The Jews will probably blame another fake terrorist group, or even blame Iran or North Korea. How long are you American sheeple going to let your own criminal Jewish Government do this to you. How long is it going to take you sheeple to realize the real people behind these attacks since world war 1. Jews have always been behind every terrorist attack world wide.
- Terrorism always works in the favor of the state. It makes Presidents look Presidential, and it gives the Zionist Governments an excuse to crack down on civil liberties all across the country.
Photo of one of the explosions at the Boston marathon.
Latest: at least 2 casualties; 28 injured – 10 w/ amputations
FAA has issued a temporary flight restriction over Boston
Reports that cell towers being turned off to prevent possible further detonation. Multiple additional explosive devices have been found and are currently being dismantled by the bomb squad as they continue to search for more bombs. Air quality monitors brought in to ensure no chemical attack
Latest: at least 2 casualties; 28 injured – 10 w/ amputations
FAA has issued a temporary flight restriction over Boston
Reports that cell towers being turned off to prevent possible further detonation. Multiple additional explosive devices have been found and are currently being dismantled by the bomb squad as they continue to search for more bombs. Air quality monitors brought in to ensure no chemical attack
- It’s getting simply laughable the evidence being piled together of the staged circus of comedy the Boston marathon bombing actually was. From dead “Sandy Hook” principals being ‘resurrected’ and appearing on FOX news as a witness named “Donna’ who witnessed the bombing, to utterly puerile acts of “bad acting” and staging being caught on camera as “PROPS” are added into scenes!. Blood packets, containers, flasks are being found all over the released media, and just as 911, theirs blatant irregularities in the “scenes” that were photographed and evidence of co-ordinated “live” on the fly editing with ‘pre-made’ post inserted media. ITS A JOKE!. I mean, their is even cameo appearances by STEVEN SPIELBERG for crying out loud! One of the “PROPS” used in one of the scenes highlighted in the video, shows you how all that “blood” appears all over the place, AFTER the bomb went off.
Boston Bombing Hollywood Stage scene and crew.
- Whoa! Government is slipping up! This lady supposedly died in the elementary school shooting & apparently died again in the bombing at Boston. They have to be smarter than this, right?
Blackwater CIA Seal Team Agent was caught running out of the scene ..WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK
Here is a fake scene with all the actors grouped together, some even smiling. Hollywood still hasn’t mastered the look of real blood properly. You would think that the guy with the blown off legs would be more of a priority than some of the other stuff.
Facebook Memorial Page Made BEFORE Boston Bombing
Here is the page before it is taken down, and now back up again –…
Debunking Boston Marathon Bombing w/ Alex Jones
Army’s Runner Pulled Before Boston Blast!
Look at the skin flapping around the bone on his leg. Skin is not that thick.
Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as ‘controlled explosion’ drill by Boston bomb squad
Boston Marathon Blasts: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions
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Waiting on who the Jewish Governments will blame for this false flag attack.
Will it be another false Terrorist group that they created?
I bet America will blame NK for the attack.
The more money we give to the DHS, the more money they’ll have to stage this crap…and to fight the American citizens.
It’s sad that the Jewish owned Media networks are blaming fake islamic terrorists again.
When will the hatred racism and violence by the Jews stop.
Any Bostonians want to know who exactly the enemy within is?
Start with the most obvious culprits, like Menino and Kerry.
Then Dr Richard Wolfe and Jonathan Burnstein MD at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Hart family (owners of New England Dental Center), owner of Forum restaurant Euz Azevedo (Brazilian who appears to be related to a Senior Economist at the World Bank for Caribbean and Latin American region), General Manager of Lord and Taylor Boston, Daniel Mandeau (who the ‘CCTV footage’ would have to be retrieved from), Courtney Moore, General Manager of Israeli-owned Max Brenner chocolate shop, which was conveniently closed that day…
More to come…Mossad at work!
It’s official folks… Looks like they are blaming two CIA assets, (fake islamic terrorists) that they were grooming for 5 years prior to the Boston bombing.
Listen to the podcast
A World Revolution Has Begun!
A word on the Boston Bombings. The Jews are shoring up a back up plan to save face in the event they don’t succeed w/their NWO.
The reason Boston, Sandy Hook and Aurora were faked is so they can come back and say they’re benevolent and wouldn’t kill anyone. It was all just a ploy.
Also, whenever I see Alex Jones vids I ALWAYS TELL EVERYONE HE IS A TOTAL CIA SHILL! While he does say truths, they’re only what the handlers want going out.
True Dreg, also Alex Jones will never admit the Jews are behind every terrorist attack , war, genocide, holocaust, assassinations, drug trafficking, child porn, etc, on our planet.
Alex Jones and David icke only skim on the surface and never go any deeper to the real masters behind it all…. but they are waking up the sheeple to start thinking for themselves.
this is so sad, faking an incident and then blame it to someone? What kind of sick people do we have in the government? At first I can’t believe it, but with the pictures and all… there’s just no words on how to describe my fury.
As A medic I can Swear Those are Real CPR kits.
Every one that familiar with those kit can identify the Airways on the lid of one of them.
So maybe the liars aren’t the jews?
They have to use real CPR kits, or you wont believe its real.
But they are also using real Trama Moulage kits