryan Empire and was the first person to have brought the majority of the Indian subcontinent under one ruler. Chandragupta Maurya established his empire shortly after the invasion of India by Alexander the Great. Therefore, during his early reign, Chandragupta came into conflict with Alexander’s successors in the east. Due to these conflicts, Chandragupta is mentioned in a number of classical sources. Chandragupta Maurya’s empire lasted until 185 BC, about 50 years after the death of Ashoka, Chandragupta’s famous grandson.

In the courtyard opposite Gate No. 5 of Parliament House of India, on a red sandstone pedestal, stands a symbolic bronze statue of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the greatest figures in Indian history and founder of the Mauryan Empire, who reigned from 321 BC to 296 BC. The statue inscription reads: Shepherd boy Chandragupta Maurya dreaming of the India he was to create. (Public domain / CC BY-SA 4.0)

In the courtyard opposite Gate No. 5 of Parliament House of India, on a red sandstone pedestal, stands a symbolic bronze statue of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the greatest figures in Indian history and founder of the Mauryan Empire, who reigned from 321 BC to 296 BC. The statue inscription reads: Shepherd boy Chandragupta Maurya dreaming of the India he was to create. (Public domain /  CC BY-SA 4.0 )

The Early Life of Chandragupta Maurya

Chandragupta Maurya  is thought to have been born around 340 BC, though this, along with many other details about his ancestry, is still uncertain. In fact, there are no records about Chandragupta’s life that precede the foundation of the  Mauryan Empire , which provides support to the theory that he was from a humble family. This theory also claims that Chandragupta had been abandoned by his parents. Nevertheless, there are several other competing theories regarding Chandragupta’s background.

According to one version of the story, for instance, Chandragupta was the illegitimate son of a king or prince of the  Nanda dynasty  (which Chandragupta would later overthrow) and a maid by the name of Mura.

Another version suggests, based on the name Maurya, that Chandragupta was a member of the Moriyas, a Kshatriya (warrior) clan based in Pippalivana, a small republic located between Rummindei, in Tarai Nepal, and Kasia in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Yet another hypothesis states that the Mauryas were the Muras, or Mors, who are of  Scythian, or Indo-Scythian origin.

The early childhood of Chandragupta is equally shrouded in mystery. One version of the story states that whilst he was still a young boy, Chandragupta’s family fell into poverty following the death of his father, a chief of the Mauryas, in a battle. Subsequently, Chandragupta’s maternal uncles left him with a cowherd, who brought him up as his own son. Later, however, he was sold to a hunter to tend cattle. Finally, he was purchased by  Kautilya (known also as Chanakya)  in Bihar, when the latter was on his way back to Taxila. According to another version of the story, Kautilya met Chandragupta by chance, recognized that he had the makings of a great king, and immediately took him under his wing.

In any case, Kautilya brought Chandragupta back with him back to  Taxila, and began to groom him. He would play an important role in Chandragupta’s rise to power and serve subsequently as his advisor and chief minister. Kautilya is said to have been a Brahmin (a member of the priestly class) and is traditionally credited as the author of the  Arthashastra, an ancient Indian text dealing with statecraft, military strategy, and economic policy.

Kautilya’s decision to groom Chandragupta was not only due to his recognition of the boy’s potential as a ruler, but also as part of personal vendetta against Dhana Nanda, the ruler of the Nanda Empire. Therefore, he sought to obtain his revenge by using Chandragupta to overthrow Dhana Nanda.

Artistic depiction of Kautilya or Chanakya who was Chandragupta Maura’s teacher and advisor. (Public domain)

Artistic depiction of Kautilya or Chanakya who was Chandragupta Maura’s teacher and advisor. ( Public domain )

Kautilya: Teacher, Strategist, Chandragupta Maura’s Advisor

At the time of Alexander’s invasion of India (327 – 325 BC), Kautilya was a teacher in Taxila, a great center of learning, as well as the capital of  Gandhara. Ambhi (known to the Greeks as Taxiles), the king of Gandhara, concluded a treaty with Alexander, and therefore avoided fighting him. Kautilya is said to have perceived the Macedonian invasion as a threat to Indian culture, and therefore sought other Indian rulers in the region to unite in a war against Alexander. It seems that only Parvatka (sometimes identified as Porus in Greek sources), a Himalayan king, heeded Kautilya’s call, and fought unsuccessfully against Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.

In spite of his failure to rally the Indian rulers against the Macedonians, Kautilya did not give up, but travelled further east, to Pataliputra, in Bihar. This was the capital of the Nanda Empire, which stretched from Bihar and Bengal in the east all the way to  eastern Punjab  in the west. Kautilya was hoping that Dhana Nanda, the ruler of this vast empire, would be able to defeat Alexander, and repel the Macedonian invaders.

Initially, relations between the king and Kautilya were cordial. Kautilya’s habit of speaking bluntly, however, did not sit too well with the king. Consequently, Dhana Nanda removed Kautilya from his official position, and the brahmin was thrown out of the Nanda court. Kautilya swore that he would have his revenge for the Insult he received at the hands of Dhana Nanda. According to another version of the story, Dhana Nanda had insulted Kautilya publicly, and removed him from his court, as a result of an insignificant dispute, thereby incurring the brahmin’s wrath.

As a boy, Chandragupta Maurya was taken by Kautilya to Taxila and educated in  military tactics  and the aesthetic arts. Subsequently, Chandragupta raised a mercenary army, formed an alliance with a Himalayan king (perhaps Parvatka), and attacked the Nanda Empire. Chandragupta’s initial attacks, however, were repelled, as the Nanda Empire, after all, possessed a formidable army.

Nevertheless, Chandragupta continued his war, and after many battles, his army finally arrived before the gates of Pataliputra. Chandragupta laid siege to the Nanda capital, and succeeded in capturing the city in 321 BC. According to one version of the story, Dhana Nanda abdicated, handed over power to Chandragupta, and went into exile, thus disappearing from the pages of history. The capture of Pataliputra in 321 BC by Chandragupta marks the beginning of the Mauryan Empire.

The Mauryan Empire at its highpoint covered nearly all of the Indian subcontinent. (Avantiputra7 / CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Mauryan Empire at its highpoint covered nearly all of the Indian subcontinent. (Avantiputra7 /  CC BY-SA 3.0 )

Chandragupta Maurya And The Rise Of The Mauryan Empire

Following the conquest of the Nanda Empire, Chandragupta turned his attention to the western borders of his growing empire. As mentioned earlier, Alexander had launched a military campaign into India between 327 and 325 BC. Although Alexander died in 323 BC, the northwestern part of India was still in the hands of the  Greeks.

The eastern edge of Alexander’s former empire was ruled by several satraps, and Chandragupta began to wage war against them. Chandragupta was successful in his campaign, and by around 316 BC, all the  satraps in the mountains of Central Asia were conquered and absorbed into the Mauryan Empire. Thus, Chandragupta extended his empire to the borders of present-day Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most significantly, Iran. This area would eventually become part of the powerful  Seleucid Empire , which fought with the Mauryan Empire for dominance of the region.

The Seleucid Empire was established by Seleucus I Nicator, who had served as a general under Alexander. When Chandragupta was conquering the eastern satraps, the Seleucid Empire had not been established, and Seleucus was still not a major political player. Although Seleucus became the satrap of  Babylonia in 321 BC, he lost his satrapy in 316 BC, and fled to Egypt, where he served Ptolemy. In 312 BC, however, Seleucus had regained Babylonia, and founded the Seleucid Empire. In the years that followed, Seleucus expanded his empire aggressively, extending it all the way to the eastern frontier of the Mauryan Empire.

Consequently, war broke out between the two empires. The conflict between Seleucus and Chandragupta ended in 305 BC with a peace treaty. In exchange for his eastern territories, Seleucus received 500  war elephants  from Chandragupta. This peace treaty was strengthened by a marriage alliance, i.e., one of Seleucus’ daughters was given to Chandragupta in marriage.

Additionally, diplomatic relations were established between the two empires, and several Greeks, the best-known being the historian Megasthenes, were sent as ambassadors to the Mauryan court. Based on his experience at Chandragupta’s court, Megathenes wrote  Indika, which is a source of information regarding Mauryan India. Although the original has disappeared, parts of this work survived in later works, for instance, Strabo’s  Geography and Arrian’s  Indika.

Statue of Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and his spiritual mentor Acharya Bhadrabahu Swami at Shravanabelagola. (Jayanti Sengupta / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Statue of Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and his spiritual mentor Acharya Bhadrabahu Swami at Shravanabelagola. (Jayanti Sengupta /  CC BY-SA 4.0 )

Classical Sources About The First Head of the Mauryan Empire

Megasthenes, as well as those who referred to his  Indika, was not the only classical author who wrote about Chandragupta. Tales about Chandragupta can be found in the writings of other classical writers, such as Justin, and Plutarch. In Book XV of Justin’s  Epitome of Pompeius Trogus , for example, Chandragupta (referred to as Sandrokottos) is described negatively. Justin mentions that after Chandragupta liberated the eastern satrapies, he “oppressed the people whom he had delivered from a foreign power, with a cruel tyranny.” Additionally, Justin claims that Chandragupta had met Alexander on one occasion and managed to offend him with his bold speech. The encounter between the two rulers is mentioned also by Plutarch, who refers to Chandragupta as Androcottus. Moreover, Justin reports the omens that revealed Chandragupta’s greatness. The first was a lion that gently woke Chandragupta when he had fallen asleep from fatigue, and then left him, whilst the second was a wild elephant that presented itself to Chandragupta as a mount when he went to do battle with the Greeks.

Once Chandragupta had secured the western borders of his empire, he turned his attention to the south, and expanded in that direction. By the end of this campaign of conquest, the whole Indian subcontinent, with the exception of Kalinga (present-day Odisha) and the Tamil kingdoms (on the southern tip of India), was under Chandragupta’s rule.

According to tradition, when Chandragupta was in his 50s, he became interested in Jainism. He eventually embraced this belief system, thanks to the influence of the Jain sage Bhadrabahu, his spiritual guide. Bhadrabahu predicted that the Mauryan Empire would be struck by a 12-year-long famine. When the famine happened, Chandragupta initially tried to mitigate the situation. When he found that he was powerless to do anything, however, the emperor simply gave up, abdicated, and went with Bhadrabahu to Shravanabelagola, a renowned religious site in southwest India. There, Chandragupta meditated in a cave and fasted, until he died of starvation five weeks later. Chandragupta died around 297 BC.

Asokan pillar at Vaishali, Bihar, India, built by Emperor Asoka, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, in about 250 BC, and still standing. (mself / CC BY-SA 2.5)

Asokan pillar at Vaishali, Bihar, India, built by Emperor Asoka, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, in about 250 BC, and still standing. (mself /  CC BY-SA 2.5 )

From Chandragupta to Bindusara to the Great Emperor Ashoka

Chandragupta was succeeded by his son, Bindusara. According to one legend, Kautilya was worried that Chandragupta might be poisoned by his enemies, and therefore secretly introduced small amounts of poison into the emperor’s food to build up his tolerance.

One day, Chandragupta, who was himself unaware of Kautilya’s plan, shared his food with Durdhara, one of his queens/consorts. Incidentally, Durdhara is the only queen/consort of Chandragupta whom we know of by name. After consuming the poisoned food, Durdhara died. At the time, she was pregnant with her first child, who fortunately, survived, as Kautilya performed an emergency operation to save him. A bit of Durdhara’s poisoned blood touched the baby’s forehead, leaving a blue bindu (bindi) mark, hence his name, Bindusara.

Unlike his father Chandragupta, Bindusara is much less well-known today. As a matter of fact, he is perhaps most famous for being the father of Ashoka, the third ruler of the Mauryan Empire. It was Ashoka who conquered Kalinga. Although the Tamil kingdoms were not directly under Ashoka’s rule, they were on friendly terms with the Mauryan Empire.

Ashoka is perhaps most famous, however, for his adoption and propagation of Buddhism. This conversion is supposed to have happened after the war with Kalinga, as Ashoka witnessed for himself the devastation caused by his violent actions. In contrast to his grandfather, Ashoka did not renounce the throne after his conversion, but continued to rule, though according to Buddhist principles. Moreover, Ashoka used his position as emperor to spread Buddhism.

Ashoka’s death in around 232 BC marks the beginning of the decline of the Mauryan Empire. In the 50 years that followed, the Mauryan throne was occupied by a series of weak rulers. Several other factors also contributed to this decline, such as the weakening of the military as a result of Ashoka’s non-violent policies, and the provinces seizing the opportunity of weak leadership at the empire’s center to assert their independence.

The Mauryan Empire came to an end in 185 BC, when Brihadratha, the last Mauryan emperor, was assassinated. The assassin was one of the emperor’s own generals, Pushyamitra Shunga, who subsequently founded a new dynasty. Unlike the Mauryan Empire, however, the Shunga Empire only ruled over a small part of the Indian subcontinent. In fact, until the arrival of the Mughals in the 16th century, the Indian subcontinent remained fragmented, and was ruled by numerous small kingdoms.

Top image: Chandragupta Maurya (founder of the Mauryan Empire) and his spiritual leader Bhadrabahu moved to Shravanabelagola, where they continued their spiritual practices related to Jainism. Chandragupta’s footsteps have been engraved in this spectacular viewpoint rock hilltop.          Source: KGBedits /  CC BY-SA 4.0

By Wu Mingren


Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus  [Online]

[Watson, J. S. (trans.), 1886.  Justin’s Epitome of Pompeius Trogus .]

Available at: 

Menon, M., 2019.  Chandragupta Maurya: Emperor to Ascetic (324-297 BCE).  [Online]
Available at:

New World Encyclopedia, 2016.  Ashoka. [Online]
Available at:

New World Encyclopedia, 2018.  Mauryan Empire.  [Online]
Available at:

New World Encyclopedia, 2021.  Chandragupta Maurya.  [Online]
Available at:

New World Encyclopedia, 2021.  Kautilya. [Online]
Available at:

New World Encyclopedia, 2021.  Seleucid Empire.  [Online]
Available at:

Plutarch, Parallel Lives: Alexander  [Online]

[Perrin, B. (trans.), 1919.  Plutarch’s Parallel Lives: Alexander .]

Available at:*/home.html

Szczepanski, K., 2019.  Biography of Chandragupta Maurya, Founder of the Mauryan Empire.  [Online]
Available at:

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2020.  Chandragupta. [Online]
Available at:

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2021.  Mauryan Empire.  [Online]
Available at:, 2021.  Chandragupta Maurya.  [Online]
Available at:


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Attacks on Palestinians in Canada have gone under-reported

Amidst the most violent escalation between Israel and Gaza in years, both protests in support of Palestinian rights and reports of antisemitic incidents increased in Canada. B’nai B’rith said there were more violent antisemitic incidents in May than all of last year. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs called on “our federal government to convene an emergency summit to address growing antisemitism.” But comparatively little attention was devoted to anti-Palestinian incidents, which also experienced an uptick.

Palestinian Canadians faced discrimination and violence, and supporters of Palestinians have also been targeted. Let’s look at the record over the past few weeks starting with a log of harassment or possible hate crimes against Palestinians:

  • On May 13 a group of Israeli flag-waving individuals in Thornhill are on video trying to fight and threatening to “run over” a small group of Palestinian activists. At one point, police pull their guns.
  • On May 15 a Jewish Defence League (JDL) supporter interviewed prior to the pro-Palestinian rally said he was looking to brawl. He then told a passerby, “I used to rape guys like you in prison, bro.” Another individual was caught on camera swinging a stick wildly at someone. At another point, an older supporter in the same video can be seen with a knife and bat.
  • On May 16 a pro-Israel supporter was photographed with a hammer in his hand at a protest in Montréal. At the same rally an individual ripped a Palestinian flag from a man’s hand and the crowd cheers.
  • On May 24 a Palestinian family in Hamilton who had put up a sign on their lawn with a Palestinian flag found the flag stolen and a note was left in its place that read: “KEEP YOUR POLITICS AND ANTI-SEMITIC RACISM OUT OF MY COUNTRY AND MY NEIGHBOUR-HOOD. IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY COUNTRY, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!” The theft was not caught on camera but there is a photo of the note and stolen sign. The family had originally posted this message with their flag: “We support human rights. #FreePalestine #OngoingNakba”.
  • On May 25 a recent immigrant from Gaza who lives in Calgary was cut off and stopped by a pickup truck. He filmed the incident, depicting the motorist slamming on his window, demanding to fight. The attacker yelled, “terrorist fuck,” “terrorist ass,” and “I have a picture of Mohammed in my car Allah.” He is seen laughing in the footage while ripping off the Palestinian Canadian’s windshield wiper. The Palestinian man had a Palestinian flag in his rear window. 

Outside of these instances other individuals experienced instutionalized discrimination— such as a social justice teacher in Toronto who was put on home assignment, McGill students who were blacklisted, a doctor in Toronto who was smeared and threatened with termination — for standing up for Palestinian rights. Over the past few months in Halifax, Windsor, Calgary, Hamilton, police ticketed dozens of individuals for attending Palestine solidarity protests on charges of violating public health orders that limit gatherings during the pandemic. 

One of the events was a car protest and attendees did not get out of their vehicles. In Windsor, police ticketed many with noise complaints after a car protest where drivers honked, chanted, and played Arabic music. In Hamilton police issued 12 tickets to pro-Palestinian protesters with fines over $800 each. Eight of the 12 citations were written to Muslim women wearing headscarves, suggesting they were targeted by their religious identity. 

The above are incidents I complied. Palestinians in Canada do not have a central reporting organization that logs harassment or abuse against them. This is not the case for antisemitic incidents. B’nai B’rith, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, CIJA and the Jewish Federations operate hotlines to tabulate incidents targeting Jews and have significant capacity to communicate these records externally. At times, the organizations have sent individuals to video and photograph pro-Palestinian protests, which have been used to document harassment. This raises the question of what these groups consider an antisemitic event. In some incidents, there is a clear display of antisemitism, like protests with derogatory chants against Jews or Judaism, yet in other incidents, the events are simply critical of Israel or Israeli policy. This muddied criteria is a dangerous conflation that undermines Palestinians’ ability to advocate for their rights. 

As Israeli oppression of Palestinians has become ever more difficult to defend, the lobby’s emphasis on driving the discussion towards antisemitism has grown. For its part, the pro-Palestinian movement is more focused on discussing the violence meted out against those in Palestine.

With that in mind, let’s look at the most high-profile incidents of antisemitism cited by supporters of Israel:

  • After massive Palestine solidarity demonstrations on May 15, CIJA published a release titled “CIJA Concerned by wave of violence and antisemitism connected to conflict in the Middle East”). It showed numerous images of supporters of Palestinians holding placards equating Israeli policy to the Nazis and an Israeli flag with swastikas on it. The individual whose photo was initially on the cover — subsequently removed — of the release was a knife and bat wielding individual aligned with the JDL who was beaten up after (apparently) picking a fight.
  • On May 16 in Edmonton, Adam Zepp told Global News he was walking out of his parents’ driveway at 9 p.m. when a car drove by with young men yelling “Free Palestine.” Forced to loop back due to the neighborhood layout, Zepp says the men subsequently said, “are there any Jews here? Any Jews live here? Where do the Jews live?” 
  • On May 16, a day after thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters took over downtown Montréal, a small pro-Israel rally was held downtown. Pro-Palestinian counter-protesters reportedly threw objects (rocks according to some) at the pro-Israel group. I could not find a video of objects being thrown but there is a video of scuffles between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian individuals. There is also a great deal of video of the Montréal riot squad trying to disburse Palestine solidarity protesters, which suggests they were treated as the aggressors.
  • On May 17 in the Montréal neighborhood of Côte-Saint-Luc, which is heavily Jewish, two men were arrested for driving through the municipality and allegedly yelling anti-Jewish slurs 
  • On May 18 an Israeli flag flying on a street median in Côte-Saint-Luc was removed. This followed messages on social media that “any Israeli flag gets replaced with a Palestinian flag.”
  • On May 26 Global did a two-minute video report and accompanying article on a 
  • A TikTok video circulated of two young Arab women identified as students at Laurier University, where the pair are dancing and one holds a knife and makes a stabbing motion. They pretend to burn a paper with the Israeli flag drawn on it, and one pretends to vomit on it. While the video shows both the Israeli and Palestinian flags and directs intent towards the Israeli flag, it was shared by Honest Reporting Canada, as “Glorifying Stabbing Jews.”

While all forms of racism and hate crimes should be condemned, readers can see that many of these incidents aren’t directed towards Jews and Judaism and are towards Israel or Israeli policies.

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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Reexamining the Arab revolt through a trove of international commissions

Investigative Commissions in Palestine

by Lori Allen
423 pp. Stanford University Press. $30

Excerpted from A History of False Hope by Lori Allen, published by Stanford University Press. ©2021 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.

In 1936, the British appointed the fateful Royal Peel Commission as a means to calm the disturbances that had broken out across Palestine—what would become a three-year-long rebellion known as the Arab Revolt. By the end of the revolt, possibly more than five thousand Palestinians were killed, and almost fifteen thousand wounded. At its height, approximately twenty-five thousand British servicemen were deployed to police an Arab population of slightly more than one million. Many Palestinians had decided enough was enough. They had experienced nearly two decades of British mandatory rule; had the League of Nations serially ignore their pleas for representative government and self-determination; watched tens of colonies with some 370,000 Jewish residents grow across their country as Arab peasant landlessness increased; and seen five major investigative commissions come and go. Arabs were declaring publicly that they had “no hope in the fairness of the government and thus, they see no point in cooperating with its Commission,” as Palestinian leader Hajj Amin al-Husayni explained in the pages of Filastin. For months, Palestinians boycotted the Peel Commission, until political pressure from leaders of Arab states and violent suppression of the revolt by the British finally forced them to give in to yet another investigation. 

The boycott of the Peel Commission is one of the few examples in Palestinian history of a collective refusal to take the bait of international law’s official mechanisms. Although it was only a temporary hiatus in the longer history of continual liberal engagement that this book tells, the significance of this boycott is only heightened by its rarity. The refusal of an international commission highlights how much frustration had to build before this repudiation could happen. But it also shows both how intertwined Palestinian politics had become with the liberal order, and how necessary a contextual change was to boycotting the commission and refusing the Western order that it symbolized. What had changed to allow this refusal was Palestinians’ view of their political horizons, how they imagined the audience to whom they could make their entreaties. 

Arab rejection of the Peel Commission was both enabled by and contributed to the transnational development of an anticolonial consciousness. In the interwar period, international solidarity that formed around the fight against colonialism offered a model and means of struggle that the subsequent focus on international law largely displaced. (That is, until postcolonial shifts at the United Nations delivered a new context for solidarity politics from the 1960s onward, as Chapter 4 explains.) The boycott of the commission and the Arab revolt were part of an attempt to transform the liberal framework that international law and the League of Nations had policed, offering a different universalizing discourse not subsumed by the League of Nations and its articulations of international law. 

Although their main concern was to assert their status as a nation and claim the rights that were attendant on that status, Palestinians were also taking part in an international debate. With appeals to values deemed central to liberalism—with calls for justice, human rights, and their “natural” national rights—Palestinians launched their campaign of civil disobedience alongside more militant challenges to British forces. Within the liberal internationalism of this moment—too often misunderstood as an interwar dynamic of the West exclusively—Palestinians’ anticolonial struggle against the British and Zionists came to be a motivating symbol for Arabs, Muslims, and others. Together they were battling Western imperial ambitions that thwarted their independence. Theirs was an attempt to establish a collective understanding of the correct criteria for sovereignty, which for Palestinians included adherence to liberal values that should guide an international system that was actually international and truly liberal. Palestinians called and summoned into being a broader anticolonial liberal public opinion that was set to become a worldwide political force. 

The Conjuncture That Enabled a Boycott 

As with all remarkable historical events, a confluence of factors enabled the boycott and the Arab revolt. National and international dynamics came together to produce this break with the hegemonic system. In the lead-up to the Arab Revolt of 1936–1939, the economic situation had worsened for most Arabs in Palestine. Wages were down, and unemployment had increased. British proposals for representative government had come to naught. There had been outbreaks of violence, partly in response to increasing Jewish immigration. The British had armed the Zionists, whose structures were coming to resemble a state that excluded the Arabs. And the traditional, mostly elite Palestinian leadership had fallen into disarray, while an increasingly mobilized nationalist youth contingent was pressing for stronger forms of resistance. New political parties also were being established. Such were the factors contributing to this pressurized conditions. All was set up for an eventful outburst.

On the international level, the Arab Revolt and Peel Commission came as the League of Nations experiment was crumbling and the storm clouds of world war were gathering again. Japan had already withdrawn from the league in 1931; Germany did the same in 1933; three years later, two Latin American countries (Honduras and Nicaragua) notified the league of their withdrawal; and league condemnation of Italy for its annexation of Ethiopia that same year (the Abyssinia Crisis) led that Mediterranean country to leave in 1937, along with Paraguay that same year. One can read a sense of panic in the snippy tones with which league officials discussed the Palestinian crisis, a crisis that had ruptured the alliance of the British and the league. The tectonics of regional and local political authority was shifting for the Arabs of Palestine too. Although it staged a “great international argument over imperialism’s claims,” the League of Nations became just one of many forums for demanding and asserting political ideas, having lost some of its appeal as a hub of political interaction. The stranglehold on Palestinian politics that the elite leadership had maintained for so long was also weakened, as not only youth, but also workers, peasants, and the Arab Independence Party [Hizb al-ʾIstiqlal al-ʿArabi] expanded Palestinian civic activism. These were people motivated and able to coordinate a popular mobilization. 

The class and gender boundaries of political activity had been breached. Palestinian society in all its diversity—including peasants, women, students, workers, and the educated middle classes—were demanding fundamental change and fulfillment of their nationalist claims. They were doing so through liberal categories of rights and collective and individual freedom. They called for self-governance and democratic representation, and they made demands for economic and social progress and national equality. Youth were studying “the Magna Charta, the English Bill of Rights and the rest of British history—to say nothing of the French, American and Russian Revolutions,” Khalil Totah observed from his perch as a school director from Ramallah in 1936. They had gained a “potent political education” from “the law schools, newspapers, parliamentary procedures etc.” and this was, in Totah’s estimation, bearing “political fruit.” 

The mannered elites of liberalism’s domain—both Arab and Western— had to make way for more pointed refusals of colonialism, grounded in universal appeals to universal values. The time for a fight—its inevitability predicted by Khalil Sakakini during the King-Crane debates—had arrived. In the words of a leader of the revolt, the Arabs had finally gotten “fed up with yesterday’s friend.” 

A World Audience with Common Enemies 

A goal of colonial histories, as David Scott has insisted, is to understand not simply whether or how the colonized accommodated or resisted their conditions. More central, Scott writes, is the question of how “(colonial) power altered the terrain on which accommodation/resistance was possible in the first place.” Perhaps even more important is the question of how the colonized experienced this alteration and perceived the possibilities it opened up for resistance. How did opportunities for solidarity appear to them? The meaning and impact of the transformations in legal and political institutions wrought by the colonizers could never be the product of colonial intentionality alone. To understand what allowed—or compelled—Palestinians to resist engaging with an investigative commission and pursue other avenues for political change, it is necessary to consider how they were reading the world of political tumult that made other political avenues seem possible.

Through new channels of communication and transnational political interaction among the colonized, the idea of “the world” came into being as a new and significant political interlocutor for Palestinians—an audience that has remained a key interlocutor throughout the decades of their seeking independence. Now more diverse and not as dominated by Western actors, “the world” emerged as a justifying source and platform for Palestinians’ humanist calls for justice, for rights, and for humanitarianism as a guiding political ethos. 

A growing regional press gave access to information about what was happening elsewhere, with greater publicity for colonial and anticolonial activities reaching more people. This included daily Arabic newspapers that now circulated widely in Palestine, throughout the Arab world, and beyond.21 Demand for imported publications increased as events throughout the region heated up. Papers from Egypt and Lebanon were brought into Palestine, and Palestinian newspapers discussed what was being written in publications, including those from India, Brazil, the United States, England, and various parts of Europe.

The broadsheets became an interactive and popular forum for public communication. They discussed mass anticolonial demonstrations and strikes under way in Egypt and Syria in 1935 and 1936. Alongside the Moroccan movement for national independence, which was extolled in Palestinian newspapers, the strike in nearby Syria resonated particularly in Palestine, and calls to extend the revolutionary movement into Palestine circulated widely. “Palestine occupied the conversation in Syria, the same way Syria occupied conversation in Palestine,” a newspaper article recorded in 1936. That Iraq had gained formal (albeit nominal) independence was widely referenced in Palestinians’ arguments justifying their own demands for freedom. They also noted that France had signed independence treaties with Lebanon and Syria, while the local press reported on both the Libyans’ struggle against the Italians as well as the Algerians’ battle against the French. They had seen these “Arab-speaking countries getting a semblance of political justice from the British and the French so why not Palestine—and by the same methods of strikes, non-cooperation and civil disobedience?” Khalil Totah asked rhetorically of his interlocutors in London. 

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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After announcing donation of 500 MILLION Vaccines, USA Donates only 80 to Trinidad and Tobago

Home » Comedy, South-Central America » After announcing donation of 500 MILLION Vaccines, USA Donates only 80 to Trinidad and Tobago



After announcing donation of 500 MILLION Vaccines, generous USA, donated the fabulous amazing amount of 80 vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago and even boasted about it on Twitter as if what a great achievement they did. With or without 80 it’s the same for Trinidad and Tobago so maybe they should have donated a lot more or nothing at all but not 80, it’s just pathetic…

Trinidad and Tobago, a country of more than 1.3 million people, recorded its first COVID infection in March last year. The island country has so far recorded more than 28,000 COVID cases, resulting in 670 deaths, as per official figures. China has emerged as the biggest donor of COVID vaccines to the country to date.

The United States is being massively ridiculed for making a paltry donation of 80 vials of the Pfizer vaccine to Trinidad and Tobago, as part of its ongoing drive to supply jabs to developing countries.

​The donation, publicised through the social media account of the local US Embassy, has been attracting criticism from Internet users from across the world.

A single vial of the Pfizer vaccine carries five to six doses.

Many netizens have been left wondering if the US-exported jabs are meant just for the prime minister and other members of the government. A few others say that the US Embassy could have made a mistake and missed another zero.

​Meanwhile, many observers have compared the vaccine donations of the US to China, with the latter sending a second tranche of 200,000 doses of the Sinopharm jab to the Caribbean nation, as per Chinese envoy Fang Qiu.

​The first batch of 100,000 Chinese Sinopharm vaccines was handed over to the Trinidad and Tobago government on 19 May, as per the Chinese Embassy in Port-of Spain.

Besides donations from the US and China, the Caribbean nation received 33,600 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which constituted the second consignment, through the COVAX facility on 12 May, as per an official release.

In April, India donated 40,000 doses of the domestically manufactured AstraZeneca jab to the island nation, where around 38 percent of the population has Indian heritage.

US President Joe Biden last month announced that Washington would be donating 80 million doses of American vaccines to other nations. Around 20 of the 80 million doses meant for export were to be those of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson (J&J), as per the White House.

The Biden administration announced at the time that nearly 60 million doses were to be of the AstraZeneca vaccine, left unused in the US.


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Biden should use US aid as leverage on Israel

Last December Professor Emeritus of International Relations at Oxford University Avi Shlaim wrote in Foreign Policy that at some point in President Biden’s administration he would have to address the ongoing problem of Israel/Palestine.

That time has come, of course not at Biden’s choosing and likely sooner than Shlaim expected. His oped recalled a story about Moshe Dayan, Israel’s then-defense minister, just before the 1967 War. Dayan told the founder of the World Jewish Congress Nahum Goldmann, “Our American friends offer us money, arms and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice.” 

Goldmann responded, “What would happen if ever America were to tell you: you can have the aid only if you also take the advice?” Dayan said, “Then we would have to take the advice, too.” 

That, Shlaim wrote, “epitomized Israeli triumphalism.”

Even as early as 2001, then form Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on a hot mic, “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in their way.”

It turns out that Israel has indeed taken American advice historically. These examples serve as a roadmap for the administration and a reset of relations are ripe, now that Israel has elected a new prime minister.   

When President Barak Obama hit an impasse with Israel in 2012, Christian Science Monitor’s Christa Case Bryant reported several examples of American influence to reign in Israel. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956 without consulting or informing President Eisenhower. Britain, France, and Israel conspired to enable Israel to launch an invasion in the Sinai Peninsula. The UN Security Council issued a resolution calling on Israel to withdraw forces. When Israel didn’t fully comply, Eisenhower threatened to withhold more than $100 million in aid. According to Bryant, it was less than a month before “all Israeli troops had left.” 

President Gerald Ford later pressured for a full retreat, strong-arming Israel by freezing an arms delivery in March 1975. Now it’s Biden’s turn to carry forward that precedent. 

Many members of Congress are calling for more decisive action. The recent war in Gaza, tensions in Jerusalem around the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the forced displacement of Palestinians from the Shiekh Jarrah neighborhood have all lent to a shift in stance. 

In April Rep. Betty McCollum introduced House Resolution 2590, the “Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.” 

According to the Congressional website, the act would “ensure that United States taxpayer funds are not used by the Government of Israel to support the military detention of Palestinian children, the unlawful seizure, appropriation, and destruction of Palestinian property and forcible transfer of civilians in the West Bank, or further annexation of Palestinian land in violation of international law.”

Last month Josh Ruebner, Salih Booker, and Zaha Hassan wrote, “After many years of increasing U.S. military aid to Israel, members of Congress are beginning to debate the wisdom and morality of writing a blank check for weapons – some of which are used against Palestinians living under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in violation of U.S. laws.”

That same day, Rep. Mark Pocan tweeted, “We cannot just condemn rockets fired by Hamas and ignore Israel’s state-sanctioned police violence against Palestinians – including unlawful evictions, violent attacks on protestors & the murder of Palestinian children. U.S. aid should not be funding this violence.” 

In late May, Pocan and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Rashida Tlaib introduced a Joint House Resolution to block a $735 million weapons sale to Israel, including kits to refurbish regular bombs into precision-guided missiles.

The same day the measure was introduced, the White House released a readout of a conversation between President Biden and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden told Netanyahu that “he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire.” 

Yet Netanyahu insisted that he was “determined” to continue the offensive in Gaza. What’s more, in one of his last campaign speeches before losing his position to a rotational government headed by now Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, Haaretz described a man spiraling as he lost his grip on power. Netanyahu “compared the American government under Joe Biden to Iran and Hamas, depicting all three as threats to Israel.” 

If Biden doesn’t want to affirm Israel’s long-held understanding that they can “take the money and arms” and “decline the advice,” he needs to establish conditions as previous presidents did.

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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College Student Abruptly Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Second Moderna Shot

An Ohio college student died about two weeks after receiving her second dose of the Moderna mRNA COVID vaccine.

by Jamie White

college student abruptly dies two weeks after receiving second moderna shot

19-year-old Northwestern University freshman Simone Scott passed away from pneumonia complications Friday following a heart transplant she received as a result of myocarditis-induced heart failure last month.

Scott’s parents, left without an official explanation from doctors how this happened, believe the Moderna vaccine played a role in their daughter’s death, according to investigative reporter Alex Berenson.

“My fear is that we’ll never know what happened to Simone,” her father, Kevin Scott, reportedly said Sunday night. “[The vaccine] is a coincidence that is too big to ignore.”

“I do suspect it was the vaccine,” said Scott’s mother, Valerie Kraimer. “If it wasn’t direct, it played a role.”

Scott “took it upon herself to get vaccinated” as soon as the shots became available in April, her father said, and suffered adverse side effects soon after taking the first dose of Moderna’s vaccine.

After taking the second dose a month later, Scott went into heart failure.

“They said her heart was not functioning and they needed to insert a balloon pump to get it working,” Kraimer said. “They did at that point suspect that it was myocarditis. They were thinking it was a virus that had attacked her heart.”

A week later, doctors told Scott’s parents she needed a heart transplant, which was initially successful, but soon complications from the transplant led to a fatal lung infection.

Scott’s parents wish medical experts would have raised more awareness about the possible vaccine side effects, especially in young people.

“I lost my only daughter,” Kraimer said. “I never thought I’d have to give up my daughter for the greater good of society.”

Notably, around the time Scott received her first dose of the COVID shot, Israel researchers reported a possible link between myocarditis and the COVID vaccine in young individuals.

A month later, the CDC acknowledged a possible link between heart inflammation and the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, which they claim to now be investigating.

Additional studies also found that heart inflammation was a common adverse reaction of the COVID-19 jab as a result of COVID spike proteins manufactured by the body via the mRNA vaccine.

CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injured From COVID-19 Shots – More Than Previous 29 Years Of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots: 13,867 DEAD And 1,354,336 Injuries


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Are They Going to Look for the Founder of Sapat Who went Missing in Bishkek?


The reader will recall the hysterical commentary from Washington and the EU almost immediately after the detention in Minsk of Roman Protasevich,  the founder of the Telegram channel NEXTA, the calls from the West to discuss this issue at the highest international level, and the imposition of draconian sanctions against Belarus. However, those same Western ‘fighters for democracy’ remain surprisingly silent about the continuing disappearance in Bishkek of the secret Gülenist Orhan İnandi, founder of the Sapat Educational Institutions.

According to the press office of the Internal Affairs in Bishkek, they were first notified on June 1 about the disappearance of Orhan İnandi, the president of a large network of prestigious Kyrgyz-Turkish schools.  In the evening on May 31, İnandi, who has Kyrgyz citizenship, drove out of his house in his SUV, and early on June 1 his car was found at the other end of the city. The car doors were open and inside were his personal documents, wallet and mobile phone, all still intact.  Having received the signal, an investigative-operational group was set up by the Bishkek police, and they are doing all that they can to locate the missing person. Kyrgyz media write that, according to one version, he could have been kidnapped by Turkish special forces.

While İnandi was born in Turkey he now has Kyrgyz citizenship. He is one of the four founders of Sapat. The first founding member was the Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen.

On June 1 a rally was held in solidarity with Orhan İnandi not far from the Turkish embassy in Kyrgyzstan. Roughly 100 of the participants in the rally were students and teachers from Sapat. These protests have been going on for several days now. Hundreds of supporters of the head of Sapat are holding demonstrations near the House of Government, the Turkish embassy and the capital’s Manas airport, where a Turkish airliner is preparing to take off, on which, it is believed, Turkish special forces may try and smuggle Orhan İnandi to Turkey.

It is worth noting that official statements from Ankara initially  demanded that the Kyrgyz authorities close the Turkish schools that belong to the Sapat network (in 2017 the network received its current name) and the Atatürk-Alatoo University. These claims are justified by Turkey by the fact that these educational bodies were founded by supporters of the oppositional politician Fethullah Gülen, who stands accused of an attempted military coup in Turkey.

Since 1993, 15 schools and the Atatürk-Alatoo University have been operating within Kyrgyzstan, which form part of the Sapat network, as well as the Silk Road international school and 3 incomplete secondary schools. The total number of people involved in this educational institution is 12,043, including 2022 students. Tuition at the school costs parents around $3000 per annum. The representatives of the educational network refute any connection with Fethullah Gülen.

On July 23, 2016 the Turkish president Erdogan made a decree banning all institutions associated with Gülen. The new ‘blacklist’ included more than a thousand schools, 1,200 foundations and associations, 35 medical institutions as well as 15 universities. Also in 2016 Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu called on the Kyrgyz foreign ministry to change their attitude towards the ‘Gülen gang’ and to close educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan associated with the Sunni cleric Fethullah Gülen. In response, the Kyrgyz foreign ministry made a request to Turkey not to blackmail the Kyrgyz authorities and also not to interfere in the internal affairs of Kyrgyzstan.

In this connection, the attempt by the Turkish secret services in 2018 to kidnap the director of the Turkish-Mongolian school Veysel Akçay in Ulaanbaatar by a special flight from Ankara comes to mind. The only crime of Akçay was that he was in the organization of Fethullah Gülen and that this particular school belonged to a network of educational institutions of the ‘Gülen sect’. Thanks to the vigilance of citizens who were shocked to see people with a Caucasian appearance on the streets of Ulaanbaatar assault a similar Caucasian-looking man, put a mask over his head and throw him into a car, Akçayʼs kidnappers, who turned out to be Turkish special forces, were fought off at the airport, and this incident undoubtedly became a huge scandal.

According to Kyrgyzstan media, the wife of Orhan İnandi, Reyhan İnandi, received information that her husband was inside the building of the Turkish embassy in Kyrgyzstan, which she herself reported. “I was informed today that either today or tomorrow he will be forced to revoke his Kyrgyz citizenship in order for him to be extracted. I could take this just as a rumor, however this has not been an isolated case and Turkey has previously tried in many countries to kidnap teachers from the Sapat education system, whom it accuses of being terrorists,” Reyhan İnandi said. She again made an appeal to the Kyrgyz president Sadyr Japarov and also to the people of Kyrgyzstan with a plea to protect a fellow Kyrgyz citizen.

Since a Turkish private jet is currently stationed at Manas airport, many express the concern that Turkey will try to extract İnandi back to Turkey on this ‘special-board’ flight.

Under these conditions, Ilyas Ciloglu, the president of the International Black Sea University, clearly fearing for his life and also possible extradition to Turkey, since he too supposedly had close ties with Gülen, fled from Georgia. Ciloglu told the Georgian newspaper that his university has been “associated with Gülen” and since 2017 there have been investigations against him in his connection with Gülen. In 2018 he was convicted in absentia. Ankara made a request to Tblisi to extradite the university president, despite the fact that he has Georgian citizenship, in addition to Turkish citizenship. “In Georgia I was constantly expecting to be kidnapped. I did not leave the house alone, I only walked where there were CCTV cameras and always changed roads. I had police on speed dial,” said Ciloglu. Nevertheless he decided to leave Georgia since he was uncertain about Georgia’s ability to keep him safe, since Turkey “does not abide by international law.”

At the same time it is important to add that so far there has not been a single action or sanction against Turkey by the West in defense of İnandi or Ciloglu. And, by the look of it, it does not seem likely that such actions will ever be taken…

Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook“.


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‘Death to Arabs’: Israeli ‘Flag March’ features racist anti-Palestinian chants

Thousands of Israelis participated in the ultra-nationalist “Flag March” in occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday, marching through the streets of the city chanting “Death to Arabs” and other racist anti-Palestinian slogans. 

An estimated 5,000 Israelis, primarily youth, belonging to far-right and ultra-nationalist groups participated in the provocative parade, which is held every year in commemoration of Israel’s occupation of the city in 1967 — a move celebrated by Israelis as the “unification” of Jerusalem, though recognized by the international community as illegal annexation. 

Hordes of Israeli demonstrators, under the protection of hundreds of armed Israeli troops, waved Israeli flags and chanted nationalist slogans as they marched from West Jerusalem to the eastern part of the city. 

Outside the Damascus Gate, the entrance to the Muslim quarter of the Old City, crowds of Israelis danced, waved Israeli flags, and chanted racist slogans. 

Among the chants that were reported were “Death to Arabs,” “may your village burn,”  and “a second Nakba is coming,” referring to the nakba, or ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic, when thousands of Palestinians were massacred by Zionist militias and over 750,000 were forcibly expelled from their homes in 1948. 

Among the participants of the march were right-wing Israeli lawmakers and members of parliament including Bezalel Smotrich, Shlomo Karai, Itamar Ben Gvir and Orit Struck, the Times of Israel reported. 

Palestinian counter-protesters gathered outside the Damascus Gate area, but were violently dispersed by Israeli police, who fired sponge-tipped bullets and skunk water at Palestinian crowds. 

Videos also showed Israeli police violently snatching Palestinian flags away from Palestinian protesters, while Israeli demonstrators waved Israeli flags and chanted racist slogans in the background. 

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 33 Palestinian protestors were wounded by Israeli police, including six who were taken to the hospital. Israeli media reported that at least 17 Palestinian protesters were also arrested. There were no reports of arrests among Israeli demonstrators. 

Earlier in the day Israeli forces enforced widespread closures of streets in Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, while Palestinians in the Old City were advised to close down their shops and stay at home to avoid harassment and vandalism from Israeli demonstrators — a common occurrence during the annual march. 

Israeli media reported that there were around 2,000 Israeli troops stationed in the city. According to Wafa news agency Israeli authorities summoned Palestinian leaders in the city for interrogation leading up to the march. 

Meanwhile in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip thousands of Palestinians protested in a “Day of Rage” that was called by Palestinian political factions in response to the march. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported over 50 injuries in the West Bank and Gaza. 

Israeli forces fire tear gas at Palestinian protesters in Bethlehem on Tuesday, June 15th, 2021. (Photo: Majd Abu Srour)

In the city of Bethlehem, hundreds of Palestinians marched through the city waving Palestinian flags and chanting national slogans, before they were met with intense tear gas fire from Israeli forces.

“We are here to show our support for our people for Jerusalem and show them that we are with them. From here, to Jerusalem, to Gaza, we are all one Palestinian people,” Mohammed Hameida, a resident of Bethlehem told Mondoweiss.

“The flag march is only intended to provoke us, and is part of the constant Israeli aggression against us. The only flag that has the right to fly over Jerusalem is the Palestinian flag, any other flag is the flag of the occupier.”

Palestinian protesters in Bethlehem wave Palestinian flags during protests on Tuesday, June15th, 2021. (Photo: Majd Abu Srour)

Palestinian groups including the Hamas movement warned that the demonstration could reignite tensions amid a shaky ceasefire that was called at the end of last month, following an 11-day offensive on Gaza that killed 253 Palestinians, including 66 children. At least 13 Israelis were killed by rocket fire from Gaza. 

In addition to days of violent Israeli raids on the Al-Asqa compound at the end of Ramadan, and ongoing efforts to expel Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, one of the catalysts for last month’s war in Gaza was the flag march, which was initially planned for May 10th. 

The initial march was rerouted not to enter Damascus Gate or pass through the Muslim Quarter to avoid sparking further tensions. Shortly after the march began, however, it was called off as the first rockets were fired from Gaza into Israeli territory. 

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh condemned the march before it set off on Tuesday afternoon, saying “this is a provocation of our people and an aggression against our Jerusalem and our holy sites.”

Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk said of the march that “our decision is already made that it is possible the war will return” if Israel continues to carry out “its usual activities.

Palestinian MK and leader of the Joint List Ayman Odeh condemned the march, and spoke to the Israeli Kan public broadcaster from outside the Old City, saying “On these [Old City] walls the flag of Palestine will be hoisted and Jerusalem will be the capital of recaptured Palestine.”

Mansour Abbas, leader of the United Arab List and member of the newest governing coalition in Israel said that the march should not have taken place, calling it “an unbridled provocation, which is based on shouts of hatred and incitement to violence, and an attempt to set the area on fire for political reasons.”

Tensions have remained high in Jerusalem in the wake of last month’s ceasefire, as Israel has continued to promote its plans for settler takeover in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. 

In the weeks since the ceasefire, Israeli forces have arrested thousands of Palestinians across Israel and the occupied territory, issued demolition orders in East Jerusalem, violently suppressed Palestinian protests across the occupied territory, and most recently, shot and killed a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in Nablus. 

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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New Israeli government, same Israeli Apartheid

After 12 years, Israel finally inaugurated a new prime minister. While being hailed by many as the opportunity for a fresh start, Naftali Bennett is at best a maintainer of Netanyahu’s policies and at worst an ideologue whose positions are to the right of Netanyahu’s. 

In 2013, as Middle East peace talks were set to resume after a five-year freeze, Bennett reportedly proclaimed to Israeli National Security Adviser Ya’akov Amidror, “I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there’s no problem with that.” 

In 2014, Bennett, who had previously been the director of the Yesha Settlements Council, contradicted Netanyahu by asserting that all Jewish Israelis living in the West Bank, even those living in outposts that violate Israeli law, should remain under Israeli sovereignty, and called for more settlement construction. “This is the time to act,” he said. “We must continue building in all corners of the Land of Israel, with determination and without being confused. We are building and we will not stop.”

In 2016, as Israel’s Minister of Education, Bennett called on Israeli Jews to “give our lives” to annex the West Bank. While this might seem relatively innocuous, it was not. Bennett’s remarks invoked Kahanism, a Jewish supremacist ideology, based on the views of Rabbi Meir Kahane, that calls for violence and terrorism to be used to secure Israel as an ethno-nationalist state. In 1994, Israeli settler and Kahane follower Baruch Goldstein massacred Palestinians in the West Bank Ibrahimi mosque. In 1988, the Kach party was banned from running for the Israeli Knesset. In 2004, the US State Department labeled Kach a terrorist organization. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021, right before he was inaugurated to replace Netanyahu as the prime minister of Israel, Bennett doubled down on his anti-Palestinian views proclaiming  that his government would “strengthen settlements across the whole of the Land of Israel.” 

(Image: Carlos Latuff)
(Image: Carlos Latuff)

It’s not only on the Palestinian issue that Bennett is a far-right ideologue. Bennett uses his adherence to orthodox Judaism as cover for his opposition to gay marriage. “Judaism doesn’t recognize gay marriage, just as we don’t recognize milk and meat together as kosher, and nothing will change it,” he declared.  Netanyahu, by contrast, touts himself as being pro-LGBTQ+ rights. As recently as 2018 he wrote: “I am proud to be the prime minister of one of the world’s most open and free democracies… Israel consistently upholds civil equality and civil rights of all its citizens regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.”

So why then are progressive politicians and organizations responding so positively to the change in Israel? Bernie Sanders, known for his progressive stances and for being a congressional champion of Palestinian rights, said in a video that he was “hopeful” that the new government would be one “we will be better able to work with.” Americans for Peace Now, the sister organization of Shalom Achshav, Israel’s preeminent anti-settlement/pro-peace organization, released a statement that it “welcomes the swearing-in of Israel’s new government.” On Sunday night after the new government was sworn in, thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv — considered Israel’s bastion of secular liberalism — and celebrated into the night.

One answer lies in how fed up people inside and outside of Israel had become with Netanyahu’s rule. His tenure was marred by corruption charges and shrewd maneuvers to remain in power, and what had become an endless cycle of Israeli elections, during which the government was paralyzed and unable to pass a budget for the past three years. 

The other answer, however, is that this was the best change that could be obtained from a government that prevents about five million people living under its rule from being able to vote. Here’s the situation: 

About 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian. They can vote in all Israeli elections and have representation in Knesset. This election saw the first Palestinian party join an Israeli majority government coalition. However, Palestinians with Israeli citizenship represent only about one-third of the Palestinians living under Israeli rule and military occupation.

Though the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are the official governments of the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, Israel is the absolute power in charge. Israel controls the borders, the currency, and the central bank. It collects taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), maintains the right to carry out military operations on Palestinian land, and controls the amount of freedom, or lack thereof, that Palestinians are granted.

Israel approves only about half of the permits that residents of Gaza apply for to travel outside of Gaza for vital medical treatment. In 2017, 54 people died while awaiting a permit to travel for medical treatment, leading to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, to release a joint statement calling for the blockade of Gaza to be lifted. 

Reasons for denying people in Gaza necessary medical treatment are often absurd, such as denying travel because a relative at one time moved from Gaza to the West Bank without Israeli permission. Even when not carrying out a massacre, such as the May 2021 one that killed 256 Palestinians, Israel regulates the fuel and building materials available to Gazans. At times, it has even controlled the number of food imports according to the number of calories Gazans should consume.

Israel controls not only the exterior borders of the West Bank but what goes on inside as well. While the Palestinian Authority manages utilities and infrastructure for much of the West Bank, Israel is the ultimate authority.  Israeli settler regional councils control 40% of West Bank land. Even in areas like Ramallah, supposedly under complete Palestinian Authority control, Israel reserves the right to enter the city at any time, close streets and shops, burst into homes, and make warrantless arrests.

While the PA does maintain a judicial and penal system, one that itself is incredibly repressive, Palestinians are also subject to Israel’s military court system and laws such as Military Order 101, which bans peaceful protest. Though they are prosecuted in Israeli military courts and serve time in Israeli military prisons, Palestinians have no say over who is appointed to run the Israeli military, let alone the military courts.

Jerusalem was captured by Israel in 1967 and formally, and illegally, annexed in 1980. Common sense might follow that Israel would have then absorbed the East Jerusalem Palestinians, now numbering around 370,000, and made them Israeli citizens.

Rather than holding citizenship, however, Jerusalem Palestinians hold the status of permanent residents, allowing them to vote in municipal, but not national, elections. While this may at first seem a move in the right direction, a closer look reveals careful manipulation of demographics to ensure an at least a 70% Jewish majority at all times. Through such policies as exorbitant taxation, requiring constant proof of residency, and denial of family unification, since 1967 Israel has managed to revoke the residency of 14,595 Palestinian Jerusalemites. 

Right now Israel’s courts are in the process of ethnically cleansing the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Before the Nakba, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and lands to establish the state of Israel, two Jewish trusts purchased a plot of land in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. When Israel was established, the Jewish families living in Sheikh Jarrah left for West Jerusalem as that section of the city was now part of the new state of Israel while East Jerusalem came under Jordanian and UN control. In 1956, Jordan and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees resettled 28 Palestinian families who had been forced out of their homes inside the new state of Israel into Sheik Jarrah. In exchange for giving up their rightful refugee status, the 28 families were to receive ownership of the Sheikh Jarrah properties, but they never got the deeds to their properties. Israel is now trying to return the properties to the Jewish trusts who later sold them to Nahalat Shimon, a real-estate company registered in the US state of Delaware. The kicker is that while Israel regularly uses this tactic to remove Palestinians from East Jerusalem, Israeli law bars Palestinians from recovering property they lost in the Nakba, even if they still reside in areas controlled by Israel. 

2021 marks 54 years of occupation, including 14 years of the siege of Gaza, and 28 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords that were supposed to create a Palestinian state. 600,000 Israeli citizens now live in the approximately 200 illegal Israeli settlements that cover the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

A breakdown of who is and isn’t allowed to vote between the Jordan river and the sea reveals Israel’s motivations:

  • Number of Jewish Israelis living west of the 1949 armistice line (the Green Line), and East Jerusalem, and West Bank settlements: 6.589 million (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics)
  • Number of Palestinian citizens of Israel (Palestinians who can vote in national elections): 1.5 million (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and Jerusalem Municipality)
  • Number of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza who cannot vote in Israeli national elections: 4.88 million (Palestinian Authority Central Bureau of Statistics)

As we get to know Israel’s new prime minister and government, as we continue to watch Israel forcibly remove Palestinians from East Jerusalem, as we worry about a next massacre in Gaza, and as we continue to hear the absurd label of Israel as a democratic state, let’s not forget that the right to vote is only granted to 60% of the total population and only one-third of Palestinians who live under Israeli rule had any say Naftali Bennett becoming Israel’s thirteenth prime minister.

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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North Korean woman defector says USA is a Crazy Anti-White Racist Communist Utopia



As American educational institutions continue to be called into question, a North Korean defector fears the United States’ future “is as bleak as North Korea” after she attended one of the country’s most prestigious universities.

Yeonmi Park has experienced plenty of struggle and hardship, but she does not call herself a victim.

One of several hundred North Korean defectors settled in the United States, Park, 27, transferred to Columbia University from a South Korean university in 2016 and was deeply disturbed by what she found.

“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park said in an interview with Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”

Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

Yeonmi saw red flags immediately upon arriving at the school.

During orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen.

“I said ‘I love those books.’ I thought it was a good thing,” recalled Park.

“Then she said, ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’”

It only got worse from there as Yeonmi realized that every one of her classes at the Ivy League school was infected with what she saw as anti-American propaganda, reminiscent to the sort she had grown up with.

“’American Bastard’ was one word for North Koreans” Park was taught growing up.

“The math problems would say ‘there are four American bastards, you kill two of them, how many American bastards are left to kill?’”

She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.

“English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say ‘he’ or ‘she’ by mistake and now they are going to ask me to call them ‘they’? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?”

“It was chaos,” said Yeonmi. “It felt like the regression in civilization.”

“Even North Korea is not this nuts,” she admitted. “North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy.”

After getting into a number of arguments with professors and students, eventually Yeonmi “learned how to just shut up” in order to maintain a good GPA and graduate.

In North Korea, Yeonmi Park did not know of concepts like love or liberty.

“Because I have seen oppression, I know what it looks like,” said Yeonmi, who by the age of 13 had witnessed people drop dead of starvation right before her eyes.

“These kids keep saying how they’re oppressed, how much injustice they’ve experienced. They don’t know how hard it is to be free,” she admonished.

“I literally crossed through the middle of the Gobi Desert to be free. But what I did was nothing, so many people fought harder than me and didn’t make it.”

Park and her mother first fled the oppressive North Korean regime in 2007, when Yeonmi was 13 years old.

After crossing into China over the frozen Yalu River, they fell into the hands of human traffickers who sold them into slavery: Yeonmi for less than $300 and her mother for roughly $100.

With the help of Christian missionaries, the pair managed to flee to Mongolia, walking across the Gobi Desert to eventually find refuge in South Korea.

In 2015 she published her memoir “In Order to Live,” where she described what it took to survive in one of the world’s most brutal dictatorships and the harrowing journey to freedom.

“The people here are just dying to give their rights and power to the government. That is what scares me the most,” the human right activist said.

She accused American higher education institutions of stripping people’s ability to think critically.

“In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving,” she recalled. “He’s the fattest guy – how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said ‘Look at him, he’s the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?’ Because I never learned how to think critically.”

“That is what is happening in America,” she continued. “People see things but they’ve just completely lost the ability to think critically.”

Witnessing the depth of American’s ignorance up close has made Yeonmi question everything about humanity.

“North Koreans, we don’t have Internet, we don’t have access to any of these great thinkers, we don’t know anything. But here, while having everything, people choose to be brainwashed. And they deny it.”

Having come to America with high hopes and expectations, Yeonmi expressed her disappointment.

“You guys have lost common sense to degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend,” she said.

“Where are we going from here?” she wondered. “There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it’s complete chaos.”

“I guess that’s what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a Communist paradise.”


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Greetings My Fellow White Anti-Semites!

I was first introduced to Graham Hart when he offered to do a weekly show on Renegade, back when we were trusting of anyone that wanted to “help out”. At first his shows covered things like the israeli occupation of Palestine, sovereignty and exposing the jews’ crimes, however his shows started to take an anti-White turn when he suggested that Whites are responsible for what jewish powers have done in Palestine and that Whites need to focus their efforts on rebuilding Palestine as it was our fault the jews were destroying it.

Graham had asked me to come on his show to be interviewed, which I did. He pretended to be a “fellow White man” and I didn’t see too many red flags from him at this point. You can find that show here.  After Graham started showing his true anti-White colors, he was asked to leave Renegade. He then went on to the cesspit called ‘Mami’s Shit’ where he and an “Irish” man that goes by Brizer would do shows about “sovereignty” and being “free men”.  He would call his show the “Cornwall Revolution”, and we know how much our dear subversive jewish friends love their “revolution”. The sovereignty/free man rabbit hole is a dead end where they claim that the only reason we are being screwed by jews is because we “consent”.  Well, I sure as hell don’t consent, yet they still seem to keep getting away with all of their crimes.  Graham would also make a parody called “Hoax Train” that earned him major points with people in “the movement”. He wears a commie fist “Free Palestine” shirt in the video. How could someone so woke be a subversive?

Now Graham, the “fellow White man”, has pleaded guilty to “inciting racial hatred” towards jews. I find it very interesting that they list my name in these articles, because Graham had done a show with me. They also mention Renegade and Dennis Wise. One article reads:

“Graham Hart, 69, of Penponds, near Camborne in Cornwall, pleaded guilty on Monday to eight counts of “produc[ing] a program in service with intent or likely to stir up racial hatred” at Truro Crown Court on Monday. The charges are related to comments he made between 2016 and 2020, which Stephen Silverman from Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) said “constitute some of the most extreme hatred towards Jews that we have ever encountered.”

That’s right folks! Exposing what jewish supremacist terrorists that incite racial hatred against Whites every day are doing is actually “inciting racial hatred towards jews!” Makes sense. Why would Graham, the free man, plead guilty to these charges?

Here is a picture of Graham and his brother. Oh, I’m sure they were just trying to be “trendy” and totally aren’t jews.

This is a “white man”, right, my fellow anti semites?

Sure, Graham tells the “truth” about many things, but it’s what he chooses not to tell the truth about which gives him away. He could care less about White genocide. This is evident by his promotion of anti-White Bolshevik E. Michael Jones, with whom he collaborated here. 

Graham once again showed his true anti-White colors when he gave a platform to rabid anti-White John Kaminski who believes that it’s White women’s’ fault that the jews are genociding us. Kaminski was asked to leave this site once his anti-White ways were revealed.

He teamed up with former Hebrew Roots teacher Jan Lamprecht of #timetokill fame. #timetokill was Jan’s edgy hashtag for associating our people with violent terrorists. Yes, Jan is the same man who praises Dylan Storm Roof and Anders Breivik as “heroes”.

Graham once again showed his subversive ways when he teamed up with Alison Chabloz, defender of anti-White Andrew Anglin (Ilhya Ehrenburg 2.0).  Yes, the same Alison who had an issue with me calling for Anglin to be hanged, and defended his “right” to call for the rape, torture and murder of White women and girls, as well as girls of all races. What mighty truth warriors we have out there working for us! It’s truly heart warming.

He then gave a platform to Mel Ve, an anti-White woman who I exposed during an interview on Renegade here. If you’re looking to have a good laugh, I suggest you listen to that one. I really do enjoy outing subversives, especially in real time. It’s fun to watch them squirm.

Graham also gave a platform to deviant sex party goer, Paul Fromm, who is pictured here saving the White race.  (I’m sorry in advance)

You know what true loyalty is?  Having your sex party “partner” wear a swastika while engaging in orgies with other fats. True Aryan ideals! That is not his wife either.

It is not shocking that Graham then gave a platform to Willem Felderhof, defender of child rape cult PR head Zen Gardener of the “Children of God” cult.

And it wouldn’t be a shill train without the man, the myth and the legend, Brian Ruhe, who is now doing apology videos to the jews and is focused on creating a galactic federation with Grey Aliens and jews for “the thousand year Reich”.  All of these shills run in the same circles. They all constantly “interview” each other to give each other credibility.

Also, this picture always creeped me out.

You’re out there “exposing jews” , which comes with it’s fair share of harassment and threats,  yet here you are showing your innocent grandchild to the world?  It almost seems like the baby is being used as a shield from criticism. “I’m not a jew! Look at my White grandchild!”

In my opinion our enemies need to scare normal people from speaking the truth and that’s why our “fellow activists” are now “taking the fall.” Graham’s punishment is that he can’t use the internet. This reminds me of when Fed (Baked) Alaska was told that he couldn’t use the internet or leave Arizona as a punishment for storming the Capitol, but we know now that these punishments aren’t upheld. Baked Alaska has been live streaming on the internet and has left Arizona several times. When we see our “fellow White people” imprisoned for telling the truth, it sends a message to “shut up.” I’ve noticed all of the shills now talking about how we need to censor ourselves to avoid jail time and endangering our families. These are all attempts at getting us to stop naming the enemy. If you think remaining silent is somehow going to make our enemies give up, you are sorely mistaken. It is important that now more than ever we keep speaking the truth, no matter what. It is also important that we call out these subversive agents and let the world know that these individuals do not speak for us nor represent our ideals.

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Nanotoxxines Are Coming in Food as Well as Jabs

Magnetic Chicken:

(2) ₵Ø₦₮ⱤØⱠ₳_VłⱤɄ₴ on Twitter: “Anyone else tried this? 🥴” / Twitter

Everybody must get jabbed!@!

LEAKED MILITARY EMAIL: All Uniformed Military Personnel Will Be REQUIRED to Get Jabbed (

Hang on, folks!  The Battle of Armageddon starts with Nanotoxxines and Ends with the burning of Mystery Babylon

Rev 18:23  And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.
Rev 18:24  And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.


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Big Pharma + Big Banks + Big Corporations = Global Governance

The Nanotoxxine has the gas and oil industry very worried

The Controlling Big Corporations and their interlocking boards of directors

The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media (

If you are not a conspiracy analyst, you are brain dead and will soon be literally dead.

Tell everybody you know about EFR.  Their lives may depend on our content.

-Pastor Eli James


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Book Burning in the XXI’st Century: Facebook Has Removed 16 Million Pieces of Content & Added ‘Warnings’ On 167 Million

The censorship of information is at an all time high, but do people really recognize the extent to which it has been and is being carried out? A recent article published in the British Medical Journal by journalist Laurie Clarke has highlighted the fact that Facebook has already removed at least 16 million pieces of content from its platform and added warnings to approximately 167 million others.

by Arjun Walia

book burning in the xxi'st century facebook has removed 16 million pieces of content & added ‘warnings’ on 167 million

©Andrey Yanevich/123RF.COM

YouTube has removed nearly 1 million videos related to, according to them, “dangerous or misleading covid-19 medical information.”

Being an independent media outlet, Collective Evolution has experienced this censorship first hand. We’ve also been in touch with and witnessed many doctors and world renowned scientists be subjected to the same type of treatment from these social media organizations.

Not long ago I wrote an article about Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a Harvard professor of medicine who has been having trouble with twitter.

I did the same with Dr. Carl Heneghan, a professor of evidence based medicine from Oxford and an emergency GP who wrote an article regarding the efficacy of facemasks in stopping the spread of COVID.

His article was not removed, but a label was added to it by Facebook saying it was ‘fake information.’ There are many more examples.

Clarke’s article says, with regards to posts that have been removed and labelled, that,

“while a portion of that content is likely to be wilfully wrongheaded or vindictively misleading, the pandemic is littered with examples of scientific opinion that have been caught in the dragnet.”

This is true, take for example the ‘lab origins of COVID debate.’ Early on in the pandemic you were not even allowed to mention that COVID may have originated in a lab, and if you did, you were punished for doing so.

Independent media platforms were demonetized and subjected to changes in algorithms. Now, all of a sudden, the mainstream media is discussing it as a legitimate possibility.

It makes no sense.

This underscores the difficulty of defining scientific truth, prompting the bigger question of whether social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube should be tasked with this at all…”

I think it’s quite dangerous for scientific content to be labelled as misinformation, just because of the way people might perceive that,” says Sander van der Linden, professor of social psychology in society at Cambridge University, UK.

“Even though it might fit under a definition (of misinformation) in a very technical sense, I’m not sure if that’s the right way to describe it more generally because it could lead to greater politicisation of science, which is undesirable.” – Clarke

This type of “politicization of science” is exactly what’s happened during this pandemic.

Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency — a time when it is even more important to safeguard science. – Kamran Abbas is a doctor, executive editor of the British Medical Journal, and the editor of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (source)

An important point to get across is also the fact that these independent “fact checkers” are working with Facebook, who in turn is working with the government.

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden offered his thoughts on the censorship we’ve been seeing during this pandemic in November of last year stating the following,

In secret, these companies had all agreed to work with the U.S. Government far beyond what the law required of them, and that’s what we’re seeing with this new censorship push is really a new direction in the same dynamic.

These companies are not obligated by the law to do almost any of what they’re actually doing but they’re going above and beyond, to, in many cases, to increase the depth of their relationship (with the government) and the government’s willingness to avoid trying to regulate them in the context of their desired activities, which is ultimately to dominate the conversation and information space of global society in different ways… They’re trying to make you change your behaviour.

If you’re not comfortable letting the government determine the boundaries of appropriate political speech, why are you begging Mark Zuckerberg to do it?

I think the reality here is…it’s not really about freedom of speech, and it’s not really about protecting people from harm…I think what you see is the internet has become the de facto means of mass communication.

That represents influence which represents power, and what we see is we see a whole number of different tribes basically squabbling to try to gain control over this instrument of power.

What we see is an increasing tendency to silence journalists who say things that are in the minority.

It makes you wonder, is this “fact-checking” actually about fact checking? Or is something else going on here?

Below is a breakdown from Clarke’s article illustrating how fact checking works and what the problem is with following the science.

Since we have reported this many times over the last 5 years, we decided to let our readers hear it from someone else for a change as it’s truly quite vindicating to see more investigators coming to these conclusions.

How fact checking works

The past decade has seen an arms race between users who peddle disinformation (intentionally designed to mislead) or unwittingly share misinformation (which users don’t realise is false) and the social media platforms that find themselves charged with policing it, whether they want to or not.1

When The BMJ questioned Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (which is owned by Google) they all highlighted their efforts to remove potentially harmful content and to direct users towards authoritative sources of information on covid-19 and vaccines, including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Although their moderation policies differ slightly, the platforms generally remove or reduce the circulation of content that disputes information given by health authorities such as WHO and the CDC or spreads false health claims that are considered harmful, including incorrect information about the dangers of vaccines.

But the pandemic has seen a shifting patchwork of criteria employed by these companies to define the boundaries of misinformation.

This has led to some striking U turns: at the beginning of the pandemic, posts saying that masks helped to prevent the spread of covid-19 were labelled “false”; now it’s the opposite, reflecting the changing nature of the academic debate and official recommendations.

Twitter manages its fact checking internally. But Facebook and YouTube rely on partnerships with third party fact checkers, convened under the umbrella of the International Fact-Checking Network — a non-partisan body that certifies other fact checkers, run by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, a non-profit journalism school in St Petersburg, Florida.

Poynter’s top donors include the Charles Koch Institute (a public policy research organisation), the National Endowment for Democracy (a US government agency), and the Omidyar Network (a “philanthropic investment firm”), as well as Google and Facebook.

Poynter also owns the Tampa Bay Times newspaper and the high profile fact checker PolitiFact. The Poynter Institute declined The BMJ’s invitation to comment for this article.

For scientific and medical content the International Fact-Checking Network involves little known outfits such as SciCheck, Metafact, and Science Feedback.

Health Feedback, a subsidiary of Science Feedback, handpicks scientists to deliver its verdict.

Using this method, it labelled as “misleading” a Wall Street Journal opinion article2 predicting that the US would have herd immunity by April 2021, written by Marty Makary, professor of health policy and management at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

This prompted the newspaper to issue a rebuttal headlined “Fact checking Facebook’s fact checkers,” arguing that the rating was “counter-opinion masquerading as fact checking.”3

Also read: George Soros And Bill Gates Exposed As The Force Behind Facebook’s New ‘Fake News’ Detector

Makary hadn’t presented his argument as a factual claim, the article said, but had made a projection based on his analysis of the evidence.

A spokesperson for Science Feedback tells The BMJ that, to verify claims, it selects scientists on the basis of “their expertise in the field of the claim/article.”

They explain, “Science Feedback editors usually start by searching the relevant academic literature and identifying scientists who have authored articles on related topics or have the necessary expertise to assess the content.”

The organisation then either asks the selected scientists to weigh in directly or collects claims that they’ve made in the media or on social media to reach a verdict.

In the case of Makary’s article it identified 20 relevant scientists and received feedback from three.

“Follow the science”

The contentious nature of these decisions is partly down to how social media platforms define the slippery concepts of misinformation versus disinformation.

This decision relies on the idea of a scientific consensus. But some scientists say that this smothers heterogeneous opinions, problematically reinforcing a misconception that science is a monolith.

This is encapsulated by what’s become a pandemic slogan:

“Follow the science.” David Spiegelhalter, chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at Cambridge University, calls this “absolutely awful,” saying that behind closed doors scientists spend the whole time arguing and deeply disagreeing on some fairly fundamental things.

He says:

“Science is not out in front telling you what to do; it shouldn’t be. I view it much more as walking along beside you muttering to itself, making comments about what it’s seeing and making some tentative suggestions about what might happen if you take a particular path, but it’s not in charge.”

The term “misinformation” could itself contribute to a flattening of the scientific debate. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, has been criticised for his views on lockdown, which tack closely to his native Sweden’s more relaxed strategy.4

He says that scientists who voice unorthodox opinions during the pandemic are worried about facing “various forms of slander or censoring … they say certain things but not other things, because they feel that will be censored by Twitter or YouTube or Facebook.”

This worry is compounded by the fear that it may affect grant funding and the ability to publish scientific papers, he tells The BMJ.

The binary idea that scientific assertions are either correct or incorrect has fed into the divisiveness that has characterised the pandemic. Samantha Vanderslott, a health sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, told Nature, “Calling out fake stories can raise your profile.”

In the same article Giovanni Zagni, director of the Italian fact checking website Facta, noted that “you can build a career” on the basis of becoming “a well respected voice that fights against bad information.”5

But this has fed a perverse incentive for scientists to label each other’s positions misinformation or disinformation.6 Van der Linden likens this to how the term “fake news” was weaponised by Donald Trump to silence his critics.

He says, “I think you see a bit of the same with the term ‘misinformation,’ when there’s science that you don’t agree with and you label it as misinformation.”

Health Feedback’s website says that it won’t select scientists to verify claims if they’ve undermined their credibility by “propagating misinformation, whether intentionally or not.”

In practice, this could create a Kafkaesque situation where scientists are precluded from offering their opinion as part of the fact checking process if they expressed an opinion that Facebook labelled misinformation.

Strengthening the echo chamber effect is the fact that Health Feedback sometimes verifies claims by looking at what scientists have said on Twitter or in the media.

Scientific “truth”

Van der Linden says that it’s important for people to understand that in the scientific domain “there’s uncertainty, there’s debate, and it’s about the accumulation of insights over time and revising our opinions as we go along.”

Healthy debate helps to separate the wheat from the chaff. Jevin West, associate professor in the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle, says that social media platforms should therefore be “extra careful when it comes to debates involving science.”

He explains:

“The institution of science has developed these norms and behaviour to be self-corrective. So, for [social media platforms] to step into that conversation, I think it’s problematic.”

Experts who spoke to The BMJ emphasised the near impossibility of distinguishing between a minority scientific opinion and an opinion that’s objectively incorrect (misinformation).

Spiegelhalter says that this would constitute a difficult “legalistic judgment about what a reasonable scientific opinion would be … I’ve got my own criteria that I use to decide whether I think something is misleading, but I find it very difficult to codify.”

Other scientists worry that, if this approach to scientific misinformation outlives the pandemic, the scientific debate could become worryingly subject to commercial imperatives.

Vinay Prasad, associate professor at the University of California San Francisco, argued on the MedPage Today website:

“The risk is that the myriad players in biomedicine, from large to small biopharmaceutical and [medical] device firms, will take their concerns to social media and journal companies. On a topic like cancer drugs, a tiny handful of folks critical of a new drug approval may be outnumbered 10:1 by key opinion leaders who work with the company.”7

Thus the majority who speak loudest, most visibly, and with the largest number online, may be judged “correct” by the public—and, as the saying goes, history is written by the victors.

Social media companies are still experimenting with the new raft of measures introduced since last year and may adapt their approach.

Van der Linden says that the talks he’s had with Facebook have focused on how the platform could help foster an appreciation of how science works, “to actually direct people to content that educates them about the scientific process, rather than labelling something as true or false.”

This debate is playing out against a wider ideological struggle, where the ideal of “truth” is increasingly placed above “healthy debate.”

Kulldorff says:

“To remove things in general, I think is a bad idea. Because even if something is wrong, if you remove it there’s no opportunity to discuss it.” For instance, although he favours vaccination in general, people with fears or doubts about the vaccines used should not be silenced in online spaces, he says.

“If we don’t have an open debate within science, then that will have enormous consequences for science and society.”

There are concerns that this approach could ultimately undermine trust in public health. In the US, says West, trust in the government and media is falling.

He explains, “Science is still one of the more trusted institutions, but if you start tagging and shutting down conversation within science, to me that’s even worse than the actual posting of these individual articles.”


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BEWARE: Nucleic acid vaccines use a GENE GUN that forces mutated code into your cells to create protein prions that clog your blood

Did you know that hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines are now in production? Oh, wait, you thought you could just get two vaccines, and maybe a booster jab later, and be done with this whole pandemic thing? You are dead wrong. If you don’t continually get every single vaccine the CDC mandates, then your Covid passes and passports and SIM cards will be suspended until you do.

Inch by inch you are being dragged into the quicksand of zero human rights, zero medical rights, zero communication rights, and zero travel rights. Next comes nucleic acid vaccines that use a gene gun to force a mutated code into your cells, instructing them to produce exponential waste proteins your body cannot use or dispose of either. It’s violent medicine. Violent vaccines.

Make no mistake about it, for the mRNA vaccines that use viral-vector-based technology – mRNA is still part of the code those vaccines deliver into your cells, instructing them to create endless amounts of proteins, fragments, and prions, until your blood clots in damage control. This is proven in clinical research and has been termed vaccination-induced cerebral venous sinus thrombositopenia, or VI-CVST for short.

Hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines are now in production, so sheeple should expect at least 5 to 7 “booster” and “variant” jabs per year, starting in 2022

You can watch the CDC-promoted video on vector vaccines and nucleic acid vaccines and see for yourself, in all their arrogance and insidiousness, shove the information right down your throat, while forcing it into your cells using vaccine “technology.”

Want to really understand why these Covid-19 vaccines are causing horrific blood clots in nations and countries ALL around the world? This is why they’re working on so many vaccines, because the more you get, the worse the blood clotting gets. It’s all about population reduction, involuntary abortions, and sterility.

Watch this short video explanation of how the Covid-19 vaccines force mutated information into your cells that take over control of creating unlimited protein prions.

Nucleic Acid Vaccines force the human body to produce disease-causing “proteins” that mimic virus fragments, causing deadly immune response against them

Once you’ve been vaccinated with Covid-19 mRNA and “gene therapy” jabs, your body is now a mass prion-creating factory, where your previously healthy cells now create “synthetic” sticky fragments that spread through your blood and cling to the inner walls of your blood vessels, including arteries and veins from the heart to the brain.

The “immune response” the CDC and vaccine industrial complex elicits is not one to recognize Covid-19, but to attack the newly created virus-looking proteins that are floating in your blood, everywhere. They even cross the blood-brain barrier, thanks to mRNA technology.

If you’ve been inoculated for Covid-19, or you are considering it, consider this. Administration of nucleic acid vaccines results in the endogenous (comes from within, not external) generation of viral proteins that mimic antigen produced during a REAL viral infection, but multiply that by 1,000, and that’s why the response can be so deadly.

Of greatest concern is the DURATION OF EXPRESSION of which no patient to date has yet to be informed. How long and how fast does the body create these viral proteins? What are the quantity and frequency, and what is the quality?

There are ZERO clinical trials for safety or efficacy regarding the duration of expression for the creation of prions, proteins, and virus-mimicking fragments in the human blood. The blood clot epidemic will be the pandemic, not Covid. Get it?

These lab-created, man-made “endogenous gene sequences” are now part of the human DNA coding for all people on Earth who have been injected. The expected rate of blood clot infection is endogenous to the system, and to the embedded code the viral vector vaccines delineate. These toxic endogenous substances your body now creates contrast with toxic exogenous ones, such as prescription medications, alcohol, street drugs, artificial ingredients in foods, GMOs, and much more. It’s like your body is creating bad cholesterol uncontrollably, even when you’re eating clean.

Still, wondering why people all around the world that have received the Covid vaccines are suffering from an inflamed heart? Visit if you already got a toxic Covid jab and are experiencing side effects, blood clots, adverse events, blindness, deafness, or dementia (then have your loved ones help you).

You see, mercury in flu vaccines was not enough to kill Americans off fast enough, it was just enough to make them all stupid enough to believe in fake news and the CDC. So now they have gene therapy vaccines.

Source: NaturalNews


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Why Mike Lindell Can’t Stop

More than half a year after Trump lost the presidential election, and with establishment-minded Republicans growing weary of re-litigating its outcome, Lindell has become the embodiment of a specific friction point in the Republican Party’s post-election identity: where the belief that the election was rigged, still widely held among the populist Republican voting base, is crashing into a political and legal system that long ago accepted the reality that it wasn’t.

Just last month, a judge in Antrim County, Michigan, dismissed one of the last remaining election fraud lawsuits brought after the November election, a case to which many supporters, including Lindell, had pinned their hopes. Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, declared recently: “I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election. I think that is all over with.”

Lindell hasn’t let go. For that, he’s becoming less welcome in some GOP circles. Last month, he was kicked out of a meeting of the Republican Governors Association in Nashville, Tennessee, to which he said he’d originally been invited. His business has also suffered. More than 20 retailers have dropped his product, and Dominion Voting Systems, the voting machine maker, filed a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against MyPillow and Lindell earlier this year, accusing Lindell of spreading false accusations that the election was rigged.

Lindell calls the Dominion suit a “big joke.” But in a lawsuit filed recently against Dominion and another voting machine manufacturer, Smartmatic, Lindell estimates he could suffer damages exceeding $2 billion from what he claimed is the companies’ “reign of litigation terror and conspiracy to deprive Lindell and others of their constitutionally protected freedom of political expression.” In addition, he said his reputation has suffered and that he has been subjected to “threats to his personal safety and life.”

Not long ago, Lindell was considered a potential contender for public office in Minnesota, a business-entertainer-turned-politician not unlike Trump or Jesse Ventura, the former professional wrestler who served a term as Minnesota governor. Today, Lindell complains he can’t even get booked on TV. (His recent appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” was “a miracle,” he said, even if Kimmel mostly mocked him.)

Lindell has said the election will be “pulled down” and that Trump will be back in office by August, something Trump himself has reportedly been telling people. At the MyPillow headquarters, Lindell hedged on the exact month, suggesting he “might be off by, maybe it’s September.” Regardless, he offered another firm deadline he’s certain of: “I will tell you this. The election is coming down, 100 percent, and there will be no machines in 2022.”

Even in Minnesota’s Republican-leaning Carver County, southwest of Minneapolis—and even among some supporters of Lindell’s who have known him for decades—there is a sense that that might not happen, and that if it doesn’t, the fallout might be too much for Lindell.

In her living room overlooking the Minnesota River not far from the MyPillow offices, Jeanette Lenzen, who with her husband, Dick, once rented Lindell an old bus shed where he made some of his first pillows, said, “Mike makes me nervous because he’s so hyper. … I like what he’s trying to do, but I think he might be going too far.”

Lindell, she said, is up against “the tweeters and the Facebook people,” who she said have “so much power.”

“He’s done so well, I worry that he’ll lose everything,” Lenzen said. “He just has all the faith in God that God’s going to help him get all this stuff. But sometimes, God says ‘No.’”

If you understand Mike Lindell’s biography, however, it’s not clear what, if anything, will make him stop.

Before Lindell was ever talking about God or Trump or election machines, before the idea for a pillow came to him in a dream, there was Schmitty’s Tavern, the bar he owned in Victoria, Minn., and whose atmosphere—if you plucked Lindell off a stage and dropped him back behind the bar—would approximate, in miniature, the election conspiracy circus he orchestrates today.

Before he purchased the bar with gambling winnings in 1990, a friend who had scouted it out for him told him the clientele was “falling-down drunk. They’re rowdy and throwing stuff. It’s a nut house!” Lindell recalled in his memoir. The friend “didn’t want to have anything to do with Schmitty’s.”

Lindell thought: “This sounds like my kind of place.”

Raised in a trailer park not far from the bar, near a pickle factory in Chaska, Lindell wrote that as a boy he never felt like he fit in with other kids, but “learned a technique that made up for it, a new habit that would become a pattern that lasted well into adulthood: showing off.” There were little things, like jumping into a snowbank from the window of a moving school bus. And there were things that nearly killed him, according to Lindell’s account.

“I fell into a lake and was trapped under a sheet of ice,” he wrote. “I was nearly electrocuted by a bolt of power so massive that it shut down half the town. I bought a motorcycle and wrecked it twice—the second time on the way to a skydiving lesson, during which I smashed into the ground at 60 miles per hour because my parachute didn’t fully open.”

“I began to feel invincible,” Lindell wrote.

By the 1980s, Lindell, after dropping out of college, had a part-time job as a bartender in Chaska and had learned to count cards, a skill he’d return to over the years at blackjack tables in Nevada when he needed money to cover debts. He was addicted to alcohol, cocaine and gambling, on the hook to his bookies for tens of thousands of dollars, with multiple DUIs and a theft conviction on his record.

In Schmitty’s Tavern, across from Steiger Lake, he created “a daily escape from reality,” he wrote. In his book, Lindell describes “people dancing on the bar, spraying each other with Super Soakers, hanging upside down from the rafters … someone setting off a brick of firecrackers.” Lindell was an accommodating host, allowing customers to write bad checks and waiting to cash them until payday, and he had a loyal following. He wrote, “I was selling alcohol, but I wasn’t selling alcohol, if you know what I mean. I was selling fun. Family. Belonging.”

Lindell added, “Maybe that was because, beginning in childhood, I never felt like I belonged.”


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Pompeo builds national profile with new political group

Pompeo, who spent three terms in the House before joining the Trump administration, deflected questions about his interest in a White House run, saying that his focus was on bolstering Republican candidates up and down the ballot in 2022. While Pompeo has made trips to Iowa and New Hampshire, he said he also planned to be active in other states without the same central role in presidential nominating contests.

“It is unambiguously clear to me that if we don’t get it right in the next 16 or 17 months, what will happen over these next four years will make it incredibly difficult for whoever is elected president in 2024. So that is my singular focus,” said Pompeo, who noted that he had told party leaders in both congressional chambers that he would help ahead of the midterms.

The 57-year-old, Harvard Law School-educated Pompeo has embraced the role of campaign surrogate since leaving the State Department earlier this year. Since the end of February, he has appeared at more than 25 events, including more than a half-dozen for House Republicans and several for the party’s House and Senate campaign organizations.

Before the end of June, he is to make an appearance at the Republican National Committee’s summer donor retreat in Dana Point, Calif. and will hold a fundraiser for California Rep. Mike Garcia, who narrowly won reelection last November. In July, he is to speak at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif. as part of a series on the future of the Republican Party. He is also expected to host an upcoming event for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is up for reelection next year.

“We’re going to go out, and we’ve started this already, but we’re going to go out and expand to a greater degree, helping candidates all across the country,” Pompeo said.

Pompeo said he was willing to intervene in contested Republican primaries, indicating that he would be looking to back candidates who presented the party with the best chance of winning the general election against a Democrat. He has already thrown his support to several candidates facing nomination fights, including Trump White House press secretary and Arkansas gubernatorial hopeful Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and New York Rep. Lee Zeldin, a gubernatorial contender who is running against Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York City mayor and Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

“You can absolutely imagine me getting involved in races where there are multiple Republican candidates,” Pompeo said. “My goal is pretty clear: I want to elect the most conservative electable candidate we can find in each of these races, whether its school board, city council, or a United States Senate seat.”

Pompeo follows two other high-profile Trump administration figures, former Vice President Mike Pence and ex-U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, who have also recently set up committees that will allow them to support candidates. They provide a political foundation for the trio, who unlike many of the other potential 2024 contenders do not have the ready-made platform that comes with currently holding public office.

Like Pompeo, Pence and Haley are also expected to keep packed political calendars this summer. And with the House up for grabs next year, all three are engaging heavily in congressional contests.

It’s a well-worn strategy among future presidential hopefuls, who have used it to earn chits from lawmakers, cultivate donors and introduce themselves to activists across the country. Two years before his 1968 election as president, Richard Nixon campaigned heavily for Republican candidates in a midterm election that saw sweeping gains for the party. Two years prior to becoming the GOP nominee, now-Sen. Mitt Romney crisscrossed the country for Republicans during a 2010 midterm election where the party took control of the House.

The former secretary of state’s travel schedule shows how he has begun to court social conservatives, who traditionally play a key role in GOP nominating contests. Pompeo, an evangelical, has made a handful of appearances this year before Christian-oriented organizations, including a pair at Kansans for Life and one at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. The Family Leadership Summit, where Pompeo will appear later this summer, is overseen by Bob Vander Plaats, an influential Iowa-based social conservative.

CAVPAC, named after the U.S. Army Cavalry, in which Pompeo served, originally filed papers with the Federal Election Commission in February. But the committee’s public launch will provide it with more visibility, which is needed to help it raise funds. The year-and-a-half endeavor, Pompeo said, would require “a fair amount of money.”

Pompeo, who was Trump’s first CIA director before becoming secretary of state, was one of the few senior administration officials who maintained a consistently stable relationship with the former president over his four years in office. Pompeo, who as secretary of state succeeded Rex Tillerson, a frequent target of Trump’s ire, said he still spoke with Trump “from time to time” but declined to disclose what they discussed.

Pompeo dodged a question about whether he would run for president if Trump mounted a 2024 comeback bid, saying he hadn’t “given it enough thought” because he was focused on the 2022 elections, not the next race for the White House.

But he added that he was intent on “deliver[ing] good outcomes for the American people” and said that “wherever I can be the most effective in delivering those outcomes, whether it’s as a candidate, or in this case supporting candidates, that’s what my wife and I aim to do.”


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Will the “Winds of Change” Sweep Netanyahu Off his Political Olympus?


Despite the issue, one seemingly resolved for good, in Israel with the swearing-in of the country’s new government without Benjamin Netanyahu, the political battles among these “hot-headed Israeli boys” just do not stop.

According to journalists from Zman Yisrael, in May Benjamin Netanyahu examined the possibility of running for Israel’s presidency at the suggestion of Likud deputies, who advocated for Netanyahu to leave the post of prime minister and allow the formation of a right-wing government. Along with that, he asked his party colleagues whether the majority in the Knesset would support his candidacy for the presidency. After that secret trial balloon for Netanyahu’s chances of gaining support from other parliamentarians on the issue of occupying the presidency, the Likud came to the conclusion that if he had run for office, he would have outperformed all his competitors, including I. Herzog, who had assumed the presidency. Even Netanyahu’s legal advisers concluded that even the Supreme Court of Israel would not have thrown up any obstacles to nominating the prime minister for the presidency, despite the lawsuit and the charges that were filed against him. However, Netanyahu stated that he was not interested in the presidency, and he would rather lead the opposition than take that seat.

Political correspondent for Channel 12 Yaron Avraham says that B. Netanyahu has not yet come to terms with the fact that he has not been able to form a government. The journalist reports that Netanyahu continues to count on the fact that something will go wrong during the wave of changes, and there will be no new government.

Following a CNN report that drew parallels between the behavior of Benjamin Netanyahu and former US President Trump, the Likud was quick to give reassurances that Netanyahu would ensure a peaceful transfer of power to the new government. Nevertheless, Israeli media indicated that even right before the government was sworn in, no concrete actions have been observed to help transfer power – Netanyahu was only engaged in discrediting the future government, and making plans for its early collapse.

Provocations and incendiarism in respect to Yamina representatives and the party’s leader, Naftali Bennett, have continued over the past few days. For example, starting on June 10 statements and calls to action started to be disseminated in media in which Bennett was called an evil that threatens the world of the Torah, and anonymous calls were published to impose the Kabbalistic curse of “Pulse de Nur” on him (this is a deadly curse: the person against whom it directed is allegedly supposed to die in the course of a year). In October 1995, about a month before the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, extremists held a ceremony in front of his home to impose this curse. A similar ceremony was allegedly held against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon following his demarcation plan. They also threatened to impose “Pulse de Nur” on the Yamina deputy Nir Orbach, who agreed to support the “government of change”.

Another plan to break up the Bennett-Lapid coalition was announced on June 9 by Channel 12 correspondent Amit Segal, who is well-informed about what was happening on Balfour Street. In particular, he said that in the coalition agreement between Yamina and Yesh Atid there is a “hole” that will allow Bennett to deprive Lapid of its rotation if he manages to enlist the support of all right-wing factions – and this will become possible if Netanyahu temporarily transfers power in the Likud to someone else.

Recently, Netanyahu created his first problem for the new government, involving the demolition of illegal buildings at an Avidar outpost, which arose after the terrorist attack committed at Tapuah Junction. The Avidar outpost was founded in 2013; until recently, only a few “children of the hills” lived there in tents and makeshift structures. However, in the last month the settlers have exhibited tumultuous activity, roads have appeared on the hill, and even permanent houses of stone and concrete have begun to be constructed, whose demolition was recently ordered by Minister of Defense Benny Gantz. This was the reason why Netanyahu’s office sent a letter to Defense Minister Benny Gantz on June 9 admonishing against demolishing the illegal outpost in the north of Samaria. The letter states that the Ministry of Defense did not have the right to issue a directive prohibiting construction at the Avidar outpost, since these decisions must be approved by the Prime Minister, and that was not done. In addition, the land under the outpost may turn out to be state-owned, and the original Palestinian owners left the area long ago, so the state can now take over the land and allow construction. Although no evidence has been provided, the letter nevertheless proposes urgently establishing a commission to investigate the issue, and evictions should be avoided until the commission delivers its findings. However, Gantz figured out Netanyahu’s plans, and the possibility of opponents of the “government of change” using this issue to further destabilize the situation in the country, and decided to put an end to this activity until the new government was sworn in so that the problem would not fall upon the shoulders of Prime Minister Bennett.

“After 30 years of right-wing rule that dominated the country after the defeat in the Yom Kippur War in 1973, in addition to the fact that the religious right abandoned Netanyahu without warning to unite with the center-left, the destruction of the alliance with his remaining supporters is already happening within the Likud party itself,” writes the Swiss Le Temps. “Delegitimization, attack, and disunion – that’s what Benjamin Netanyahu is doing. And these are not just words: he has turned the system upside down,” says Gayil Talshir, professor of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and author of a book on the political career of the prime minister. He is sure that Netanyahu’s behavior was prompted by the corruption trial that began 10 years ago against him. “Upon feeling threatened, he began to systematically demonize the judiciary, the Arab minority, the left … He became paranoid. Nowadays, he talks with nobody without recording the conversation. He does not have a single friend left,” says Talshir. The shift has occurred over the past four elections: MPs who previously appreciated him have realized that Netanyahu is clinging to power at all costs, putting his legal interests ahead of the interests of the right, and the country as a whole. This was the case when, in the midst of the COVID crisis, he refused to approve the state budget solely to pressure his opponent, Benny Gantz.

However, despite Netanyahu’s intensified attempts to remain in power, the Maariv newspaper reports that his family has clearly come to terms with the outcome of this political struggle, and is preparing to leave the Prime Minister’s residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem. According to the newspaper’s source in Caesarea, Sara Netanyahu in recent days has already started renovating their private house.

Vladimir Platov, expert on the Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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